Mornings with Carmen LaBerge

Mornings with Carmen LaBerge

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With unique insights from a Biblical context, Carmen LaBerge seeks to reconnect the eternal with the everyday and enters into conversations in ways that honor Jesus.

Bible and Business’Bill Englishand Carmen outline thedangers involved with using a rental car service and why the inflation problem in our nation looks to continue for awhile.James Barnett, author of "Blue Skies," talks about thedifference between being driven versus being called and the adventures God sends us on to know Him better. Click here for today's show notes

Everyone’s Wilson’sDaryl Crouchand Carmen unpack what we think of when we hear modern day stories about "Good Samaritans," and the opportunities we have to ask meaningful questions. Guillaume Bignon, author of“Confessions of a French Atheist,"shares about how he was compelled by the person of Jesus and the presence of consistent divine appointments. Click here for today's show notes

Christian Medical and Dental Association’s Bret Nicks shares an update on the latest Omicron subvariants and the difference between being obese versus overweight. Doug Groothuis, author of"Fire in the Streets,"unpacks a better way to view the American system and the process ofreforming our nation with the fear of God at the forefront. Click here for today's show notes

Institute for Global Engagement’s Nick Pitts unpacks the need to recognize we're in a constant battle against evil and seeing the acting hand of God as much mightier than our own.Philos Project’s Luke Moon talks about the tone of Biden's trips to Israel and Saudi Arabia and the efforts of denying those trying to delegitimize the nation of Israel. Click here for today's show notes

PsychologistLinda Mintletalks about the power of casually connecting with friends on a consistent basis and how to encourage young people heading to college. Paul D. Miller, author of"The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism,"shares about the need tostrive for justice for everyone, instead of Christian social power. Click here for today's show notes

Carmen unpacks what increased church security could mean for our future and what can come from the exercise of traveling back in time in our minds. Political scientistDaniel Bennetttalks about Amy Coney Barrett's influence on the court that we've seen thus far and why our culture sees violence as a way to respond when we have disagreements. Click here for today's show notes

Plugged In’sAdam Holzoutlines the picture of God that Marvel is trying to paint for viewers and provides reviews for“Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank," and“Where the Crawdads Sing."Jillana Goble, author of“A Love-Stretched Life," shares how the curveballs thrown at her in life to complicate things, have allowed her to embrace the unexpected. Click here for today's show notes

Kirby Laing Centre’sBruce Ashford unpacks the goal of "Queer Theorists" to delegitimize biological realities and the goal of those entering intersectionality into the conversation of how we were made. ApologistDan DeWitttalks about how we can find out how prideful we are and the process of checking ourselves to gauge if we're admitting our struggles. Click here for today's show notes

Peter Kapsnerand Carmen unpack how churches can respond to the attraction that cults are for young people and rediscovering old things we thought we had lost. Charles Martin,author of“The Record Keeper (A Murphy Shepherd Novel),"shares about the need to know whose we are before we know who we are and the process ofstirring affection towards the Lord. Click here for today's show notes

Ben Johnsonunpacks the further details released on the response of the Uvalde police and how our culture can recover when its children are violently acting out against elders and law enforcement.David Ritchie, author of "Why Do the Nations Rage?: The Demonic Origin of Nationalism," shares aboutthe intersection of Christianity and nationalism in America today. Click here for today's show notes

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