Knowledge Fight

Knowledge Fight

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Each episode, Dan and Jordan take a look at some clips from that day's Alex Jones Show and struggle to make sense of what they find.

Today, Dan and Jordan wrap up their look at Alex's activities from September 11, 2001 by looking at his evening broadcast. Does Alex still think the EU was probably behind 9/11? Can Alex be any more disrespectful than he was that morning? Does Alex get into a fight with a special celebrity guest? Citations Dreamy Creamy Fundraiser

Today, Dan and Jordan celebrate their landmark 703rd episode by finally covering perhaps the most important day in Alex Jones' career, September 11, 2001. Citations Dreamy Creamy Fundraiser

Today, Dan and Jordan explore a couple days of nonsense at the beginning of this week. In this installment, Alex obsesses about Hunter Biden, brags about his documentary, and also threatens to cut his own penis off. Citations Dreamy Creamy Fundraiser

Today, Dan and Jordan go to a date in the past to fulfill a special request. In this installment, Alex interviews Randy Weaver, tells a bizarre story about high school days, and promotes Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11.

Today, Dan and Jordan forget that it's their 700th episode, so they just do a normal show, covering a day where Alex is in a great mood because the Georgia Guidestones had been bombed the night before. Citations Dreamy Creamy Summer Fundraiser

Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex's response to the 4th of July shooting in Highland Park, IL. As it turns out, he doesn't talk about it much, and mostly just gets defensive about aliens and tries to whip up violence at the border. Citations Dreamy Creamy Summer

Today, Dan and Jordan declare their independence from Alex Jones to check in on a recent Project Camelot interview featuring a man who telepathically communicates with Sasquatch. Also he went to Mars for a year. Dreamy Creamy Fundraiser

Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex is doing, and find him throwing out all of his news-covering plans after Roger Stone stops by to drop a bombshell on him. Also, Alex interviews an annoying dork. Citations Dreamy Creamy Fundraiser

Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex's reaction to the news of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. You may be slightly surprised by Alex's reaction, as well as by the intense bigotry of Judge Joe Brown. Dreamy Creamy Fundraiser Citations

Today, Dan and Jordan celebrate Alex's return to the studio after an over two week breaky. In this installment, Alex takes a ton of calls, the Infowars crew are reimagined as the castaways on Gilligan's Island, and an Italian weirdo warns of sentient cities and robot armies.

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