London Real Army

London Real Army

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We are here to spread the truth!"Feel free to send us some donation" BitCoin Wallet :1Ls7VyiBw9kK45i1qcMhs5MLrG9BG9AbEkAll money raised will solely be used to fund the DIGITAL FREEDOM PLATFORM initiativeAll money raised will be deposited into a dedicated, audited accountAll money raised will only used for this new platformAny excess funding will be used to support future banned interviewsAny shortfall in funding for ROSE / ICKE III: THE LIVESTREAM will be made up by LONDON REALLONDON REAL – FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH SINCE 2011. Support this podcast:

David Icke Reveals the Truth A small handful of social media monopolies control everything that we say and that we see. Over the last 2 months we have seen a disproportionate amount of censorship and have interviewed countless people who have also been shut down by these trillion dollar behemoths. --- Support this podcast:

The Star Of Controversial Documentary - 'Plandemic' Judy Mikovitsis an Americanactivist. As research director of a CFS research organizationWhittemore Peterson Institute(WPI) from 2006-2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that aretrovirusknown asxenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role. In 1980, Mikovits was awarded aBachelor of Sciencedegree inChemistrywith a specialization in biology at theUniversity of Virginia. After graduation, she went to theNational Cancer InstituteinFrederick, Maryland, where she developed purification methods forInterferon alpha. Mikovits has gained attention onsocial mediafor promoting her ideas about the2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. She does not believe that avaccineis needed to preventCOVID-19, and claims that the coronavirus was “caused by a bad strain offlu vaccinethat was circulating between2013and2015“. She also claimed masks will “activate” the virus and r...

David "Nino" Rodriguez is an American heavyweight boxer. He was formerly ranked number 13 in the world by the WBC and number 12 by the WBA while 11 in the world by the IBA. During training for one of his fights, Rodriguez survived a brutal knife attack, the result of which was a near-death experience and a facial scar that runs clear from his ear to his chin. David began telling others about his story through an anti-bullying campaign that started organically but has now begun to pick up momentum. He speaks to detention facilities and school districts openly sharing a story of himself being bullied and in return being a bully to others. David’s book, “When The Lights Go Out: From Survivor to Champion” recounts his journey back from the brink of despair. Recently, David made headlines after posting a video exposing human trafficking and child pedophile rings prevalent throughout the upper echelons of the entertainment, sports and political communities. --- Support this podcast: ht...

Deceptive Agenda was due to be released at 10 pm on March 30, 2020. But all the constituent videos that were going to be shown included in this video (total of 9, obtained with permission), was censored and shut down by the various hosting platforms at 7:30 pm last night. As a result, we have decided to post this explanation video instead, explaining what happened, why it happened, and how we're going to help you get the full Part 5 to you, critical information that is intentionally being censored from you. Watch this video, follow the instructions to get access to watch the real Part 5 video, and then pass the information on and pay it forward. Our future and that of our loved ones hang in the balance of what will happen in the next few weeks. PS - For those looking for the FB live stream replay, it was immediately taken down. There were a few thousand people watching but that was enough of a threat apparently that the live stream video was deleted. What you will see in this video ...

Part 5 - Deceptive Agenda was due to be released at 10 pm on March 30, 2020. But all the constituent videos that were going to be shown included in this video (total of 9, obtained with permission), was censored and shut down by the various hosting platforms at 7:30 pm last night. As a result, we have decided to post this explanation video instead, explaining what happened, why it happened, and how we're going to help you get the full Part 5 to you, critical information that is intentionally being censored from you. Watch this video, follow the instructions to get access to watch the real Part 5 video, and then pass the information on and pay it forward. Our future and that of our loved ones hang in the balance of what will happen in the next few weeks. PS - For those looking for the FB live stream replay, it was immediately taken down. There were a few thousand people watching but that was enough of a threat apparently that the live stream video was deleted. What you will see in th...

Synopsis of previous parts: Part 3 disclosed the manipulation of a naturally occurring “wild-type” coronavirus into the resulting COVID-19 chimera, created despite the protests of leading virologists, conducted during a 2014 governmental moratorium against this specific type of manipulation on organisms with the potential to create a pandemic. The kicker was that it was documented via studies published in leading scientific journals. So what’s that got to do with 5G? Part 4 first documents the difference between what 5G is and what we THINK it is, helping to make us realize that 5G is a massive microwave, a technology that is actually impacting our physiology beyond the level that most of us could ever comprehend. The studies showing the resulting effects on the heart, immune system, adrenals, brains and reproductive systems of humans and animals is clear. But it’s only the beginning. We will show that 5G actually disrupts the calcium channels within cell membranes, making the C...

As mentioned in the last video, the level of toxicity in Wuhan was extraordinary but in typical fashion, the “virus hunters” came out and shut out the “toxicity exposers”. What does the CDC do when faced with determining the cause of any multiple deaths from unusual causes? They send out 2 teams. The toxicology team and the infectious disease team. Where are the toxicology teams? But this is not the first time or the 10th time the toxicity issue has been ignored or minimised. In fact, this seems to be the standard approach. Why? Because an industry or company can be held responsible for the resulting catastrophic issues it may be responsible for if it is identified as a toxicity issue. But with a virus or bacteria, no one can be held responsible. And so, a virus becomes the perfect scapegoat. Remember what they said about glyphosate (RoundUp)…that it was safe. The last jury award was $2 billion US dollars but was reduced by the judge to around $50 million. But the plaintiff’s ...

The level of toxicity in Wuhan was documented as far back as 2013 when people began complaining in Wuhan. Numerous reports of public outcry in 2015 culminated with BBC and CNN coverage of the mass protests in Wuhan due to the incinerator pollution garnering enough attention to gain the ear of the international community in 2016 and 2017. As recently as July 2019, more public demonstrations and clashes occurred between citizens and police due to social unrest because of the level of incinerator pollution was growing unchecked. So the level of toxicity in this particular city was extraordinary but in typical fashion, the “virus hunters” came out and shut out the “toxicity exposers” in the medical and scientific world. But this is not the first time or the 10th time the toxicity issue has been ignored or minimised. In fact, this seems to be standard approach. Why? Because an industry or company can be held responsible for the resulting catastrophic issues it may be responsible for ...

The dilemma created with the Covid-19 Virus breakout was fuelled by lack of intellectual integrity within the mainstream media and inherent conflicts of interest in parties directly or indirectly involved. These included companies vested in looking for a scape goat to divert attention from their responsibility, something which becomes evident as more of the information becomes disclosed. Comparing the death toll from the covid-19 virus totalling right at 13,000 as of March 21, 2020, compared to the total number of deaths so far in 2020 throughout the world from all causes of mortality, now over 13 million, it becomes a wonder why are we suddenly concerned about 0.1% of the causes of death? Even more suspect is that the numbers of full recoveries with most people only remaining ill for 48 hours dwarfs the deaths but are not being reported. Why? It makes one wonder what the real agenda is behind the massive rollout of restrictions and recommendation of self isolation and social distan...

The Doctor Who Speaks Out Against Vaccines Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny, is the founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center. Her goal is to provide the best of integrative medicine throughout the USA. Dr. Tenpenny is a graduate of the University of Toledoand received her training as an osteopathic medical doctor at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Tenpenny is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. She has undertaken many advanced courses in alternative medicine, including acupuncture and complex homeopathy. Dr. Tenpenny has invested nearly 20 years and more than 40,000 hours documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. As an internationally known speaker and author, her many articles have been translated into at least 12 languages. She is a frequent guest on radio and TV to share her knowledge and educate parents on why they should just say no to vaccines. --- Support this podcast:

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