Meathead Hippie

Meathead Hippie

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Emily Schromm is a trainer, coach, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and entrepreneur. From reality tv to Women's Health Magazine's Next Fitness Star, Emily has worked in the industry for over 9 years helping people learn about movement, mindset, and the power of nutrition. She is the founder of EmFit, which provides online 21-day challenges and 6-week strength programs to help people learn about their body and feel stronger than ever at any level. @emfitchallenge She is the Founder of Evolved Motion, the home of the #empack. The world's first and only backpack turned weight training bag, helping you stay strong at home or on-the-go. @evolvedmotion She is the Founder of Herbal Element, an herbal tea company with blends to help with digestion, anxiety, stress, and hormones. @herbalelementShe is the Founder of The Body Awareness Project, an educational course + box of essentials on three of the most relevant topics in today's world covering acne, stress, sleep, and bloating. @bodyawarenessprojectShe is the Founder of Platform Strength, a 24/7 access gym in RiNO, Denver providing group classes and personal training. @platformstrengthShe is the Founder of EMPIRICA, a pharmaceutical grade supplement company providing the highest quality nutrients in our nutrient-lacking diet to support our system. @myempirica She is the Founder of EMPRESS, a monthly digital publication that connects people to information outside of typical media coverage, delivering information and education in an interactive way. And she is the author of the book, The Process. Thank you for being here.

Join this Meathead Hippie podcast with Emily Schromm for a little update on life the last few months - some big changes have happened, and it was time for an update. BLOG : New supplement packets are LIVE! Build Your Own Apothecary : from Herbal Element, Em's former tea line! Get a shipment of herbs and knowledge every month. BECOME A MEMBER OF PLATFORM , and combine it all! IG:

Join in for an Em's Process podcast on training Muay Thai in Thailand, herbs, posture, and all things transition. Contact em for inquiries on the course or questions for future podcasts at : Find all things em at : This podcast is sponsored by FORCE OF NATURE and EQUIP PROTEIN! Use code MEATHEADHIPPIE for $10 off your order at and use code MEATHEAD HIPPIE for 15% off the best beef protein isolate in the land at

Pasha is a Human Biomechanics specialist accredited by Functional Patterns. A life long student of human design, martial arts, indigenous movement, and art. This work has led him to be the Physical pillar of Sacred Sons. Having worked with thousands of men and women from all over the world, teaching people how to leverage gravity and healing their His practice and guidance has activated thousands across the globe through private sessions, retreats, workshops, courses, seminars, and activational talks, all serving the inspiration to live more open-hearted, purposeful, and passionately fulfilled through accessing the truth of everyone’s unlimited creative potential. Follow Pasha on Instagram below: Join Em and Pasha's FOUR WEEK COURSE at the link below: Watch this interview on YouTube : PARTNERS AND ANNOUCMENTS: Use code MEATHEADHIPPIE for $10 off your f...

Lindsey Locke is here to Get Psyched on the human experience. With a background and career in Holistic Counseling Psychology, Lindsey invites her listeners to get curious about their lives and what it means to be one's authentic self. You can find her on her GET PSYCHED podcast, where you'll also hear an interview with Em! A huge thank you to our podcast sponsors: EQUIP - the cleanest post-workout protein out there. Use code Meathead Hippie for 15% off FORCE OF NATURE- supporting land and regenerative farming through MEAT. This is the only meat Em eats! Code MEATHEADHIPPIE for $10 off your order EM'S BLOG: Em's supplement line: baseline nutrients: Tri-Mag D3/K2 if not in sun Omega 3s Vital Bs Adaptogen Support (if doing hard training)

Puer tea, also known as puerh, pu-erh, pu-er, and pu-eh tea, is sun dried and naturally aged to produce a healthy tea with a smooth, mellow, earthy taste. "Puer" is pronounced "poo-er", the "poo" rythmes with the English word "you" and the "er" is pronounced like the er in the word "ergonomic". Puer is the official spelling, named after Puer City, in Yunnan, China. Join Em, Larry, and Yang Su for a pu-er tea time on this LIVING TEA! Find Larry and Yang Su's beautiful tea offerings at the below link: Thank you for listening to the Meathead Hippie podcast!

"Your desire to do deeper, more meaningful work is not a pipe dream nor a fantasy... it is a NECESSITY." A podcast with Em on revisiting the past in some wild ways, and releasing what was so that we can move forward fully to what IS. Join the monthly membership of Em's: Join the BUILD YOUR OWN APOTHECARY: Em's Blog: Em's Instagram:

"Do not let your hesitation get in the way of your expression." Join Em as we enter into a new phase of Pisces season, radical responsibility of self, and a whole bunch of questions on supps and gut healing! Take the bird quiz and learn about Em's memberships: For all supps, especially magnesium (tri-mag!) : For all things em:

Join Ethan Godwin and Emily Schromm as they talk about Em's most recent Maui trip living in a van, creative expression, and healthy living. Find Ethan at This episode is brought to you by Force of Nature, a regenerative and sustainable meat company that delivers directly to you. Use code MEATHEADHIPPIE for $10 off your first order at Find all things Em at "Angel Number 143 means positive thinking. This message is sent to people who are not so sure how to make things happen in their life. According to the guardian angels and ascended masters, creating a positive atmosphere by thinking positive thoughts is the best way to bring your dreams into reality." Via xx

An analogy on surrender with Em <3 Build Your Own Apothecary : Join our online membership: Thank you for being a Meathead Hippie listener. xx

Bella Cloude was originally taught by the Taos Pueblo Indians to respect the power of wild medicine and for over 35 years, she has roamed the high altitude of Southern Colorado’s Valley of the Orphans. Based on the truth of the medicine wheel that the plants around you are your allies in healing, she has created teas and tinctures out of indigenous plants with the purpose of strengthening the body systems they assist. By using these plants to heal ourselves we deepen our connection with the earth. Find Bella and Em's blends on : Learn about our tea relaunch below: Find all things on: Em's Instagram:

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