Rick Renner Podcast (audio)

Rick Renner Podcast (audio)

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300 聲音
Rick Renner

God will show you how to get out of any trap you might find yourself in right now. There is a way out, and God has given you His Word and His Spirit to guide you every step of the way.

We need to use common sense about where we go and with whom we choose to spend our time. Christ has set us free, but just because we’re free doesn’t mean we can play around the edge of the cliff!

If the church at Ephesus was such a good church, why did Jesus correct them? What does a “good church” look like? Rick answers this question.

I know that you face many demands, but today I want to remind you that God has watched what you have done for His work, and He will reward you. All the time, effort, and finances you have sown into the advancement of the Gospel are before His face — and He is faithful to remember and to reward you for what you have done.

Apostles are relational and geographical. This means a person can only be an apostle to a church or group with whom he has a relationship, and because he can’t be an apostle to everyone on the planet, he is limited to the geographical territory he can go. Join us on Home Group as we continue our discussion on Apostolic Ministry.

Why does Jesus liken the Church to candlesticks? This is a vital truth you need to understand, so join Rick today as he opens this truth to you.

It is impossible to exhaust the revelation in Romans 6:11, which declares the old man is dead and an entirely newly created man has arrived in Christ.

In addition to the 12 foundational apostles, the Bible lists 12 other individuals who served in the office of apostle during New Testament times. The Early Church established a test to confirm whether a person who claimed to be an apostle was fake or authentic. Tune in to Home Group as we continue our discussion on Apostolic Ministry.

What do you think of your pastor? What SHOULD you think about your pastor? Today let Rick help you with these important questions.

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