Personal (R)evolution

Personal (R)evolution

Certified career & life coach

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5 小時 26 分鐘
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In Personal (R)evolution, best-selling author and life coach Allison Task helps you take control of your life. This 3-month podcast course along with bonus episodes every Thursday will help you create a clear vision for what you want out of life, remove the blocks that are holding you back, and develop a detailed action plan that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. You can find the course anywhere you listen to podcasts, but make sure to subscribe to Personal (R)evolution Premium on the Himalaya app to get a personal workbook, exclusive content, and access to a community of other change-makers working toward their goals with positivity, possibility, and momentum. If you're ready to go after a better life, you are ready for Personal (R)evolution. Download the Himalaya app, search Personal Revolution, and use promo code REVOLUTION at check out for your first month, free!

  • Allison Task
    Allison Task
    Certified career & life coach

In Personal (R)evolution, best-selling author and life coach Allison Task helps you take control of your life. This 3-month podcast course along with bonus episodes every Thursday will help you create a clear vision for what you want out of life, remove the blocks that are holding you back, and develop a detailed action plan that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. You can find the course anywhere you listen to podcasts, but make sure to subscribe to Personal (R)evolution Premium on the Himalaya app to get a personal workbook, exclusive content, and access to a community of other change-makers working toward their goals with positivity, possibility, and momentum. If you're ready to go after a better life, you are ready for Personal (R)evolution. Download the Himalaya app, search Personal Revolution, and use promo code REVOLUTION at check out for your first month, free!

Welcome to Personal (R)evolution, the podcast course that will help you be happy, change your life, and do that thing you always wanted to do. Really. As a career and life coach I help people make major changes in their lives, and this podcast course will help you DIY your change based on proven techniques I've used with thousands of clients over the last fifteen years. In this episode, you'll learn a bit more about coaching, how and why it works, and what we're going to do together in this podc...

You are listening to this podcast course for one of two reasons: 1. You know where you want to be 2. You know where you don’t want to be. You’re moving toward something or moving away from something. A podcast course like this speaks to a person who want to take action and, for whatever reason, has not been able to (yet). Today we'll learn more about your goal and you; simply put, you'll remember more about who you are to develop your goal. We'll talk about what's gone really right in your life...

Now that you’ve set a SMART Goal, started visualizing what your future life will be like as you move toward your Goal, and begun taking Actions toward it, it’s time to take a look at your life today. In this chapter, you’re going to delve deeper into all the areas of your life with a tool called the Whole Life Model. By looking at the ten key areas of your life, you will have a more in-depth, personalized context to examine what assets you have—including some you may not have realized. This ...

If I had to pick just one episode from this podcast course that could change your life, it’s this one. Before you get down to business moving toward your ambitious goal,I want to help youget into an optimal goal-pursuing frame of mind. This chapter shares research in the growing field of happiness and gives you practical tools and exercises that you can practice today to become, well...happier!My hope is that with these tools, you'll be able to recognize the assets you already have, see possibilities you didn't see before. You'll see that the future you want can and will become reality.When you get happier, you'll become more creative. And creativity is a critical tool for doing this thing you want to do.Come on, (let's) get happy. And yes, that is a Partridge Family reference. Sing it with me now (singing does wonders for happiness).

Now that you’re feeling happy, it’s time to reach out and share your big goal with those you love. This episode will help you connect with a group that we tend to forget about: the people we already know and love (and who love us back). This group is a key part of the network that will propel you toward achieving your goal. This chapter will give you specific, inspiring tools to reach out to those we love (and may have lost touch with) and share yourself and your goal.

In the previous episode, you connected with some wonderful old friends and feel great about it. See, networking isn't that icky! In this chapter, I'll introduce you to a yiddish framework (you read that right) and philosophy of connecting and introducing as a mitzvah. You will begin to pursue people you don’t know (yet) that will help you achieve your goal. I’ll help you with your elevator pitch and key talking points about what you want and what you have to offer. Let's do this.

You’re more than halfway through the podcast course at this point, and my expectation is that you're in the final half of goal pursuit. You have established SMART goal with your Whole Life in mind. You have a happiness practice and you've identified the network you have -- and want to build -- to achieve your goal. Now it's time to take large strides toward your goal. To do that, in this episode I will introduce the following concepts that will help you drive toward insight and move toward your...

If the last episode created insights for the final drive toward your goal, this episode will help you take action. These are tools that you can use -- right now, to drive closer toward your goal. This is the penultimate coaching episode. Your next chapter, “Closing the Deal,” will take you the final mile toward Goal achievement, and the last chapter will help you tie it up with a bow, and recognize your achievement. You may live between episodes 7 and 8 for a little bit, until you’re just that...

At this point, you’ve arrived at a “9” on your “How close am I to achieving this Goal” scale. You are close enough to see it. In this episode, you will acknowledge what you’ve done to get here, create a strategy to take this one over the finish line with a smile on your face, connect with why this goal matters to you, and authentically deliver your final actions.

You did it! You have achieved your goal. In this episode, you will identify what you’ve achieved and celebrate it. You'll share the win with those who’ve helped you and those who will shep nachas with you. You'll learn about the the positive impact that acknowledging and celebrating your goal will have on you, those around you, and the next goal you set. And before you get started on the next goal, I’ll revue the value of a well-deserved rest. Let's celebrate, rest (and repeat).



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