Las Chicas del Crime

Las Chicas del Crime

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Hola! Welcome to our podcast where 3 amigas sit & talk all things true crime for Hispanic & American crimes! We may even have a couple of laughs ;) Support this podcast:

In this week’s episode we will be in Atalanta Georgia, in the early 80s. Discussing the boys and young men who went missing from 1978-1981. We will discuss each victim and their last whereabouts. --- Support this podcast:

This week we are kicking off our "Mom Crimes" mini-series, Join us for the first episode! We are discussing the chilling case of Megan Huntsman. A Utah mother who committed unthinkable crimes for over 10 years and no one knew. ️TRIGGER WARNING ️ this episode is graphic and is not suitable for a young audience. This episode does discuss homicidal behavior. Follow us on our socials! IG: @laschicasdelcrime FB: @chicasdelcrime twitter: @Lchicasdelcrime --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, we will be discussing mothers who kill their children. As we know many women suffer different styles of postpartum depression/psychosis. In this week's episode, we discuss the different types and how they affect moms. This is a topic that is heavily stigmatized but rarely understood so we are here to bring a closer look at what this is. We hope this episode helps shed light on this topic and may it help open doors for conversations. Follow us on our socials! IG: @laschicasdelcrime FB: @chicasdelcrime twitter: @Lchicasdelcrime ****️WARNING️ This episode contains explicit content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener's discretion is advised**** --- Support this podcast:

In this week’s episode we will be discussing Jason Moss. A young college student who wrote a thesis on serial killers. Getting his information from serial killers themselves. Follow us on our socials! IG: @laschicasdelcrime FB: @chicasdelcrime twitter: @Lchicasdelcrime ****️WARNING️ This episode contains explicit content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listeners discretion is advised**** --- Support this podcast:

In this week’s episode we will be bringing something new. Chicas chisme! On chicas chisme we will pick a topic and speak on it. Bring awareness, educate ourselves and others. In this episode, we talk about CTE. What it is, what causes it, and some of the famous cases in which CTE played a part of. Like, share and subscribe! Let us know what you think of our new segment! Ig: @laschicasdelcrime Facebook: Chicas del Crime Twitter: @Lchicasdelcrime --- Support this podcast:

En el episodio de esta semana que discutimos, Lauren Smith Fields era una joven de 23 años de Bridgeport Connecticut. Estaba persiguiendo sus sueños y trabajando duro por lo que quería. Hasta que un día se encontró con un hombre para una cita, y no sabía que sería la última vez que la verían con vida. Únase a nosotros en el episodio de esta semana para hablar sobre los misteriosos eventos que rodean a Lauren Smith Fields. También compartimos un mensaje sincero de su mejor amiga Veronica, quien nos dio una idea de quién era Lauren. ¡Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales! IG: @laschicasdelcrime FB y Twitter: @chicasdelcrime --- Support this podcast:

Holaaaa! Welcome back to another episode. This week we go to Armada, Michigan where we discuss the assault and murder of April Millsap. She was 14 years old when she was attacked while walking her dog. Tap into our episode and hear how her fitness app was able to help the investigator's piece information together. I bet the last thing any of us ever thinks about when we buy a fitness app/watch is that it could help solve a crime. --- Support this podcast:

In this episode we will be talking about Gloria De La Cruz, a Selina Quintanilla impersonator who is brutally murdered by someone who was supposed to love and protect her. Follow us on our socials! IG: @laschicasdelcrime FB & Twitter: @chicasdelcrime ****️WARNING️ This episode contains explicit content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listeners discretion is advised**** --- Support this podcast:

In this week's episode we discuss, Lauren Smith Fields was a 23-year-old young woman from Bridgeport Connecticut. She was pursuing her dreams and working hard for what she wanted. Until one day she met up with a man for a date, and little did she know that would be the last time she was ever seen alive. Join us on this week's episode to discuss the mysterious events surrounding Lauren Smith Fields. We also share a heartfelt message from her best friend Veronica who gave us some insight into who Lauren was. Follow us on our socials! IG: @laschicasdelcrime FB & Twitter: @chicasdelcrime --- Support this podcast:

In this episode, we are discussing the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, who was 15 years old when she vanished from her hometown of Vatican City. No one has seen any trace of her in over 30 years. Did she run away from home after a fight with her brother? Or was she abducted as blackmail? Join us as we research what happened to Emanuela on June 22, 1983. Follow us on our socials! IG: @laschicasdelcrime FB & Twitter: @chicasdelcrime --- Support this podcast:

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