My Daily Business Coach Podcast

My Daily Business Coach Podcast

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Do you love your business? You should, right? Well sometimes, as small business owners, we just don't. The My Daily Business Coach podcast is here to provide inspiration, education and motivation for small business owners who want to fall in love with their business again and build a business they can be proud of. Hosted by Fiona Killackey, author, speaker, business coach and founder of My Daily Business Coach, this podcast includes business coaching, interviews with small business owners and tips, tools and tactics to help you scale your small business without scaling the stress. Grab freebies to help you grow your business at Join the My Daily Business Coach Good Business Group on Facebook to connect with hundreds of small business owners who want to sidestep the hustle and build businesses they're proud of. Connect with Fiona at or on instagram at

The world, more than ever, is hungry. Everyone has been starved for connection. In today's episode, Fiona talks to Dr. Marion Piper of Marion Piper Creative about relatable and actionable tips to business owners. They share about the crisis of meaning, the analogy of the dropped vase and so much more. Tune in!

"It would matter in five years if I didn't change my behavior." In today's episode, Fiona shares a question that sounds so simple but has changed the way she lives and does her business. Tune in!

Don't leave money on the table when there are so many ways to take it off that table. In today's episode, Fiona talks about the buyer's cycle and shares more strategies on how you can optimize your conversion rate. Tune in!

Conversion often gets confused with sales. In today's episode, Fiona shares a quick tip about Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). She shares tips on how you can guide people to take the action that you want them to take. Tune in!

Any kind of behavior change requires a lot of motivation, a lot of reminding yourself, and a lot of consistency. In today’s episode, Fiona talks to Dr. Gina Cleo, Founding Director of the Habit Change Institute / Assistant Professor of Habit Change. Tune in as they talk about interesting facts about habits and how it affects us!

Your branding is not just the visual elements. There is so much more to branding than that. In today's episode, Fiona talks about how important brand personality is especially in growing & making decisions as a business. Tune in!

The more knowledge you can have, the better your experience is going to be whether you do SEO yourself or whether you outsource. In today's episode, Fiona talks about what you may not know about SEO and so much more. Tune in!

Age does not determine your success, whether you're older or younger. IN today's episode, Fiona shares a couple of instances of people in their fifties and above who have started businesses. This is a reminder to everyone that it is never too late to start something. Tune in!

Go and meet. You never know what's going to happen from that. In this episode, Fiona talks to Lauren and Sophia of Leaf Supply about how they keep on top of everything as well as their own work outside of their business. They also talk about how they started, what/who influences them and so much more. Tune in!

You can find so much information in incredible books. And I think the story that Jodie goes into in this is just inspiring, no matter what type of business you have. In today's episode, Fiona shares one of the books she highly recommends for business owners. Tune in!

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