Learn Japanese FAST! -- TalkingFlashcards.com

Learn Japanese FAST! -- TalkingFlashcards.com

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TalkingFlashcards.com — The Learn-a-Language-Fast Podcast! Learn Japanese Fast! Our program is the fastest and best method to learn Japanese! We teach listeners common words and phrases in Japanese, repeated several time to improve retention. TalkingFlashcards.com — the Learn-a-Language-Fast Podcast! Learn Japanese! Topics include learning how to tell time in Japanese, how to order food in Japanese, counting in Japanese, and other conversational Japanese to help you communicate during your travel to Japan. Our free Japanese lessons are great opportunities to listen and learn Japanese, and our use of rhythm and repetition will get you to speak Japanese in just minutes! Learning a foreign language and learning Japanese has never been so easy! Start learning the Japanese language!

Romaji Meaning ginkou bank gurai about guramu gram getsuyoubi Monday genkan entranceway, entry hall genki healthy, robust, energy, vitality ko child, counter for units go five, language go language gogo afternoon, pm goshujin husband gozen morning, a.m.

Romaji Meaning gakkou school gawa side, part gitaa guitar gyuuniku beef gyuunyuu milk yuuhan evening meal yuubinkyoku post office yuube last night yuumei famous, fame yuki snow yuku to go yukkuri slowly

Numbers Romaji 10000 ichiman 11000 ichiman-issen 20000 niman 30000 sanman 40000 yonman 50000 goman 60000 rokuman 70000 nanaman 80000 hachiman 90000 kyuuman 100000 juuman 1 million hyakuman

Numbers Romaji 1000 sen OR issen 2000 nisen 3000 sanzen 4000 yonsen 5000 gosen 6000 rokusen 7000 nanasen 8000 hassen 9000 kyuusen

Learn to count from 100-900 in Japanese! TalkingFlashcards.com Numbers Romaji 100 hyaku 201 nihyaku-ichi 302 sanbyaku-ni 410 yonhyaku-juu 521 gohyaku-ni-juu-ichi 632 roppyaku-san-juu 700 nanahyaku 800 happyaku 900 kyuuhyaku

Counting 11 - 97 After you have learned to count to 10 in Japanese, there is a pattern that emerges as you learn higher numbers. This Podcast illustrates these patterns to easily teach you to count double-digit numbers in Japanese! Numbers Romaji 11 juu-ichi 12 juu-ni 13 juu-san 14 juu-yon 15 juu-go 20 ni-juu 31 san-juu-ichi 42 yon-juu-ni 53 go-juu-san 64 roku-juu-yon 75 nana-juu-go 86 hachi-juu-roku 97 kyuu-juu-nana

MONTHS OF THE YEAR January ichigatsu February nigatsu March sangatsu April shigatsu May gogatsu June rokugatsu July shichigatsu August hachigatsu Sept kugatsu Oct juugatsu Nov juuichigatsu Dec juunigatsu

KUSHIYAKI Foods & Dining 2: Yakitori grilled chicken skewers yakitori chicken white meat skewer toriniku chicken breast skewer yotsumi chicken thigh skewers momo chicken meat & scallion negima chicken meatball tsukune chicken wings tebasaki chicken hearts hatsu or kokoro chicken liver rebaa chicken gizzard zuri or sunagimo chicken cartilage nankotsu chicken intestines siro chicken tail bonjiri chicken skins kawa Foods & Dining 3: Kushiyaki grilled meat or vegetable skewer kushiyaki pork belly butabara beef tongue gyuutan thick tofu atsuage green pepper piiman ginko nuts ginnan mushrooms wrapped in pork enoki maki asparagus wrapped in bacon asuparabeekon

Yakitori & Kushiyaki Yakitori & Kushiyaki are grilled skewers, often of chicken, other meats, or vegetables. Yakitori & Kushiyaki are highly-popular dining options in Japan with many varieties to choose from.Listen and learn to discover all of the variations of Yakitori & Kushiyaki of these delicious Japanese delicacies because these are a must-try for any tourist visiting Japan. Learn the meaning of all of these varieties so that you can order exactly what you like! YAKITORI Foods & Dining 2: Yakitori grilled chicken skewers yakitori chicken white meat skewer toriniku chicken breast skewer yotsumi chicken thigh skewers momo chicken meat & scallion negima chicken meatball tsukune chicken wings tebasaki chicken hearts hatsu or kokoro chicken liver rebaa chicken gizzard zuri or sunagimo chicken cartilage nankotsu chicken intestines siro chicken tail bonjiri chicken skins kawa Foods & Dining 3: Kushiyaki grilled meat or vegetable skewer kushiyaki pork belly butabara beef tongue gyuutan...

FISH & MEAT Learn to order your meal in Japanese! This video teaches you common meats and fish and how to say them in Japanese. This lesson is perfect for the tourist dining in Japan! TalkingFlashcards.com MEALS NAMES Foods & Dining 1: Fish & Meat Fish sakana Meat niku Salmon sake Lobster ebi shrimp/prawn kurumaebi Crab kani Chicken tori-niku Chicken Wings tebasaki Lamb youniku Pork buta-niku Beef gyuu-niku Liver rebaa Tongue gyuutan Sausage sooseeji Bacon beekon

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