Light Warrior Radio with Dr. Karen Kan

Light Warrior Radio with Dr. Karen Kan

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Dr. Karen Kan, medical doctor, Doctor of Light Medicine™ helps spiritual conscious sensitive souls harness their Superpowers so they can resonate at their highest light and help anchor in a new future reality of joy, peace, love and harmony for all. For her Free Sensitive Soul Empowerment Guide, go to

Have you ever had a time when you felt like you were being guided by ideas or an impulse that turned out magically without understanding exactly how? How confident are you in your ability to use intuition in your life? Most of us have heard that “still small voice” or nudge to do something, or say something to someone that had an outcome that was just what we wanted or what someone else needed to hear. Tapping into our intuitive senses we can become walking beacons to find more joy, clarity, peace, ease, and influence. Mastering intuition is not about having to spend hours or years learning a craft either. We all have the ability to tap into our Divine Source and access information that we need just when we need it. How? What would change in your life if you knew that you could get more clarity and insight about things that really matter? Imagine if you could improve your relationships, your cash flow, and your work life so that you could find more freedom and joy, and make an impact in the world while feeling at peace? As a Joy Mindset Expert, Lisa discovered that everyone has a desire to find purpose and meaning in their lives. Pain and suffering are indicators that we are being guided to something new. Breakthroughs come after our breakdowns! Our spiritual journeys are unique, but our human experiences are healable and also meant to serve our highest good. Tune in to learn: Why most people get stuck and burned out in the first placeWhy intuition and spiritual tools are best to use when we are lostHow to create a life of joy and freedom with ease and flowWhat you can do today to get clarity and answer any burning questions you have To discover more about Lisa, please visit her website at

Are you a woman over the age of 40 who is starting to succumb to thoughts such as, “I guess I’m just getting old”, “My body is just falling apart and there isn’t much I can do about it”, or “I’m so exhausted from doing these exercise sessions that leave me feeling tired, sore, with no results”. It’s time for a massive paradigm shift to move from a place of feeling good, opening our bodies to the Divine Feminine, and learning to listen to the wisdom that lies within. Join us as we ponder how we can rid ourselves of chronic aches and pains, improve our mood, and elevate our state of being based on how we are moving our bodies! There are so many sensitive souls who do not feel like they belong on this planet who know there is a more peaceful loving way to be, yet they feel the human embodiment and its growing pains. What if being present in your body, is all you need to do to complete your mission on earth? What if, instead of escaping the body, you embrace it? Donna Rileyis ...

Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE onLight Warrior Radio Podcaston the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches. Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priorit...

Do you know what it is like to grow up in a small village, have no access to higher education, and be forced to survive on your own at the age of 12? My guest on Monday’s Light Warrior Radio, Boonmee Pakviset McElroy, details how she turned her life around from being an orphan to an international life coach and inspirational speaker in her memoir, I Hate Potatoes: They Make Me Cry, a story of triumph over hardships and how she turned her life around from being an orphan to an international life coach and inspirational speaker in America. Listen in on this LIVE show to learn more about How to transform your circumstancesHow to go from “victim” to victoriousTools to transform your lifeDiscovering your purposeAnd so much more! Boonmee grew up in Thailand. She lived and traveled between Thailand, Japan, and Singapore while practicing as a Transformational Life Coach and Inspirational speaker between 2004 - 2009, prior to moving to the United States. She moved to the US in August 2009...

It can happen that life takes a sudden turn, and you find yourself at a stage where you need to reinvent yourself. Events may have occurred in your life that makes you doubt or deny yourself and yet you feel an urgency to bring changes from within. You feel your heart, your soul nudging you; you have an inexplicable knowing that it is time for you to come back to love again. Even if you have lost your way to yourself or feel overwhelmed, knowing that it is possible, through self-love, to redefine yourself, you can rediscover and reconnect to the loving self within you and your Divine Power. It is possible for you to feel the freedom that loving yourself brings by breaking the inner chains of what are holding you back in your life. Also, to know that all the changes you go through from within can happen with grace, harmony, and complete gentleness. Life has many twists and turns to overcome. Only, as time goes by, we sometimes lose our deep connection to our divine essence, Love. Eve...

What if our knowledge of energy anatomy was incomplete? Would that disempower us to some degree? The answer is an emphaticYES. Source told me a few years ago that we were evolving more Chakras. At the time, I didn't fully understand what it meant, but since diving into theActivator Healer Coach TrainingbyMarcus Bird, I’ve become familiar with Dimensional Therapy, and it is all starting to come together! At one time,Marcus Birdwas a highly successful ‘Corporate Jedi’ with all the trappings of success. One day, that all changed and he found himself battling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which made it difficult for him to walk, eat, or function. All Marcus had the strength to do was meditate. During one of these meditations, he met an off-world dimensional being and was asked to bring important information to the world to help humans evolve and heal. Listen to this fascinating interview withMarcus Birdas we delve into the 13 Chakras of the Egyptian Healing Systems, why there are “missi...

Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE onLight Warrior Radio Podcaston the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches. Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priorit...

I have to be honest - I love my devices; computers, smartphones (yes I use more than one), etc. For my business, they are indispensable and a great way to keep connected to family over the last two years since I haven’t been able to safely visit Canada. However, I’ve recently been made aware of the “dark” side of “light”, blue light, specifically. Artificially created light beaming out from our light bulbs, phones, computers, and televisions. I was shocked to learn how it can damage collagen (who wants more wrinkles? And a saggy butt?) as well as interfere with our circadian rhythms and sleep. Not cool. I decided to have an expert on Light Warrior Radio to help us learn more about blue light and how to mitigate this “toxin” by answering the question, “How important is this, really?” Tune in as we discuss: Why blue light is the new sugar Why light has a major impact on our health Do full spectrum light bulbs work? The "free" way to start healing with light today And so much...

When Ann Hince was 19, the trajectory of her life dramatically changed after finding her mother, who had unexpectedly passed away. Twenty years later, as a software engineer, the tears from that trauma were still just under the surface. Ann found a simple technique that helped her release these emotions - but she went further and can now put her awareness inside her body - and has changed the bone structure of her skull and has grown ½ an inch at age 55. Ann has found that seeking out our truth, what we truly feel, and accepting those feelings, is the key to inner peace. Ann’s story is a quest for inner peace. Which resulted in optimal mental health, physical health, and an expansion of awareness that she did not know was possible – and had not heard others talk about. Ann used two techniques at different levels of awareness along her journey. Early on it was EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping). Then we will continue along Ann's journey, explaining how awareness expands...

Would you donate an organ to a loved one in need? During this episode, I have the pleasure to interview Author and Holistic Physical Therapist, Melissa Mayer, as my guest for my LIVE Light Warrior Radio Show. Melissa will discuss her journey of donating her kidney to her husband and the associated transformation she experienced that became the centerpiece of her book, ‘Recovering My True Self”. As a Holistic Physical therapist, Melissa knows healing. She has experienced it firsthand and channels it to those looking for wellness, connection, and deeper healing. Melissa is also a student of A Course in Miracles and utilizes her connection to Spirit in her work as a healer and a writer. Melissa combines her 15+ years of physical therapy with her background in yoga, meditation, Buddhism, and Spirituality/metaphysics to give patients the best the eastern and western medical models have to offer! Her book, ‘Recovering My True Self’ is available on Amazon, and wherever books are sold. ...

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