Rod Arquette Show

Rod Arquette Show

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Listen to Rod Arquette, weekdays 4pm-7pm on Talk Radio 105.9 - KNRS

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Thursday, July 14, 20224:20 pm: Melanie Mortenson, a parent advocate at Utah Parents United and a former candidate for the Utah State School Board joins the program to discuss the stall tactics the board is using to delay the drafting of a sensitive materials policy4:38 pm: University of Utah Law Professor Amos Guiora joins the show to discuss President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia5:05 pm: FreedomWorks economist Steve Moore joins Rod for their weekly conversation about politics and the nation's economy6:05 pm: Political commentator Gary Abernathy joins the program to give us his take on the now confirmed abortion story of the 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped by an illegal immigrant, and how her story has now become a political football6:20 pm: Eddie Scarry of The Federalist joins Rod to discuss his piece on how the harassment of public servants is the Left’s new normal6:38 pm: Margaret Busse, Executive Director of the Utah Department of Commerce joins the program to discuss the work her office is doing to streamline the process of professional licensing to make it easier for skilled workers to find jobs6:50 pm: Representative Andrew Stoddard joins the show for a conversation about how Utah can lead when it comes to combatting climate change

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Wednesday, July 13, 20224:20 pm: Steven Camarota, Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies, joins the show to discuss the results of a new study that show there has been a long term decline in the labor force participation rate that pre-dates the Covid pandemic4:38 pm: Frank Straub, Director of the Center for Targeted Violence Prevention, joins Rod to discuss what parents should do if they suspect their child is considering shooting at a school6:05 pm: Former Utah Speaker of the House Greg Hughes, aka “Citizen Hughes,” joins Rod for their weekly conversation about the wacky world of politics6:38 pm: Real Clear Investigations Reporter Mark Hemingway joins Rod to discuss what he calls the real backstory in the downfall of Roe v. Wade

4:20 pm: Paul Bois of Breitbart News joins the program to discuss how the Washington Post used viral repetition of a story about a 10-year-old receiving an abortion in order to report the unchecked story as a fact4:38 pm: Senator Mike Lee joins Rod for their weekly conversation about what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and today they’ll discuss how many on the left now view the Supreme Court as a racist organization6:05 pm: Jennie Taer, Investigative Reporter for The Daily Caller joins Rod to discuss the Biden administration’s proposed punishments for border agents accused of “whipping” immigrants6:20 pm: Liz Peek of Fox News joins the show to discuss the reasons behind Elon Musk wanting out of his deal to purchase social media giant Twitter6:38 pm: Attorney and political commentator Kurt Schlichter joins Rod to discuss his latest book “We’ll Be Back: The Rise and Fall of America”

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Monday, July 11, 20224:20 pm: Hatch Foundation Executive Director Matt Sandgren joins Rod to preview a webinar the group will hold later this week making a case against the packing of the Supreme Court4:38 pm: David Ibarra, author, leadership consultant and a former candidate for mayor in Salt Lake City joins Rod to discuss his op-ed in the Deseret News calling for city leaders to step up with resources for the homeless population5:05 pm: Author, speaker and journalist Sophia A. Nelson joins the program to discuss her piece for the New York Post about how Christians are getting tired of being punished for their views in America6:05 pm: Jack Spencer, Energy Analyst for the Heritage Foundation joins Rod for a conversation about why Joe Biden sent U.S. oil reserves overseas6:20 pm: Utah County Commissioner Bill Lee has reportedly requested a copy of voting machine data from the 2022 primary election and he joins Rod to discuss the reasons behind that ...

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown –Friday, July 8, 20224:20 pm: Tarren Bragdon, President and CEO of the Foundation for Government Accountability joins the program to discuss his group’s push to have states put a stop to the Biden administration’s partisan “get out the vote” campaign4:38 pm: Gary Gygi of Gygi Capital Management joins the program for a conversation about the latest jobs and unemployment numbers5:05 pm: Representative Candice Pierucci joins the show for a conversation about the future of school choice in Utah following Arizona’s passing of the nation’s first universal school choice bill6:05 pm: Eric Boehm, a reporter for joins Rod to discuss how the FDA has essentially blamed itself for the baby formula shortage in America6:20 pm: State Representative Steve Eliason joins the program to discuss his latest efforts to prevent suicide as part of our ongoing Live On suicide prevention campaign series6:38 pm: We’ll listen back to Rod’s conversations this w...

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Thursday, July 7, 20224:20 pm: Economist Steve Moore of Freedomworks joins Rod for their weekly conversation about politics and the nation’s economy4:38 pm: Clinical psychologist Dr. Todd Corelli joins the program to discuss the role marijuana use played with the Highland Park shooter and other mass shooters6:05 pm: Clark Aposhian of the Utah Shooting Sports Council and host of Gun Radio Utah on KNRS joins Rod for a conversation about a recent Hinckley Institute poll showing Utahns support strong gun control laws, and what happens when gun control laws don’t prevent crime6:20 pm: Author and columnist David Marcus joins the program for a conversation about his piece in the New York Post about how many of those on the left are saying Joe Biden is a lost cause6:38 pm: Anna Giaritelli, Homeland Security Reporter for the Washington Examiner, joins the program to discuss how the Biden administration is quietly dismissing illegal immigration cases, a pr...

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Wednesday, July 6, 20224:38 pm: Amie Parnes, Senior White House Correspondent at The Hill, joins the show to discuss the building frustration and alarm of Democrats over the powerlessness of Joe Biden6:05 pm: Former Utah Speaker of the House Greg Hughes joins the show for his weekly visit with Rod about the wacky world of politics6:38 pm: Writer and film producer Kevin Stocklin joins the show to discuss his recent piece for The Epoch Times on why more companies are moving their operations to so-called “red states”

Violent crime is spiking and why, The U.S. is moving Center-Right, Should conservative employers discriminate, Supreme Court's EPA decision

Farm labor shortage, California transgender sanctuary, Pro-Life rally Saturday, Help for victims of sex trafficking, Economy and quality of life in Utah

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Wednesday, June 29, 20224:20 pm: Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies joins Rod to discuss his piece in the New York Post where he says Joe Biden’s policies are to blame for the migrant crisis in America4:38 pm: Dominick Sansone, a contributor to the Epoch Times, joins the program to discuss the approaching geographic realignment in post-Roe America6:05 pm: Former Utah Speaker of the House Greg Hughes joins Rod for their weekly conversation about the wacky world of politics6:38 pm: Mark Paoletta, an attorney and Senior Fellow at the Center for Renewing America joins Rod to discuss why he says Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas doesn’t care about what his racist critics think about him

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