Revise - GCSE Biology Revision

Revise - GCSE Biology Revision

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Let other students help you revise for your GCSE Biology exams. In this series, students break down complicated revision subjects to its core components helping you rock your exams. Find your FREE online GCSE bio course here:

In this episode, Emma looks at genome screening and sex determination for your GCSE Bio. She looks at the advantages and disadvantages of genome screening, as well as the determination of sex using X and Y chromosomes. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

Join Emma as she goes through everything you need to know about genetic inheritance for your GCSE Bio exam. She looks at the different effects of mutations, the role that alleles play in gene expression as well as phenotypes. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

In this episode, Emma looks at mitosis, meiosis and the genome for your GCSE Biology exam. She looks at the process of producing gametes from meiosis, as well as the role of mitosis in sexual reproduction. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

In this episode, Emma looks at sexual and asexual reproduction for your GCSE Bio exam. She goes through meiosis and meitosis, as well as all the different types of cells involved in reproduction, like gametes, diploids and haploids. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

Emma goes through the different types of plant hormones for your GCSE Bio exam. She looks at the role auxins, gibberellins and ethene as hormones in plants. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

Emma goes through hormonal treatments for infertility for your GCSE Bio exam. She looks at the process of using FSH and LH for in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

Emma's back with everything you need to know about contraceptives for your GCSE Bio exam. She looks at the pill, sterilisation, IUDs and many more types of contraceptive! Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

In this episode, Emma goes through the process of puberty for your GCSE Bio exam. She looks at the four hormones responsible for the mentrual cycle: FSH, Oestrogen, LH, and Progesterone. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

In this episode, Emma looks at the possible treatments for patients with kidney failure for your GCSE Bio exam. She goes through the advantages and disadvantages of dialysis and kidney transplants. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

Emma looks at the process of regulating the levels of water in the human body for your GCSE Bio exam. She looks at the process of urination and the action of the anti-diuretic hormone ADH. Perfect for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC and CIE exam boards. Ideal for preparing you for yourGCSE Biology exam. Click here for the full course, or visit this link:

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