Media Hip Radio

Media Hip Radio

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17 聲音
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

Episode 17: Zonk interviews John Penley, the Anarchist Photo-Journalist. Tune in to hear the insightful discussion on Anarchapulco, Roger Stone and Randy Credico. [...]Read More...

Episode 16: Zonk meets up with Farrah Fire in Brooklyn, New York to continue their conversation about her latest album “Darkness City”. Farrah shares how a chance encounter with Genya Ravan inspired her to create her album and led to Genya producing the album. Genya Ravan is known for her production work with the hardcore [...]Read More...

Episode 15: Tales of Chaos from the Yippie Pie Man for Hire… Aron Kay! The Pie Man shares details about the pie-ing of William F. Buckley with Zonk. Aron also tells his memories of Abbie Hoffman, the Yippies and the 60s. Stay tuned until the end for more live music by Sluggo’s Revenge! [...]Read More...

Episode 14: Coverage of the Veterans For Peace concert featuring Grant OG and music by Sluggos Revenge. Listen to an interview with Tom Palumbo and stay tuned for a speech by John Penley, Navy veteran and photo-journalist. [...]Read More...

Episode 13: Zonk interviews Kay Fortuna, the lead vocalist, singer and songwriter with the band Doubleblind. The band includes Roy Sandoval, Noah Pfeffer & John Westcott. [...]Read More...

Episode 12 Welcome Farrah Fire, the Heavy Metal Rock n’ Roller and Avante Garde Artist, to the Show! Tune in for some fresh music by Farrah Fire from her project “Darkness City”. Later, she speaks with Zonk about memories of CBGB, the legendary Punk Rock club, and the late founder Hilly Kristal. She describes the [...]Read More...

Episode 11 The Return of Aron Kay to the Show! The legendary Yippie, Aron Kay the Pie Man, continues his cutting commentary on the runaway Trump Administration. He offers sage advice to the youth of the nation. He also reminisces about David Peel and Geraldo Rivera. [...]Read More...

Episode 10 Poor People’s Campaign Hear Native American and Civil Rights Activists explain the importance of the resurrected Poor People’s Campaign. The Iran Deal Stay tuned in to listen to Frank Lowe, aForeign Policy Analyst, discuss the Iran Deal and the potential for escalation of aggressions. [...]Read More...

Episode 9 Follow Up Conversation with Christos DC of Honest Music Christos DC let’s listeners know about the highs and lows of the reggae industry and updates his fans on his latest recording projects. He talks about the challenges of producing your own music. Fresh Bonus Material: Environmental Commentary by Zacko Zacko talks about immediate [...]Read More...

Episode 8 Zonk catches up with John Penley, the activist and photographer, to get more insight into Occupy Wall Street,Keith Haring and to discuss the history of music and protest in the Lower East Side. [...]Read More...

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