Life in Norway Show

Life in Norway Show

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An English language guide to living and working in Norway, featuring interviews with both expats and Norwegians. Find out what it's like to live and work in Scandinavia, and whether Norway really is the happiest country on earth.

Life in Norway Show Episode #65: Norway is known worldwide as a great destination for discovering the great outdoors. Today we chat about how to make the most of those opportunities with today's guest, Kevin J Rosenberg. He runs tour company IAG Adventures and wants more people to discover the natural beauty in Norway and the other Nordic countries. Full show notes:

Starting a business in Norway is challenging enough at the best of times. But doing so as an immigrant is a path that's full of uncertainties. Today we’re talking about a gap in Norway’s immigration rules which entrepreneurs can easily fall into and find themselves forced to leave Norway despite having built a life here. Full Show Notes:

Life in Norway Show Episode 63: The acting head of the U.S. Embassy in Norway joins the show to talk about her role and the relations between the two countries. Sharon Hudson-Dean is Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, Norway. Sharon took a few minutes out of her very busy schedule when visiting Trondheim recently to become the fourth Ambassador to come on the show.

Life in Norway Show Episode 62: Peter Betlem from the University Centre in Svalbard talks about living on Svalbard and working as a researcher. We talk about the science that takes place in the High Arctic as well as what life is like in Longyearbyen in such a unique part of the world. If you've ever considered studying in Svalbard, this is the show for you. Happy listening! Full Show Notes:

Life in Norway Show Episode 61: Jason Turflinger of the American Chamber of Commerce in Norway joins the show to talk business culture in Norway and the US. We talk about the purpose and work of the AmCham organisation, and whether the stereotypes are true about the difference in working culture between Norway and the United States. Jason also offers up some tips for Americans looking to move to Norway and find work. Happy listening! Full Show Notes:

Life in Norway Show Episode 60: The European Erasmus programme allows millions of students to study abroad. Here's the experience of a Dutch student visiting Trondheim, Norway. The EU’s Erasmus programme has facilitated more than 6 million students to study abroad since its creation in 1987. Every year, hundreds of students from across Europe come to Norway on an Erasmus placement. If you’ve ever considered studying in Norway as a way to sample the lifestyle here, this is the show for you. Full Show Notes:

Life in Norway Show Episode 59: In the latest podcast episode, I chat with a Latvian who moved to Norway as a child and then decided to stay as a teenager, without his parents. Many guests on the Life in Norway Show have a relatively similar story. Someone who chose to move to Norway in their 20s or 30s because of a job or for love. Ernests Barons moved from Latvia to Norway with his parents at the age of nine. Several years later, his parents decided to return to Latvia. He chose to stay in Norway with his sister. We chat about his decisions, the differences between Latvia and Norway, life in Oslo, and his work for The Human Aspect. Full Show Notes:

Life in Norway Show Episode 58: Agathe from Find Your Norway joins the show to chat about planning a hiking trip in Norway. The mountains and the fjords of Norway attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year—at least in normal times. But a hiking trip isn't like a simple city break. It takes careful planning to get the best experience. On the show, we look at why you should look beyond the popular hiking trails and tips for first-time visitors. Full Show Notes: Agathe's website is at

Life in Norway Show Episode 57: Spanish architect Juan Herreros talks about the architectural choices of the controversial new Munch Museum in Oslo. I recently attended the press preview day of the new Munch museum. The striking building is the latest addition to Oslo’s ambitious Fjord City project, which is slowly transforming the waterfront of Oslo over several decades. Many people have criticised the architecture of the new museum, so I took the opportunity to speak to the lead architect, Juan Herreros, of the Spanish architecture practice Estudio Herreros. Full Show Notes:

Life in Norway Show Episode 56: Moving to a new country has many challenges, but one that's not talked about so often is the psychology of adapting to a new way of life. On the latest episode of the Life in Norway Show, we dive into the psychological side of moving to Norway.I'm joined by Gabriela Sirbu from Migration of Emotion. Full Show Notes:

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