Kinda Murdery

Kinda Murdery

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Bizarre murders, brash takes, and compelling commentary.  Zevon Odelberg tells riveting stories, and hosts fascinating guests, for an unfiltered conversation about true crime, history, and society with a dash of the paranormal. The stories you find here may not always be about murder, but they will ALWAYS be, "Kinda Murdery".

Beginning in 1945, Lifelong Kleptomaniac William Hereins was revealed to be Chicago's infamous, "Lipstick Killer." Or was he? The medical establishment's conventional wisdom on human behavior changed dramatically in the 65 years Herein's spent incarcerated. And, he always insisted on his innocence. The, "truth," shapeshifts a lot in six and a half decades. Did they really catch, "The Lipstick Killer?" Kinda Mudery Investigates...Sources:

At least three murders, and four husbands, ALL of whom committed suicide. Louise Peete's single-minded self-interest gradually evolved into a 40-year reign of terror. Find out how California's famed, "Black Widow," finally made one too many mistakes...Sources: well as primary sourced newspaper articles from www.newspapers.comBuy Robert Walsh's Book:

In 2008 Vincent Li beheaded carnival worker Timothy McLean and then ate his victim's eyes and heart in front of 35 people on a Greyhound bus near Winnipeg, Canada. Today, he's changed his name to William Lee Baker and he has complete and total freedom, unencumbered by any legal conditions. How is this possible? Listen to Kinda Murdery to find out.

The celebrated California bandit, Joaquin Murrieta is remembered as, "The Robin Hood of El Dorado", and the inspiration for Zorro. But, the man behind the myth may in fact have been a hate-crime-murdering serial killer. Find out. Only on Kinda Murdery.

In 1925, Alsa Thompson confessed to a series of bone-chilling poisonings, including feeding broken glass to babies. But, there's a catch. Alsa Thompson was only seven years old... Stuart Blues (British Murders podcast), joins Kinda Murdery to break down the strange, and enigmatic life of, "The Baby Borgia".Listen/Follow/Subscribe to British Murders:

In the bitter winter of 1933, the Bronx Murder Trust set out to kill "Iron" Mike Malloy and collect on the double indemnity life insurance policy they had taken out on him. They were about to find out that Iron Mike the Durable doesn't go down easy...Check out Hillbilly Horror House:

It's a mystery! On, "One From the Vault," Zevon selects just ONE of his favorite tales from the entire run of Kinda Murdery and serves you a single delicious bite of mystery...

On the Season 3 Premiere Episode, Kinda Murdery goes worldwide with Telekinetic Teens: Bouncing Berta Sybert from Virginia, Alice Belle Kirby from Louisiana, and "The Romanian Witch Girl," Eleanor Zigun. Zevon is joined hilarious daughter, Daisy Fu, who tells you about the horrifying, and she believes, REAL, "Backrooms," LEVEL: "Run for your Life", LEVEL: "The Void," and LEVEL: "Childhood Playground." WARNING: This episode is NOT fully kid friendly. It is PG-13. The Backrooms Creepy Pasta: The Backrooms Fandom Wiki:

A dark tale of paranormal police horror. Officers Smith and Ryan join Detective Joss to investigate an old mental hospital where a terrible creature fights desperately to defend his home...Insomniac Presents: Bryan A. Young's Creepy Pasta Classic Short Story: "The Hermit." Source:

In 1912 a sleepy farm town in Iowa was rocked by the axe-murdering of the Moore family and the Stillinger sisters. Two adults and six children were slaughtered that night. Nineteen years later, a Grosse Point burglar confesses to the axe murders. What really happened? Find out as Niall Madden joins Kinda Murdery for another Michigan horror story.

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