RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness Australia/NZ

RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness Australia/NZ

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Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 90 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa.

Covid-driven labor shortages and port congestion quickly drove freight rates higher last year. What is the way forward, and how quickly (if at all) will freight rates get cheaper? More importantly, when will supply chains overcome the bottlenecks and restore reliability to container shipping? Tune in as RaboResearch Supply Chains Analyst Viet Nguyen joins Stefan Vogel, General Manager for RaboResearch – Australia & New Zealand, to discuss the insights from his recently released report on global ocean freight and the impact on Australian and New Zealand food & agri sectors.

Emma Higgins and Mick Harvey address the question: Are we passed the peak in global commodities markets? Listen to learn about the latest dynamics driving global and local markets.

Angus Gidley-Baird speaks with RaboResearch Seafood Analyst Novel Sharma about what has changed in global seafood markets since Covid and which markets are growing.

RaboResearch’s Global Sugar Strategist, Andy Duff, shares his view on the 2022/23 outlook for the sector with Senior Commodities Analyst Cheryl Kalisch Gordon. Together they discuss the global and Australian pricing outlook, including when volatility is likely to hit.

Join Genevieve Steven, Agriculture Analyst for New Zealand, and Angus Gidley-Baird, Senior Animal Proteins Analyst for Australia, as they walk through Rabobank’s latest Global Beef Quarterly report and discuss progress in the carbon-neutral product space.

Join New Zealand-based agriculture analysts Emma Higgins and Genevieve Steven to discuss the June Agribusiness Monthly Report and take a closer look at commodity prices, input costs, and FX.

Angus Gidley-Baird and Genevieve Steven discuss what is going on in the New Zealand and Australian lamb industries. Together, they review how production is shaping up, what is happening in export markets, and what this might mean for prices.

Global hopes are that Australia can deliver a hat-trick of great grain & oilseed production in 2022/23, and local hopes are on a hat-trick to secure good margins in a high input cost world. Cheryl Kalisch Gordon and Dennis Voznesenski discuss their just-released report on crop-planting expectations, their thoughts on production, and where they see global and local prices over the coming year.

Emma Higgins and Michael Harvey take a closer look at the key messages from the annual New Zealand dairy seasonal outlook.

Given how tight the global grain, oilseed, and cotton markets are, the USDA’s first forecasts for 2022/23 –published in the WASDE report late last week – were even more eagerly anticipated than usual. Dennis Voznesenski catches up with Cheryl Kalisch Gordon to go through the key headlines and discuss what the forecasts might mean for pricing.

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