Killer Cross Examination

Killer Cross Examination

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If you’re a trial junkie or a true crime buff, then you know that cross examination is the most dynamic part of a trial. Cases are won and lost on cross examination. It is real life drama. Neil Rockind, “The Rockweiler”, a veteran trial lawyer and tv legal expert offers his entertaining take on trials and talks with the most iconic lawyers about their war stories, cases and careers. This is real life. This is killer cross examination.

Robert Blake, the Baretta and Little Rascals actor, was one of Hollywood's most iconic actors and figures. He was charged in the murder of his wife, Bonnie Lee Bakely. Gerald Schawartzbach was his lawyer. Blake was acquitted and Schwartzbach, who has been invovled in some of the biggest criminal cases, and perhaps the first known acquittal using a Battered Spouse defense , talks with me about his career, his book, Blake, his hippie days and more. ___________________________________________ Neil Rockind is the host of the Killer Cross Examination podcast. Rockind is nicknamed "The Rockweiler" and has obtained high profile acquittals and is known for his cross examination style. Rockind is a television and radio quest who appears regularly on the Law and Crime Network providing commentary. Rockind has interviewed some of the top lawyers in the country on this popular podcast.

Neil Rockind dives into one of the most prolific cases in recent history with Mark Richards, Rittenhouse's lead attorney. You'll hear about the reactions of the public, about Rittenhouse's original lawyers, how Richards got involved and more. You'll learn why Rittenhouse testified and about what the lawyers learned about the deliberations. ***************************************************************************** Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer, appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discuss popular trials and cases and current events with other tops lawyers around the country. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his quick witted and aggressive cross examination style. The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We use portions of trial clips from YouTube and other sites including clips of Kyle Rittenhouse and the Trial. It is in the public domain and is newsworthy. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. All other rights are reserved.

Neil Rockind interviews Rockstar Capital Case Attorney Diane Menashe. The two discuss Diane's recent acquittal in the William Husel case, their stories of entering the field of law, and even show off their newfound friendship. ***************************************************************************** Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer, appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discuss popular trials and cases and current events with other tops lawyers around the country. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We use portions of trial clips from YouTube and other sites including clips and photographs of Diane Menashe, William Husel, Jose Baez and witnesses and the Trial. It is in the public domain and is newsworthy. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. All other rights are reserved.

If you listened to Dream Team member, Carl Douglas, relive the Glove Incident and testimony, this is the full interview with him on the Killer Cross Examination Podcast. It is long but Carl had a front row seat to history and relishes in his role in that case and working with Cochran. The Dream Team. The members and lawyers that took part in the defense of OJ Simpson are legendary. The made history. This is the third interview that Neil Rockind has conducted with a member of the Dream Team: F Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz and now Carl Douglas. This is an incredible interview. He goes in depth on Cochran, Shapiro, OJ Simpson, the Glove Incident and more. Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer, appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious court cases, is a regular guest on the Law and Crime Network and also discuss popular trials and cases and current events with other tops lawyers around the country. His nickname is "The Rockweiler" and he's known for his cross examination style. Week in and week out, we interview the best and most newsworthy lawyers in the country. This episode is no exception. The Dream Team, Part 3. The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We use portions of trial clips from YouTube and other sites including clips and photographs of OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson, Tupac Shakur and others in the public domain. It is in the public domain and is newsworthy. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. All other rights are reserved. #dreamteam #ojsimpson #crossexamination

The Dream Team obtained the biggest acquittal in history. OJ Simpson, the actor and football legend, was acquitted in the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Who could forget the "If The Glove Doesn't Fit, You Must Acquit" and the failed glove demonstration that led to that rhyme, the closing arguments and acquittal? Carl Douglas, one of the remaining members of the Dream Team, takes us back to that moment in history and tells us what it was like. This is chilling and amazing. This is a snippet of an interview with Carl Douglas. His is the third in a series of interviews with the Dream Team that Neil Rockind has done: F Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz and now Carl Douglas. The full interview is available next on the Killer Cross Examination Podcast -- Dream Team, Part 3. Neil Rockind is a trial lawyer, appears regularly on television and in the news, defends people in serious cases court and also discusses popular trials and cases and current events. Nicknam...

Good cross examination is more than just words ... it is story telling, action words, drama, theater. It involves theater using all of your senses: visual, sound, demonstrative, mental imagery, facial expressions, time, change of tone, change of direction. Want to see or know what what I mean? Listen to this episode ... In this podcast episode, I break down the excellent work of criminal defense lawyers Jose Baez and Diane Menashe, lawyers for Dr. William Husel. In one of the most highly publicized and watched trials in recent memory, they prove that good theater is not only effective but necessary. I'm a trial lawyer, appear regularly on television and in the news, defend people in serious cases court and also discuss popular trials and cases and current events. My nickname is "The Rockweiler" and I'm known for my cross examination style. The contents are under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We use portions of trial clips from Law And Crime showing Diane Menashe and Jose Baez in trial cross examining witnesses. It is in the public domain and is newsworthy. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to that material. All other rights are reserved.

Cross Examination Pro - Tip: when cornering a witness, never let witness off the hook. What does that mean? Listen and find out. I took an interview between a 60 Minutes reporter and Arizona GOP Candidate for Governor Kari Lake and broke it down to assist in making the point. I'm a trial lawyer, appear regularly on television and in the news. I defend people in court and also discuss popular trials and cases. My nickname is "The Rockweiler" and I'm a trial lawyer and I'm known for my cross examination style. This podcast is under fair use. It may contain copyrighted materials whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We use a portion of a 60 Minutes video of an interview that is newsworthy that involves a 60 Minutes journalist and Kari Lake, the GOP AZ Candidate for Governor. It is in the public domain and involves an interviewing style and is newsworthy. This, in our view, is fair use pursuant to section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as for commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. We retain no rights to this material. #karilake #crossexamination #60minutes

Steve Fishman, my guest on this episode of the Killer Cross Examination Podcast, said, "it is no surprise that a country founded on racism and slavery has police officers who are still prejudiced and racist." Fishman, from Detroit, and I break down the tragedies that we've seen in recent history, Breonna Taylor, Daunte Wright, George Floyd, Andre Hill and more ... we review video of the NJ Mall incident together and Steve shares his thoughts on the newly nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court and why that is so important. We even talk about Tucker Carlson, Bill Barr, Roselawn, Mumford and Central High Schools.

My blood is boiling. I've commented on cases on television and radio and I've cross examined the best of witnesses -- officers, witnesses, experts and others with vigor, vim and eye toward destroying their credibility and when I saw the NJ Mall incident where the police detain a black youth and "comfort" a white teen, drove me to commentary. I've offered to represent the black youth and I welcome the police to come on my podcast to be cross examined and questioned by me. The only explanation for the police behavior appeared to be prejudice and race. Here is my take -- tell me otherwise.

Why? Of all of the careers some of you could choose or some of you chose, why did you become a judge? Why choose this one? On behalf of everyone ... I need to ask this question and on this episode of the Killer Cross Examination Podcast, I do. They don't call me The Rockweiler for nothing and on this episode, I turn my sarcasm, criticism and humor towards those that assumed the bench for all the wrong reasons. Take a listen and let me know what you think ... #crossexamination #judges #triallawyer

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