My Seven Chakras With AJ

My Seven Chakras With AJ

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My Seven Chakras is a podcast that provides ancient wisdom for the modern mind.

Through long form interviews, solo episodes and breathwork meditations, Aditya (AJ) helps his viewers discover how to calm their mind, relax their nervous system and experience deep states of bliss.

Our community is called 'Action Tribe', so we're all about providing you simple, practical, proven, evidence-based techniques and methods to improve the quality of your life and notice a paradigm shift in how you look at life. 

Some of the topics we regularly explore include Breathwork, The Chakras, Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Nutrition, Qigong and Spirituality.

Try out an episode. I'm confident that you'll fall in love with our easy going, relaxed approach to personal transformation :)

We're inspired by thought leaders like Wim Hoff, Anthony Robbins, Dan Brule, Ben Greenfield, Aubry Marcus, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Tim Ferriss, Niraj Naik, Anodea Judith, Oprah and Wayne Dyer who have all paved the way for Aditya Jaykumar (AJ) to listen to his calling of starting this podcast.

AJ is always personally available to talk, chat, connect and help, so don't think twice about reaching out to him. We have a voicemail button on our website (, so feel free to leave a voice note! 


If you enjoyed listening to today's episode? Then please consider leaving us an iTunes rating and & review. Really helps spread the word and get more people listening! John White is a Rife researcher and inventor from New Zealand, now living in Nanjing, China. With a background in Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Computer Sciences, he has been researching and developing solutions to serious diseases since 2008. John specializes in Energy and Scalar Resonance Healing, Biofeedback and PEMF Therapy. With an insatiable desire for truth and knowledge, John has collaborated with other research groups to discover answers to health issues! To learn more, visit: Use promo code "SevenChakras" at Checkout for a nice discount! Want to meet and breathe with AJ online? Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class complete free of cost, visit Enjoyed listening? Do me a small favor and share this episode with a friend! :) To inquire about 1:1 Breathwork activations to release trauma, connect with your vision or let go of the past, send me an email with 1:1 Breathwork in the subject line. For feedback, inquiries or just connecting, send me a direct email to Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

If you enjoyed listening to today's episode? Then please consider leaving us an iTunes rating and & review. Really helps spread the word and get more people listening! As a thought leader, Dr. Muehsam was invited to participate in the National Institutes of Health-sponsored endeavors to investigate health care practices outside the realm of Western medicine, which led to the government-mandated formation of the Office of Alternative Medicine, now the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. To learn more about her: Want to meet and breathe with AJ online? Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class complete free of cost, visit Enjoyed listening? Do me a small favor and share this episode with a friend! :) To inquire about 1:1 Breathwork activations to release trauma, connect with your vision or let go of the past, send me an email with 1:1 Breathwork in the subject line. For feedback, inquiries or just connecting, send me a direct email to Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Lisa Michaud is an International Success Coach, Speaker, Host of Goalden Girls Podcast, Real Estate Investor and creator of the 100 Day Goal Getter Planner + Journal and spends her days chasing both toddlers and big dreams in Vancouver. To connect with her, visit: Want to meet and breathe with AJ online? Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class complete free of cost, visit Enjoyed listening? Do me a small favor and share this episode with a friend! :) To inquire about 1:1 Breathwork activations to release trauma, connect with your vision or let go of the past, send me an email with 1:1 Breathwork in the subject line. For feedback, inquiries or just connecting, send me a direct email to Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Jay Chodagam is a corporate trainer, TEDx speaker, producer of SPIRIT Summit conference and host for the Wise Leader retreats. After training as a monk for 18 years and working as an engineer in Silicon Valley for 12 years, he is being called to integrate ancient wisdom with modern science for resilient, sustainable and creative workplaces. To learn more about Jay, visit As next steps, come attend our next Sunday morning Breathwork journey! Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class complete free of cost, visit Do me a small favor and share this episode with a friend. Only if you enjoyed listening ofcourse :) To inquire about 1:1 Breathwork activations to release trauma, connect with your vision or let go of the past, send me an email with 1:1 Breathwork in the subject line. For feedback, inquiries or just connecting, send me a direct email to Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Debra Silverman specializes in helping individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire. She has over 45 years of professional experience working with families, individuals, and couples in private practice. Debra’s mothering approach to understanding people has earned her international fame and admiration. To learn more about Debra, visit As next steps, come attend our next Sunday morning Breathwork journey! Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class complete free of cost, visit Do me a small favor and share this episode with a friend. Only if you enjoyed listening ofcourse :) To inquire about 1:1 Breathwork activations to release trauma, connect with your vision or let go of the past, send me an email with 1:1 Breathwork in the subject line. For feedback, inquiries or just connecting, send me a direct email to Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

As next steps, come attend our next Sunday morning Breathwork journey! Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class complete free of cost, visit Do me a small favor and share this episode with a friend. Only if you enjoyed listening ofcourse :) To inquire about 1:1 Breathwork activations to release trauma, connect with your vision or let go of the past, send me an email with 1:1 Breathwork in the subject line. For feedback, inquiries or just connecting, send me a direct email to Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

As a freelance journalist, Jos interviewed people from the Secretary General of NATO, Senior Director of Trends and Strategy at Philips to presenters of BNR and Tour de France winners. He always asked: what drives you? Why do you do what you do? What is your message? The answers make him think. In his search Jos came into contact with older wisdom traditions. Through a mentor he met the Taoist teacher Reinoud Eleveld and was warned whether he wanted to take into account Reinoud's 'reality distortion field'. It turned out to be exactly what Jos was looking for. To learn more about Alex, please visit: As next steps, come attend our next Sunday morning Breathwork journey! Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class complete free of cost, visit To inquire about 1:1 Breathwork activations to release trauma, connect with your vision or let go of the past, send me an email with 1:1 Breathwork in the subject line. For feedback, inq...

Our Spirit Stream family is growing, and we're only on episode 2 of this series so far! My goal with this series is to provide a judgement free, heart-centered platform for people, including you, to come out of your "Spiritual closet" and share with us your spiritual story.....of how you received a glimpse of the light... My Seven Chakras was never about me, Aditya, but it was always about you....the listener. I've always wanted you to look into the mirror and say "My Seven Chakras"... and this journey begins with you coming to Spirit Stream and opening your throat chakra by finally, boldly and wholeheartedly sharing your story :) No matter how bizarre, strange, paranormal, weird, crazy or unbelievable your story might seem - I and we all want to hear your story! Our next stream is happening on April 4th 2022 (Monday)... At 6 pm PST / 9 pm EST Use this Zoom link to join us: If you have a spiritual story within you, it's time to come out of your ...

Received through an intuitive download, Spirit Stream is my new series where you get to share your Spiritual stories... No matter how bizarre, strange, paranormal, weird, crazy or unbelievable your story might seem - I want to hear it :) Our next stream is happening on March 28th (Monday)... At 6 pm PST / 9 pm EST Use this Zoom link to join us: If you have a spiritual story within you, it's time to come out of your spiritual closet.... It doesn't matter what you've seen or felt....or how bizarre and weird it might seem.... We are here to support and listen :) Email me at Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

To visit the show notes page, visit Want to reduce stress and tap into flow? Come attend our next Sunday morning Breathwork journey! I'd love to meet you live on Zoom :) Use promo code (HEAL2022) to get your first class completely free of cost, visit For feedback, inquiries or just connecting, send me a direct email to Support this podcast at — Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

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