Revered Swami Chetananandaji Maharaj of the St. Louis Vedanta Society discuses japa, the meditative repetition of mantra. Swamiji reads from an untranslated book by the saint Sri Anirvan.
Satsang by Swami Chetanananda of the St. Louis Vedanta Society
Satsang with Rev. Swami Sarvadevanandaji Maharaj on the life Latu Maharaj, H.H. Swami Adbhutananda Puri, a beloved disciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
Swami Ashokananda Interviews Mrs. Hansbrough
Swami Ashokananda Interviews Mrs. Hansbrough
by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati given at the San Diego Vedanta Monastery as part of Swami Vivekananda's birth celebration.
Reading and discourse on Swami Vivekananda’s “The Necessity of Religion” by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati (Audio Only)
Pravachan (discourse) by Revered Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on the Kali Sahashranam (Thousand Names of Kali). Swamiji discusses names 244-248 from verse 32: paramānandarūpā ca ciddānandasvarūpiṇī | sarvānandamayī nitya sarvānandasvarūpiṇī || 244. Paramānanda-Rūpā 245. Ciddānanda-Svarūpiṇī 246. Sarvānanda-Mayī 247. Nitya 248. Sarvānanda-Svarūpiṇī
Pravachan (discourse) by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Sahashranama. Swamiji discuses the names "Bhagavati" and "Anuragini".
Pravachan (discourse) on the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi by Revered Swami Sarvadevananda Puri Maharaj, senior monk of the Ramakrishna Math & Mission and Spiritual Head of the Vedanta Society of Southern California and its affiliated centers.