Murder Pod

Murder Pod

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The Podcast that looks at cases that make you wonder..what the hell went wrong?

Join us this week as we discuss the horrific story of father Steven Pladl who marries his biological daughter Katie, has a child with her and murders them. its a tragic story on many levels. *listen with caution*

Join us this week as we discuss the chilling murder of Honorah Parker at the hands of her teenage daughter and best friend in New Zealand in June of 1954. It was a sensational case that is still considered to be one of the most heinous crimes in New Zealand history.

Join us this week as we discuss the chilling murder of the Robison family in 1968 in the resort town of Good Hart Michigan. follow us on instagram @murderpod

Join us this week as discuss the murder of Helle Craft at the hands of her husband Richard in this sensational story that would inspire the movie Fargo.

Join us this week as we discuss the murder of Taylor Samson at the hands of high level drug dealer William Sandeson a Medical student with aspirations of becoming doctor. Follow us on facebook and Instagram! @murderpod

This week we're covering the horrific murder of 33 year old Alex Flanagan at the hands of Andrew Keene in 2007 in Barrie Ontario Canada. Check us out on instagram @murderpod

Join us this week as we discuss serial killer Dorothea Puente a seemingly sweet old lady who was actually a cold and calculating killer follow us on instagram! @MURDERPOD

Join us this week as we discuss Craigslist thrill killers Miranda and Elytte Barbour, newlyweds who were obsessed with killing...

This week we are covering the case of Dennis Nilsen a notorious UK serial Killer who would be compared to that of Jeffrey Dahmer. His crimes were unthinkable..and this is a story you wont want to miss. Have a great week guys! Staying Alive

Join us this week as we discuss the horrific crimes and treatment of new born babies in Canada in the 1920-1940's at the hands of William and Lila Young in East Chester Nova Scotia

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