RAISING THE BAR with John Cooper

RAISING THE BAR with John Cooper

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RAISING THE BAR hosted by John Cooper in association with Menprovement. John interviews high-profile authors and thought leaders from around the world in the field of psychology, philosophy, history and politics for the purpose of raising our level of awareness.

In this episode I welcome back The People's Lawyer - David Adelman who walks us through his presentation Combatting Medical Tyranny - showing everyone who they really are, what their lawful rights are, and how to assert them.

In this powerful episode, I chat with Walt Heyer, who in the 1980's transitioned to become Laura Jenson, and then 8 years later transitioned back to become Walt again. He explains how the vulnerable and mentally unstable are pushed into transitioning, and yet there is no support for those wishing to transition back to their real biological gender. We explore the timeline of transgenderism, the political agenda behind it and how Walt's message is saving thousands of young lives from making the same mistake he did. To buy Walt's book 'Paper Genders' To watch the video of this show

In this fascinating episode Cameron a non-binary intersectional queer feminist debates with Darren Deojee - a gender polarity teacher, about gender, transgenderism and the true nature of reality.

RAISING THE BAR | A Celibate Christian, a Free-Love Advocate and a Master Seducer discuss Relationships | Archer Avelin, Benjamin Von Mendelssohn and Hans Comyn.

In part 3 of the series, I chat with Ex-Scotland Yard Detective Jon Wedger and human trafficking victim Isabella. We first discuss mind control and MKUltra and how it is used to fragment the mind and create "alters". Then we hear Isabella's shocking story about how she was trafficked to the UK from Nigeria at the age of 14, was then gang raped at VIP occult gatherings, became demonically possessed, and later had to be exorcised by a priest.

I talk with one of my favourite thought-leaders Max Igan who predicted the global lockdowns back when the Christchurch shooting happened, and has been on the front line since 911, warning people of the incoming global dictatorship. We talk about the mass genocide occurring as well as the transhuman transition, where we are giving up our humanity in favour of a virtual digitised world.

In this eye-opening episode I chat with Dr Tom Cowan - author of The Contagion Myth about how we've been lied to about the nature of viruses. The so called isolation process is actually a process of "culturing" which is mixing with other elements such as kidney cells, which get poisoned, atrophy and break down. And then viewed under a microscope we are told that the break down of that genetic material IS the virus.

Courageous ex-detective blows the whistle on satanic ritual abuse going all the way up to government and royalty. Jon shows us how the whole system works, from the children, known as the "diamonds", to the "spotters" (kidnappers), to the "fixers" - those that procure the children and set up the event, to the "cleaners" who forensically clean the events to hide any evidence, to the "bloods" - the ritual abusers at the government level, all the way to Royalty who are the ultimate rulers.

In this explosive interview, former Scotland Yard detective Jon Wedger blows the whistle on a gigantic paedophile network he uncovered, whilst working in the police force. Children were pimped out from social services and care homes to elite VIP parties, which included well known politicians, high court judges and celebrities. Instead of gaining support, Jon was threatened by the establishment to stop the inquiry, otherwise he would lose his job, his house, his pension, and his children. It turned out to be a whole lot worse! Watch the full video

In this knock-out interview with Thomas Sheridan we discuss the Religious Cult of C*vid, and how the majority of the world has been pulled into it unknowingly. We discuss the cult rituals of mask wearing, clapping and the repeated mantras such as “Stay Safe, Stay Home, Save Lives”. We talk about the fanaticism of those that worship their secular leaders and take their orders unquestioningly, the demonisation of anyone that stands outside this cult by calling them “conspiracy theorists”. As well as talk about where this is all heading for society. To watch the video version: https://youtu.be/VdxjJ9Q5kNI

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