Life Transformation Radio

Life Transformation Radio

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Join us for NEW Episode every Thursday at 2:30 pm PST. Life Transformation Radio is all about OUR transformation. Here, we tell the stories of WHY we are doing what we’re doing, we highlight that transformational moment that changed our lives, and how we use it to help transform others and elevate their lives as well. Join our Facebook Community, Life Transformation Radio Community. Please subscribe, rate, and review the show if you enjoyed it. Learn how to withstand, recover, and grow through adversity, stress, and life's changing demands. We will empower the listeners with the tools necessary to take MASSIVE action, and inspire them to live EPIC lives. My guests are Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Coaches, Authors, Podcasters, Innovators, Business Owners, and other life changing people who elevate everyone around them.

Welcome Life Transformation Radio- So Happy to have you here. In this episode, Izzy Lobacz and I discuss how to follow your dreams. So if you want to learn to not doubt yourself even if people around do, and if you believe that you can do it, know you most definitely can. In this episode, you'll discover: Follow your dreams Don't doubt yourself even though people around do. If I did it, you will do it. About Izzy Lobacz Izzy is an out-of-the-box thinker. Life wasn't always ideal izzy didn’t finish school and they even wanted to kick him out of acting school 14 times – 2,3x times per semester. Now Izzy works with entrepreneurs who are not happy with their communication results and have problems with articulation their solutions in a way to builds value in the audience’s eyes. “See your message through THEIR eyes. Let’s make it #Izzy” More Information Learn more about Izzy Lobacz by visiting Thanks for Tuning In!

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio In this episode, Sarah Valeri and I discuss how there is beauty in the simplicity of life and that the clutter you are surrounded by is a huge part of our mental health struggles. So if you want to learn letting go is the biggest superpower you have, understand holding on to "Stuff" is never going to make you happy, and how hustling your way through life doesn't work, tune in now! In this episode, you'll discover: Stuff is never going to make you happy Letting go is the biggest superpower you have Hustling your way through life doesn't work About Sarah Valeri Sarah Valeri - the Professional Decluttering and Organizing expert behind Hello Clutter. Most people spend their time feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and at a loss for what to do to change that. What if I told you that what you're feeling is the mental clutter caused by our physical clutter and overloaded schedules? Sarah started her business in 2019 as a way to help adults transform their ho...

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio. In this episode, Brandon Fong and I discuss how to be resourceful. So if you want to learn how to find value of connection with high level people, build incredible relationships , and and become more resourceful in your everyday life. tune in now! In this episode, you'll discover: • Value of connection with high-level people • Build incredible relationships • Become more resourceful in your everyday life. About Brandon Fong Brandon Fong is a husband to his highschool sweetheart, Leah, and is on a mission to create a more deeply connected world. Before age 26, Brandon leveraged his skill of connection to become a published author, run the marketing for an online education company with 250,000+ students, travel to 23 countries with his wife, get featured on TV, and launch his podcast, 7-Figure Millennials, to a top 2% global ranking in less than a year. Today, B2B founders hire Brandon to get his “relationship podcasting system” to land more ...

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio In this episode, Naomi Mamiye and I discuss how when an opportunity isn't a right fit for you that something better is coming your way. So if you want to prove naysayers wrong, understand that no one can take away what is meant for you, and learn to embrace your personal journey, tune in now! In this episode, you'll discover: prove the naysayers wrong! About Naomi Mamiye Having a childhood full of tragedies, Naomi Mamiye got married young just to have a home. She did not have parents to guide or have her back. Because of her foolishness of youth, years later she found herself divorced with 4 kids- no income or family to lean on. Naomi had to turn to her creativity to start a business. People laughed when she proposed to start the Naomi Mamiye Design firm. Instead of letting it bring her down, she used it as fuel to propel herself ahead and prove them wrong. Naomi pushed herself hard to get to the top of the design world. She did her first few pro...

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio! We are very excited to bring you a very special episode, you gain an all-access pass to PODROCK! Today we are featuring the one and only Kosha Dillz. Independent workhorse and lyricist Kosha Dillz has found a way to entertain the entire world. Having toured the entire world with everyone from Matisyahu to Rza of the Wu-Tang Clan and more, he has become a mainstay in the Hip Hop World and beyond, playing Paid Dues festival, BK Hip Hop Festival, SXSW, CMJ, Rock The Bells, and Vans Warped Tour and BottleRock where Rob had a chance to sit down and talk. Find more about Kosha Dillz by visiting:

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio! We are very excited to bring you a very special episode, you gain an all-access pass to PODROCK! Today we are featuring the one and only Ron Artis II. Find more about Ron Artis II by visiting:

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio. In this episode, Chantelle Turner and I discuss It's never too late to start again. So if you want to learn how to not dwell on the why something happened and figure out what you can do about it so that you can start again, tune in now! In this episode, you'll discover: You can't dwell on why something happened, only figure out what you can do about it. It's never too late to start again Figure out what problems you can solve for others and you'll end up solving your own in the process About Chantelle Turner Chantelle Turner is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Coach. She began her first online brand over 8 years ago. She was facing a number of challenges in her personal life that limited the time she could spend building her business. Chantelle discovered a passion for helping others and has spent years honing and developing her vast internet marketing skills. Since then, she has appeared on numerous stages, spoken on countless podcasts, a...

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio. In this episode, David Richman and I discuss How today is really day zero (a fresh learning experience) if we let it be. So if you want to see yourself in an honest way, forgive and learn to let go. so you can have a fresh learning experience every day, tune in now! In this episode, you'll discover: Seeing yourself in an honest way, forgiving and letting go, and learning. That we need to set high-enough goals That today is really day zero (a fresh learning experience) if you let it be. About David Richman David is an author, public speaker, and endurance athlete whose mission is to form more meaningful human connections through storytelling. His first book, Winning in the Middle of the Pack, discussed how to get more out of ourselves than ever imagined. With Cycle of Lives, David shares stories of people overcoming trauma and delves deeply into their emotional journeys with cancer. He continues to do Ironman triathlons and recently completed a s...

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio. In this episode, Michael Thornhill and I discuss how healing is possible for everyone. So if you want to know that we are not alone, that everyone can heal, and how love can heal all wounds, tune in now! Trigger Warning- In this episode, there is a discussion of childhood ritual sexual abuse. We also discuss In this episode, you'll discover: Healing is possible for everyone We are not alone Love heals all wounds About Michael Thornhill Michael Thornhill is a Co-Founder of Casa Galactica in Peru, who offer Healing & Evolution for the Dedicated Inner-Truth Seeker. Michael is professional channel, curandero, trauma-informed healer, and an advocate of trauma-informed care. Casa Galactica provides, plant medicine retreats online, channeling ,trauma healing sessions and workshops to clients around the globe who are looking to liberate themselves from past trauma and embody their true self. Michael believes that to heal trauma at the root cause we requ...

Welcome to Life Transformation Radio. In this episode, David Gold, Joy Reece and I discuss stepping into who you are and what you are here to do. So if you want your entire life to make sense and understand you are the only person who can do exactly what you have been put here to do, tune in now! In this episode, you'll discover: You can't be anything other than yourself Once you step into who you are and what you are here to do - your entire life makes sense. You are the only person who can do exactly what you have been put here to do - as only you can do it About David Gold Dave Gold brings the full power and wisdom of his 45 years as a businessman, trial lawyer executive consultant, and spiritual mentor to liberate world-changing executives and entrepreneurs from the shackles of self-doubt and self-disqualification More Information Learn more about David Gold by visiting: Thanks for Tuning In!

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