Mikey and Bob

Mikey and Bob

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1,262 聲音
Best friends on the radio, best friends in real life.

Hopefully the podcast is fixed and you aren't hearing some random show right now - No Mega Millions Winner.. Buuuut what would you do if you won?!?! - National Hot Dog Day.. We power rank our top 5 hot dog toppings - Arnold Schwarzenegger Fart Face - The Ketchup bottles are down... The Heinz Field sign is next we all need a WQED Rick Sebak Heinz Field memories special - Hell Yeah David Bednar pitched a scoreless ninth inning in the all-star game - We fell into The Mandela Effect wormhole - A Florida man had a horrible plan to get hired at Disney - Canadian Adult Toy Raccoon House

Cue up the Sarah McLachlan... Those Heinz Field Ketchup bottles are never coming back - An Update on Scoots the baby raccoon that was living in Mikeys garage - The only time we ever got into a fight.... It was over a taco - How does Vecna pee - Heinz Ketchup bottles facebook comments - Mega Millions jackpot is at 530mil... What would you do if you won.... - You never want to be know as the Wiener Man in a Florida jail - Someone send Metallica to rock space - Does anyone have a pet that uses the toilet??

Tiny airplane toilet yoga - Mikey has a baby raccoon - True Love IS REAL!!! Jlo and Ben Affleck got married - Florida man makes the show again... This time trying to use a lawnmower as a getaway vehicle - Horse Farts and the Bar Exam - Mikey and Cream of Wheat - We got a naked Florida dancer

Woke up this morning to the news that Evgeni Malkin has signed a new deal with the Pens - Mikey watches 9 out of the top 10 Emmy nominated shows - Stone Cold Sidney Crosby - Uncle Greggie bought the naming rights to Heinz Field - National French Fry Day - Space you guys - Naked Bonfires in Florida - If you have anything funny for the show or just want to say hi hit the little microphone and leave us a talkback message

Acrisure Stadium Facebook comments - Butt crack mosquito bites - Crazy Italian guy checks in for the last time from Heinz Field - A pooping horse stole the show during the bachelorette premiere - Watch out Mikey is space horny - An amazon delivery driver took a street poop and then used the Millvale bidet - Amazon Prime Day.. Who needs a shark costume for their bearded dragon

Back from a little summer vacation and oh oh no mustard has lost their pants - Looks like Heinz Field is getting a new name - Kate Bush is getting all that stranger things money - Sharks... Sharks... Sharks... Shark Shark.... Everybody!!! Sharkfest has arrived - Call the chicken police - Yinzsplosion... David Bednar is the Pirates All-Star - A Mikey and Bob Beard Battle

Where The Hell Is Bob? - Taco Bell is testing new Cheez-It Items so we had to take a look at the facebook comments - Welcome to Pittsburgh Furry Friends for Anthrocon Weekend - Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are switching time slots... So we had to take a look at those facebook comments... Thanks for listening... if you want to reach out hit that little mic and leave us a talkback message

Mikey really wants a Cam Heyward invite to come watch stranger things and have a pool party - Welcome back to Pittsburgh Furry Friends - Kennywood survived one day being cashless but do they have the curse of the log jammer - The Hocus Pocus 2 trailer is out so we had to look at the Facebook comments - Everyone has a ramen noodle recipe - Jail foods... give us that Chi Chi - How bout that new Targets downtown

Bob smells SAUSAGE! - Roman Noodles - Snake ate her pants - Elvis beat Top Gun Maverick... Breaking news here he also passed away on the toilet - We power rank our top 5 athletes we would want to drink with - A Stranger Things spin-off and Hocus Pocus 2 - A Dad Joke

The world needs more corgi races - Air fried Uncrustables - Sidney Crosby should be the drunkest friend at Nate MacKinnon's Stanley Cup party - What kind of a drunk is Sid? - Your vote matters - How do you make Ramen Noodles? - Thor's Hammer - Bob was potato casserole creamy this past weekend - Making Raymond Noodles

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