Queens of the Mines

Queens of the Mines

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Astonishing women from California History. Andrea Anderson was born and raised in one of the oldest gold rush cities in California. She spent a decade working as an internationally traveling showgirl and women empowerment educator. In 2017, she was touring Europe with her vaudeville show. Soon after, a health diagnosis literally took her off her feet. Bedridden, she became depressed and shut down. She was not a stranger to depression after growing up in my father’s abusive household. Longing for inspiration, she looked inward.At the age of seventeen, after fifteen years of abuse, her and her sisters sent their biological father to prison. That was a long time ago. She has three kids now, in the double digits, and he’s still in there. She was now estranged from her biological father but longing to know more about his side of my family tree.She found out through a not so deep dive and DNA test, that she was the granddaughter of generations of strong Native American women. His mother was Cherokee. She lived a hard life working in the lumber mills, and had missing fingers to prove it. She had nine children, an abusive husband and a wicked garden. That was all Andrea could remember.A grandfather of hers, had made the trip from Georgia to Oklahoma on The Trail of Tears and later made their way to California. Her third great aunt Rebecca Tickanesky Neugin, was the last living person who had made that treacherous journey. She also found a four time great grandmother who came from Nicaragua, and helped settle Mokelumne Hill. She was a working part of the California Gold Rush and she lived right there, right where Andrea grew up and she had no idea. In our California elementary school textbooks, we learned many white men’s names and read their glorified stories. When California was first made a state, white women were scarce and the Native, Mexican and Central American population who lived there were mostly left undocumented and unaccounted for. The population of white females only rose from three percent to eight percent during the entire gold rush. It all led Andrea to wonder, what was it like for the women here in the 1850’s? What hardships did they face and what victories were they able to realize? Who were the first women who came to California and who was already here? She embarked on a search to learn what life was like for women like her great great grandmothers. She began to connect, in strange and deep ways, with the lives of brilliant people who made their own way, in a time where women were not so welcome to do so. In the lessons she learned, she herself, struck gold. The stories contributed to the shaping of the future of California and the United States. They are rarely heard of, and Andrea wants you to know their names.

Queens of the Minesis the historical drama podcast based on true gold rush women created and produced by Andrea Anderson.Andrea is a California Motherlode Native and has been lucky enough to have spent most of her life in a region that people from all nations travel to for vacation, from far and wide. The waterfalls at Yosemite National Park are closer to her than any city, or any town with a shopping mall.Andrea embarked on a search to learn about the first women who came to California, and who was already here? The lessons she learned, she may as well herself, struck gold. She shares the stories of brilliant, legendary women who made their own way, in a time where women were not so welcome to do so. Known, but rarely heard of women, whose stories contributed to the shaping of the future of the United States, and Andrea wants you to know their names.Written, Narrated and Produced by Andrea Anderson.Male Narration by Slim Cessna. Theme song "In San Francisco Bay" by DBUK. Banjo pick...

Queens of the Mines features the authentic stories of gold rush women who blossomed from the camouflaged, twisted roots of California. These are true stories, with some of my own fabrication of descriptive details. It is recommended that you start this series from the first episode. In this episode of Queens of the Mines, we begin the story of The Queen of Revenge from the California Gold Mines. A brave woman, from Mexican Alta California, who’s racial status determined her fate. First, an introduction peering into the discriminations of the time. This is a true story, from America’s Largest Migration, The Gold Rush. PrefaceWorks Cited: Sarah Shank Hist 133 Project Paper Mythology of the Mother Lode 12/3/18 The Mariposa Gazette. November 4th-December 23rd, 1865. Issue no. 19-26. retrieved from: https://cdnc.ucr.edu/ Smith, Stacy L. 2013. Freedom’s Frontier: California and the Struggle over Unfree Labor, Emancipation, and Reconstruction. University of North Carolina Press. The Pla...

Queens of the Mines features the authentic stories of gold rush women who blossomed from the camouflaged, twisted roots of California. These are true stories, with some of my own fabrication of descriptive details. Thank you to Columbia Mercantile 1855 and The Chop Shop of Jamestown. Work Cited PBS The Land of Gold and Hope Fascinating Women in California History By Alton Pryor La Chicana: The Mexican-American Woman By Alfredo Mirandé, Evangelina Enríquez Ghost Towns of the West By Philip Varney, Jim Hinckley Hunting for Gold by Major William Downie Life in the California Gold Fields by William Swain 1850 The Hanging of Juanita: The Only Woman to Be Lynched in California Yesterday’s Crimes: Lynching a Woman in Gold Country The only lynching of a woman in California history inspired SF Opera's Girls of the Golden West. by Bob Calhoun • The Tale of Josefa Hannah Kohler A History of Mexican Americans in California: HISTORIC SITES When Americans Lynched Mexicans By William D. Carrig...

