Message to Kings - A Biblical History of Man

Message to Kings - A Biblical History of Man

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Message to Kings is a history podcast dedicated to telling a chronological Biblical history of man. The primary focus will be the Biblical events and characters of history supported with historical references and external events. Combining a story-telling style with an historical focus, Message to Kings strives to incorporate spiritual concepts, parallels, prophecies and practical applications from history to our world today. website:


Message to Kings is moving. We will be taking a break over the course of the Summer, and we will continue our course in late August.We are currently moving from Seattle, Washington to Charlotte, North Carolina. If there are any listeners in the area, please reach out us, and we would like to connect with you.

In Cana of Galilee, a nobleman, a relative of King Herod, sought out Jesus for the healing of his son. Jesus declared he will live, and the nobleman took him at his word. In this episode, we speak of healings, signs, and wonders and the concept of the salvation of an entire household. John 4:46-54Acts 10Acts

Jesus leaves Capernaum and goes to Nain, a town south of Nazareth. At the city gate, he interrupts a funeral and raises a widow's son. In this episode, we cover the incredible symbolism of this nameless, faceless, fatherless resurrection and how it applies to today. Luke 7:11-17Joel 2:28-29Psalm 30Revelation

After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus goes into Capernaum. In the city, a centurion sends for Jesus to heal his illegitimate child. Jesus agrees to go to his house, but instead the Centurion states "just say the word" and he will be healed. Jesus was amazed with his faith, and healed him. In this episode, we cover this deliverance, and the concept of spiritual authority. Luke 7:1-10Matthew

In the midst of the ministry of Jesus, twelve disciples were called. These twelve disciples would later be leaders of the future church, but only after being trained by Jesus himself in ministry, discipleship, and evangelism. In this episode, we cover the disciples, their known backgrounds, and the challenges of calling both a zealot and a traitor.Luke 6:12:12-161 Samuel 16:7Psalms 41:9Zachariah

Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount. He teaches on fasting, treasures in heaven, money, worry, and false judgment. In addition, he covered pearls to pigs, good gifts, the narrow gate, false prophets, and the man who built his house on the rock. All of these define a greater faith, the fulfillment of the law, the character of Jesus, his purpose for coming and the lifestyle and decisions required to follow him.Matthew 6:16-7:271 John 4:181 Timothy 6:10Luke

Jesus continues the sermon on the mount. In this episode, Jesus teaches on righteousness, forgiveness, adultery, fasting, and concludes with one of the most famous prayers in world history - The Lord's Prayer. Matthew 5:13-6:13Proverbs

Taking a break from miracles, Jesus sits down and preaches about the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is contrary to the world system, it is the upside down kingdom and the character of Jesus himself. In this episode, we cover the introduction to the sermon on the mount, or the beatitudes of Jesus himself. Matthew 5:1-11Luke 6:17-26James

In this episode, the Pharisees show their true colors when Jesus' disciples pick grain on the sabbath and Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on the sabbath. To our dismay, these religious leaders will now plot with the Herodians the death of Jesus. Exodus 20:8-112 Corinthians 3:17Matthew 12:1-8Mark

Jesus continues to minister from synagogue to synagogue and house to house. From the streets to the seashore, to the alter and the threshold of every home, Jesus preaches the kingdom. In this episode, Jesus teaches from a home, and we see the power of faith in the hands of friends and how Jesus can and will forgive sins. In addition, Jesus calls the Apostle Matthew and he teaches on new wineskins. Hebrews 11:1Matthew 17:20Hebrews 11:6Galatians 5:6James 2:24Mark 9:23Luke 5:17-31Mark 2:13-17Matthew 9:13Mark 2:18-22James 2:14James 5:16John 20:23Proverbs

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