Reclaim Your Time and Energy

Reclaim Your Time and Energy

Control your schedule to free yourself

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1 小時 56 分鐘
8 聲音

How do top executives manage their time, energy and produce at a high level? Jeremy Burrows is a longtime executive assistant, host of the #1 podcast for assistants, The Leader Assistant Podcast, and author of the #1 Amazon Best Seller, The Leader Assistant: Four Pillars of a Confident, Game-Changing Assistant. Jeremy has spent his entire career managing the energy and time of top executives so they can produce at a high level. In this course, he shares 7 practical keys you can use to reclaim your time, energy, and productivity in a world filled with distractions, interruptions, and burnout.

  • Jeremy Burrows
    Jeremy Burrows
    EA to the Founder and CEO of Capacity

How are you supposed to make the most of your time if you don’t have a grasp on what you actually do with your time day-in and day-out? In this lesson, we’ll look at the first key to reclaiming your time, energy, and productivity – tracking your time.

Segmenting or “Bucketing” your time is the second key to reclaiming your time, energy, and productivity. In this lesson, we’ll walk through this simple, yet powerful step along your journey to better time management.

Now that you know how you spend your time and what drains or energizes you, let’s look at the third key to reclaiming your time, energy, and productivity – scheduling your time. In other words, when should you spend time on things that energize or drain you?

Now that you’ve scheduled your time, it’s time to guard it! A calendar dictated by others is a burnout machine, so in this episode, we’ll look at the fourth key to reclaiming your time, energy, and productivity – guarding your time.

Now that you have time blocked off on your calendar, and a system of guarding it, what are you supposed to do with it? In this episode, we’ll look at how to be productive with the time you have.

You produce more, have more fun, and are more pleasant to be around when you’re energized. In this episode, we’ll look at how to develop and restore your energy. What motivates you? What’s your “why?” What do you live for? Now that you know what motivates you, here are a few ways to develop your energy...

Burnout is rampant among working people. It can destroy careers, marriages, and even lives. No one can avoid burnout completely, but in this final episode, we’ll look at the seventh key to reclaiming your time, energy, and productivity: resisting burnout.


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