Queens of the Mines features the authentic stories of gold rush women who blossomed from the camouflaged, twisted roots of California. These are true stories, with some of my own fabrication of descriptive details. In Chapter Three, we will hear the story of the true pioneer of San Francisco’s Chinatown, whose story highlights important aspects of the role the Chinese immigrants played in America’s Largest Migration, The Gold Rush. Lotus “Between the graves and the city wall stood a low building, in a clump of cedar trees.” Two Americans noted as they passed by a large cemetery while visiting China during the early 1850’s. “That is the Baby-tower, tended by the Buddhist Nunneries.” The building was a structure that was commonly built for the disposal of infants, used by parents too poor for burial costs or too ashamed of the murder of thier child. Tied up in a package, the infant would be thrown into one of the openings of the tower, or rather well, as it is sunk some distanc...

Queens of the Mines features the authentic stories of gold rush women who blossomed from the camouflaged, twisted roots of California. In Chapter Three, we will continue the story of the true pioneer of San Francisco’s Chinatown, Ah Toy, whose story highlights important aspects of the role the Chinese immigrants played in America’s Largest Migration, The Gold Rush. Lotus “Between the graves and the city wall stood a low building, in a clump of cedar trees.” Two Americans noted as they passed by a large cemetery while visiting China during the early 1850’s. “That is the Baby-tower, tended by the Buddhist Nunneries.” The building was a structure that was commonly built for the disposal of infants, used by parents too poor for burial costs or too ashamed of the murder of thier child. Tied up in a package, the infant would be thrown into one of the openings of the tower, or rather well, as it is sunk some distance below the earth. The babies left in the towers soon died of hunger...

Queens of the Mines features the authentic stories of gold rush women who blossomed from the camouflaged, twisted roots of California. In the next episodes, we will hear the story of The Queen of Devotion in the California Gold Mines. Much if this story is told in the own words of this entrepreneur who knew how to capitalize on her strengths and proved that some men in the Old West would eventually tire of strong, successful women during America’s Largest Migration, The Gold Rush. Sources Source: J. S. Holliday, The World Rushed In (1981) My Checkered Life. Luzena Stanley Wilson in Early California https://www.sierracollege.edu/ejournals/jsnhb/v4n2/wilson.html http://clic.cengage.com/uploads/70430dd28565018b949bcdd2c8f6f027_2_5312.pdf http://www.solanohistory.net/articles/207/207.1.pdf

Happy International Women's Day! Stories of important women from California history!

Queens of the Mines features the authentic stories of gold rush women who blossomed from the camouflaged, twisted roots of California. Today’s epiosde is a Flash Forward, to 1918. In the International Women’s day episode, In one of the stories, I mentioned the life of the architect Julia Morgan who’s mother Eliza was the daughter of Albert O. Parmelee, a cotton trader who I called a self-made millionaire. I want to state that no white man’s millions from the cotton trade at that time, were self made. I am embarrassed that I did not catch what I wrote. It is obvious that the millions made in the cotton trade were built off of the sweat of enslaved men and women. When you hear about white privilage, this is an example. People today are still benefeting from the fortunes that thier ancestors had made by expoliting other humans. The wealth, security and lifestyle some have inherited, is privilaged. At the time of recording this podcast, there are just under 200,000 humans affected b...

Queens of the Mines features the authentic stories of gold rush women who blossomed from the camouflaged, twisted roots of California. In Ah Toy’s final episode, we will finish the story of the true pioneer of San Francisco’s Chinatown, Ah Toy, whose story highlights important aspects of the role the Chinese immigrants played in America’s Largest Migration, The Gold Rush. Find the Spotify Playlist - Shelter in Place/Quarantine curated just for my listeners. You do not need a Spotify account to listen. Sponsors www.facebook.com/ColumbiaMercantile1855/ www.thebop209.com Ways to Support the QOTM family during the coronavirus Venmo @queensofthemines Cash App @queensofthemines www.queensofthemines.com youniqueproducts.com/queensofthemines Resources Jacqueline Baker Barnhart, Working Women: Prostitution in San Francisco From the Gold Rush to 1900 (Santa Cruz: University of California Santa Cruz, 1977) Mud, Blood and Gold: San Francisco in 1849 (San Francisco: Heritage House Publishers,...

Last Time in Luzena Wilson’s Story it was late December 1849. Luzena was serving up to 200 boarders a week in Sacramento and charging each twenty five dollars. Customers were happy to pay the high price tag for a meal prepared by Luzena Wilson, for the white woman, was a rarity. In 1850 women made up just three percent of the non-Native American population in California‘s mining region, numbering about 800 in a sea of 30,000 men. As a married American woman, Luzena Wilson reminded many of the American men of home, of their wives, mothers or sisters. They treated Luzena, as she put it, like a ”queen.” Luzena had put her boys to bed, and under dim light, wrote out her list of goods needed for the next week. She would make her largest purchase yet in the morning. Six months had passed in Sacramento and now she longed for a friend. She set down her steel dip-pen, blew out the beeswax candle next to it, and laid down beside Mason. The rain began to furiously pound on the family home...

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