Plugged In Golf Podcast

Plugged In Golf Podcast

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Plugged In Golf's Matt Saternus interviews the most interesting, knowledgeable people in golf so that you can play better and enjoy the game more.

Jon Sherman of joins the show this week to discuss his new book, The Four Foundations of Golf. In it, he pulls together over eight years of writing to create a comprehensive guide to lower scores. If you're interested in dropping your handicap, sharpening your mental game, or getting more out of your practice sessions, this is a must-listen interview. Check out Jon's book, The Four Foundations of Golf, HERE

Bruce Sizemore has done a lot in golf - PGA Professional, Tour Pro, putter designer - and now he's launched a full-line OEM, MORE Golf. In this interview, Bruce discusses why he chose to make clubs in the most expensive way possible and what benefits that has for golfers. Gearheads will love this behind-the-scenes look at the design process and the founding of a new golf company.

If you're truly committed to seeing your handicap go down this season, this is the podcast for you. Matt boils down over a decade of teaching and writing about scoring into ten simple rules that you can follow to lower your scores.

James Patrick Harrington, better known as JP to the golf world, has charted a fascinating career in just over a decade. From a garage in Wisconsin to a spot at Titleist to launching his own brand, his talent for building wedges has taken him a lot of places. In this episode, we discuss his history and also get a masterclass on the wedge design. This is a must-listen for short game enthusiasts.

Despite what the big golf publications would have you believe, you can take a golf trip that doesn't involve one of the big name resorts. In this episode, Matt discusses the benefits of a golf trip that travels the road less taken. He also lays out a roadmap for planning an outside the box golf trip.

In the last four years, Swag Golf has grown by leaps and bounds. CEO Nick Venson discusses Swag's accomplishments, their plans for the future, and answer loads of reader questions in this jam-packed episode.

Golf needs to be more environmentally friendly, but what can an individual golfer do about it? We talked with Mistwood Golf Club's new Sustainability Specialist, Angelica Carmen, to learn just that. In addition to the big, bold ideas that Angelica is bringing to the golf world, she lets us know that even small actions can make a big difference in golf becoming more green.

In this short episode, Matt shares some thoughts on preparing your mind, body, and game for the start of the golf season.

Breathing is something that we all do without thinking, but it has a huge impact on our bodies and our minds. In this episode, Matt talks with NeuroPeak Pro's Director of Golf Andy Matthews about how training and improving your breathing can have massive impacts on your golf game and your life. Find Matt's review of the NeuroPeak Pro NTEL Belt HERE

In this episode, Matt talks with Vokey's Director of Marketing Corey Gerrard about the new SM9 wedges and much more. Corey answers a ton of reader questions and gives great insight into how to find the right wedge.

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