Nerd Critic

Nerd Critic

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171 聲音
A deep dive into good movies from the dual perspective of critical nerdiness.

The multiverse is a favorite trope in big studio blockbusters lately. We talk about two of them: "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness," and "Everything Everywhere All at Once." Other than their very long titles, these movies couldn't be more different. And one of them is good. As always, you are encouraged to see both before listening.

It’s been more than a YEAR since our last episode. But we’re back. Not like we were before, when we were maniacally releasing two episodes every week, but we’re pretty sure nobody had time for all that noise anyway. In this episode, we accidentally talk about Turning Red for 15 minutes before pumping a whole lot of pent-up Nerd Critic love into the latest iteration of DC’s favorite brooding orphan.

Aaand Cut
1h 15min

This is it. This is goodbye. Maybe not forever, but definitely for now. If and when people start going back to the movies in actual theaters every week, we might try to resurrect the show. But if not, if this truly is "the end of all things," please know that we love you all very, very much. Nerd Critic has been one of our proudest achievements, a work of true and lasting passion, and we couldn't be more grateful for the relationship we built with you over the years (years!) No matter what happens, please remember to always, always, always... Love movies like a nerd, and respect them like a critic. ...aaand cut.

In this episode, we talk about...a lot. Toward the end, we spend a bit more time on TENET, but we keep it spoiler-free, because let's be honest: hardly anyone has seen it yet.

It's Palm Springs! Plus His Dark Material and Legion, both of which come with the Nerd Critic stamp of approval. Also, a short (and important) announcement at the end. Oh, and we spend the first 7 minutes of the episode talking about hard boiled eggs, just so you're aware. Questions/comments/hatemail? Send it all to ask[at]

This week, after inviting you to the first ever Nerd Critic Movie Night (here's your invite: [LINK]), we do a deep dive into that classic Disney adaptation of a strange and beloved book -- Holes. Plus, a couple of short, spoiler-free reviews of Project Power and Waco, both of which are on Netflix. Also, we discuss whether Netflix ought to do another live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Finally, we've got two MORE questions from a surprising source.

It's frankly astonishing that it's taken us this long to get around to covering Forrest Gump. And we can't even take credit! This is the movie YOU voted for, and so here we are.

Welcome to the new and improved Nerd Critic. We packed this hour with a deep dive into Honey Boy, spoiler-free reviews of The Old Guard and Greyhound, and an explanation of our relationship to anime. Also, you'll find out which movies made it onto the poll for next week's feature.

After a long absence, Nerd Critic is rising from the ashes of our own making. That's a really dramatic way of saying our month-long break is over. No, the theaters haven't reopened, but we've got exciting new plans for the show. Want to know what they are? That's what listening is for.

Will this be the very LAST episode of Nerd Critic ever? (No.) In this episode, we talk ourselves out of covering the movie we planned to cover, and then decide to push pause until the theaters reopen. We're proud to have stubbornly (and stupidly) kept the show going for so long without the magic of the silver screen to sustain us, but it's time to take a break. And we'll be back as soon as Tenet hits the theaters, so keep your candle lit for that grand and glorious day. Also, feel free to keep in touch! For the duration of this overdue pause, we'll be collection recommendations for future Off the Shelf episodes, and any other questions or topics you'd like us to spend time talking about. Until next time, remember to keep loving movies like a nerd, and respecting them like a critic.

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