Project Blue Book: The Official Podcast

Project Blue Book: The Official Podcast

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Tara Bennett, SYFY WIRE's Sr. Producer, hosts the official podcast of HISTORY's new series, PROJECT BLUE BOOK. A TCA member and the author of more than 28 official books on the making of television and film, Bennett conducts a weekly exploration of the creative decisions behind every episode of of the new HISTORY drama starring Aidan Gillen as Dr. J. Allen Hynek. 


Project Blue Book closes another epic season with creator David O'Leary, show runner Sean Jablonski and Aidan Gillen discussing the finale, "Operation Mainbrace".

In "Broken Arrow," EP David O'Leary is joined by actor Michael Malarkey and Caspar Phillipson (Sen. Kennedy).

For Project Blue Book's "What Lies Beneath," showrunner Sean Jablonski, writer Alec Wells and actor Jerod Haynes go into the mythology and character motivations in this bottle episode.

For Project Blue Book's "Curse of the Skinwalker," executive producers David O'Leary and Sean Jablonski welcome series consultant, Richard Dolan, and Michael Harney.

Project Blue Book jumps forward in time to the set of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Showrunner Sean Jablonski joins the mighty trio of Aidan Gillen, Laura Mennell, and Michael Malarkey to talk "Close Encounters".

For Project Blue Book's "The Men in Black" episode, EP David O'Leary is joined by actors Aidan Gillen (Hynek) and Ian Tracey (Unseen).

Project Blue Book showrunner Sean Jablonski is joined by Laura Mennell, Michael Malarkey and Hayley McLaughlin to find out the truth behind "Hopkinsville".

Project Blue Book creator/EP David O'Leary joins actors Michael Malarkey and Jerod Haynes to dissect "Area 51".

Show runner Sean Jablonski joins the Generals, Neal McDonough and Michael Harney, in the studio for the major resolution of "The Roswell Incident - Part 2"

Project Blue Book: The Official Podcast is back to kick off a new season of the HISTORY series with a huge case: "The Roswell Incident - Part I" with guests: executive producers David O'Leary and Sean Jablonski and Aidan Gillen and Michael Malarkey.

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