Mile Higher

Mile Higher

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Crime. Conspiracy. Cognizance. Welcome to Mile Higher hosted by husband & wife duo Josh Thomas and Kendall Rae! Our show focuses on True Crime but we delve into many other topics including conspiracy theories, unexplained phenomena, metaphysics, futurism, ancient civilizations and news stories the mainstream media doesn't cover. Our guests include experts in these topics as well as like-minded individuals who share our passion for uncovering the truth and exploring the mysteries of our universe. Come chill with us every Monday and prepare to take your mind a mile higher! Watch the show on YouTube every Wednesday!

On May 19th, 1992, Mary Jo Buttafuoco was enjoying a leisurely day of painting when she heard a knock on her door. She had no idea that on the other side of that door, her husband Joey’s 16-year-old mistress Amy Fisher was waiting for her, with a t-shirt in one hand and a gun in the other. Today, we look at the infamous “Long Island Lolita” scandal that rocked the nation.

HAARP is an ionospheric research facility built by the US government in Gakona, Alaska. According to conspiracy theorists, HAARP can control the weather and even people’s minds using its radio waves. It’s been blamed for causing natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey and the 2011 Japan Earthquake. Today, we take a look at some of these popular HAARP conspiracy theories.

We’re back with another installment of Dumbest Criminals. Today we look at a considerate lawnmower thief, a Legoland-involved car chase, a case of mistaken arson, and more.

Kylen Schulte and Crystal Turner were two happy newlyweds living the vanlife in Moab, Utah. But on August 13th, 2021, they complained to their friends that a “creeper man” was bothering them at their campsite. 5 days later, the couple was found murdered. We take a look at Kylen and Crystal’s story and some major updates in this tragic case.

In today’s episode, we take a look at some tragic incidents involving the orcas at SeaWorld theme parks and why they should no longer be in captivity.

Jonathan Reynoso and Audrey Moran were a young Coachella Valley couple that vanished on May 10th, 2017. Two days later, Audrey’s car was found abandoned on the side of the highway - but there was no sign of her or Jonathan. The couple was missing without a trace for three years until the police announced they’d arrested 6 suspects for their murders.

In this week’s episode, we look at some Disney conspiracies and legends. Did Disney help fake the moon landing? Was Walt Disney’s head really frozen, and was he an FBI spy?

Today, we take a look at the infamous Killdozer rampage that terrorized Granby, Colorado, back in 2004. After a decade-long zoning dispute that cost him his muffler business, Marvin Heemayer knew he needed to make the small town of Granby pay for their sins. And to do that, he was going to need patience, determination, and a pretty big bulldozer.

In today’s episode, Rae Andreacchio joins us to discuss the suspicious death of her son, Christian Andreacchio. We talk about case updates, unanswered questions, and next steps in the Andreacchios’ fight for justice.

On December 4th, 1972, 7-year-old Steven Stayner was kidnapped walking home from school and held captive for 7 years. When his kidnapper brought home 5-year-old Timmy White, Steven heroically escaped with the boy, and they were reunited with their families. But 2 decades later, in a disturbing twist of fate, Steven’s older brother Cary was convicted of murdering 4 women in Yosemite National Park.

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