Outcomes Rocket

Outcomes Rocket

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At Outcomes Rocket, we are the shared knowledge hub for healthcare's toughest problems. Our goal is twofold and clear. To help inspire and guide our listeners to 1. Improve patient outcomes and 2. Experience business success in healthcare. Tune in to learn more!

Let’s bring awareness to Nursing Informatics! We are honored to be joined in the Future of Global Informatics by Tanya Strong, a person near and dear to our host! Tanya talks about the evolution of the Nursing Informatics Industry and why it has been a challenge to legitimize the practice in healthcare. She discusses the importance of completing a master’s training in the subject over obtaining a certification. Tanya speaks of different avenues of work and several opportunities for a professional nurse informaticist, explaining each one and giving words of encouragement to pursue them. She also shares a little history masterclass of her professional path and the best advice she has to offer to future generations of nurse informaticist professionals. Tune in to learn about the world of Nursing Informatics from an experienced Nurse Informaticist! Click this link for the show notes, transcript, and resources: outcomesrocket.com

In this episode, we have the privilege to feature Amanda Demano, Vice President at Avia Health Innovation. Amanda discusses how Avia, as the nation's leading network for the health system, seeks to innovate and transform through digital strategy. She shares excellent examples of how her company has improved outcomes, how Avia is helping health systems and payers address things like disparities in health care, her insights on health innovation, and more. Learn how Amanda and her team are assisting accelerate digital adoption. Enjoy! Click this link for the show notes, transcript, and resources: outcomesrocket.com

In this episode, we are privileged to host Dr. Javier Mendoza, a gastroenterologist and Medical Consultant EHRead at Savana. Javier discusses how his company leverages AI and machine learning to extract data from EHRs in a trustworthy and ethical way. He also shares some insights into his various roles in healthcare and in working in different countries in Europe. This is a great conversation focused on understanding patients, so please tune in and enjoy! Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources: outcomesrocket.health

Introducing the Outcomes Rocket Future of Global Informatics Podcast! In this episode, TJ Southern, nurse informaticist, entrepreneur, and the new host of the Future of Global Informatics Podcast, talks about nursing informatics and its future, as well as the new podcast and what can listeners expect. Nursing informatics is a vital part of supporting patient health outcomes and TJ will guide listeners to learn more about it and hopefully introduce the concept to a whole new generation of nurses. Additionally, professionals of many different disciplines related to informatics will tell listeners about what informatics consists of, and how it impacts healthcare. Tune in to this episode to learn about how informatics is the wave of healthcare technology! Click this link for the show notes, transcript, and resources: outcomesrocket.health

An easily understandable podcast about medical technology advancements for everyone! In this episode, we hear from Mathieu Chaffard, a french biomedical engineer and host of the Impulse - Meeting Healthcare Pioneers Podcast, about how his passion for medical technology innovation drove him to start his podcast. It invites listeners to hear about the latest advancements in medical technology through conversations with key actors from the field. In its first five episodes, Mathieu has already had guest experts on measuring your arterial age to prevent heart disease, treating liver cancer with surgical robotics, and fighting sepsis with nano-engineered beads. He also reflects on podcasting and how it gives him a chance to broaden his perspective and learn more about new things in a broad range of specialties in the field. Tune in to this episode to learn about Mathieu’s experience with the Impulse - Meeting Healthcare Pioneers Podcast! Click this link for the show notes, transcript, a...

There’s so much opportunity to make the healthcare system work better for patients, practitioners, payers, and taxpayers in terms of cost and affordability. https://outcomesrocket.health/jillyegian/2019/12/

Today, we are privileged to host Vera Rulon, Founder, and President at Tir Health Advisors. Tir partners with various organizations to promote open communication and support the advancement of health care. Vera discusses her company's focus to improve communication between providers, payors, life sciences, various communities, as well as patients and caregivers to ensure easy access to health care and to benefit patients. She also shares her commitment to bringing people together in workshops to solve issues around the aging process, leveraging technology to create strategic ideas to improve aging. Vera highlights her company's unique feature to connect dots on critical issues that is a result of her company's diverse health care backgrounds. She also expressed her interest in working with life science and advocacy groups, insight-filled anecdotes, challenges she's faced and how she overcame them, and how she chose the organizations she's worked with based on the impact/contribution...

In this podcast, we are privileged to host Dr. Sean Cheng, an investment principal at Philips Ventures. Sean discusses how his company helps startups succeed by bringing in the resources, channels, and infrastructure of Philips corporate. He also talks about Philips Health Technology Ventures, the transition of Philips from being a lighting company to now being a healthcare company, and the advantages of working with Philips. He shares insights that can improve business model innovation, some challenges Philips faces as a huge company, and his excitement on corporate venturing and the future of health care. This is a fascinating conversation so please tune in! Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources: outcomesrocket.health

Technology can drastically change where your health is headed. In this episode, we hear from Tom Stanis, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Story Health, about how getting hit by a car and his father having a stroke led him to work with artificial intelligence and virtual tools to enable daily specialist care for people at home. He explains how Story Health uses an AI system that integrates with Electronic Health Records to help clinicians guide patients at home through the best treatment possible and human coaching to navigate health systems while avoiding logistical barriers. Tom discusses what outcomes are the results of Story Health’s work, the setbacks, and improvements that more data has presented for its users. He also talks about how changes toward value-based care and focus on social determinants of health build an exciting future for healthcare. Tune in to this episode to listen about Tom Stanis’s life-changing work at Story Health! Click this link for the show no...

In this episode, we interview the outstanding Kaajal Singh. Kaajal is the Principal of Client Engagement for the RTI Center for Health Care Advancement. She discusses how RTI leverages data and delivers health-focused interventions. These solutions are backed by years of research and presented to the table with analytical capabilities that are truly fundamental to a research institute. Kaajal shares RTI's drive to improve quality and outcomes and reduce cost. She also talks about the benefits of relying on an independent third party to assess your business's study or new technology. If you're looking for a way to scale your business at a lower cost, or you need help in the decision-making process, a research institute like RTI can help you. We truly enjoyed our exciting conversation with Kaajal. Please tune in to the entire episode to learn more. Click this link for the show notes, transcript, and resources: outcomesrocket.health

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