Just A Thought

Just A Thought

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12 聲音
Three sisters at heart share their thoughts, tips, tricks learned through average-Joe experiences at different stages of what we've all come to know & LOVE as: Adulting Life.  Tune in every Tuesday to cure your boredom, feed your curiosity, or simply learn what NOT to do! Does size really matter?  Ever saw a red & white Eiffel tower?  How's it in Japan?  Anyone up for mukbangs?  I don't know, so stay tuned!

You can also find us on Instagram @JustAThoughtPodcast


With each year that passes, we become wiser as adults. Surely, we made a few mistakes in our early 20's. Have you ever wished you had some tips at that age? In this episode, Lauren shares some of the things she wishes she knew when she was 20. For those who are just entering your 20's, pick up a few of these tips to make life a little more smoother for you.---------------------------------------------------------------------Shop handmade goods by yours truly; Lauren & Krysti :www.hatsukoiofficial.comLISTEN to our PODCAST, Just A Thought Here!Himalaya: Just A ThoughtSpotify: Just A ThoughtiTunes Podcasts: Just A ThoughtRSS feed:https://api.himalaya.com/himalaya-portal/v1/rss/feed/1448559.xml

You come home from work or school, grouchy and life just sucks. That tub of ice cream is calling your name and you want to bury yourself in your pillow and forget about the day. Sounds familiar? We all have these days, but how do you cope? A bad mood can really bring someone down and can bring out the worst in us. Navigate with Lauren in her first solo episode as she helps you navigate through your bad mood.

Today's episode is a Krysti - take - over! This was pre-recorded prior to lock-down quarantine guidelines / laws but still holds true if you're planning for a wedding or needed to push yours back and found yourself in a tight spot financially. There are things you can cut back to help with costs if you need! These are from Krysti's own personal experience as she had just gotten married in early February.Don't forget you can follow us here:Instagram:@JustAThoughtPodcastiTunes, Spotify, and Himalaya: Just A Thought

We know that times are hard and many of us have been furloughed or laid off. Some of you haven't had to make a resume in a while, or some of you may have just graduated / are graduating soon, and now need to fight for a slot in an ever changing, business shifting world. Harley is here to further assist you and help you and your resume stand out against the crowd to help you secure that first interview.Don't forget you can follow us here:Instagram:@JustAThoughtPodcastiTunes, Spotify, and Himalaya: Just A Thought

Hey guys! How are we holding up? Only a few more weeks to go in quarantine - hopefully. It's been about 3-4 weeks for some of us in Hawaii. In this episode we talk about how we're feeling ( one of us might be panicking over toilet paper ), Harley shares how she works from home, and we discuss how we are handling our new "normal."We had taken a break from this podcast as life got busy and hectic ( Krysti got married! ) - and then Covid-19 hit us and we just had to come back sooner than planned. We wanted to be here for you guys and let you know, you're not alone. We got this, and together we will all overcome this. It's okay to feel the way you feel, and we're here if you need someone to talk to.Don't forget you can follow us here:Instagram:@JustAThoughtPodcastiTunes, Spotify, and Himalaya: Just A ThoughtAnd Krysti is stuck at home as she's not essential, so feel free to message her on our IG or her IG@Hello.Krysti

Happy New Years! It’s the beginning of a new decade, a new year, another chance to better yourselves! You don’t need to wait for the new year to pick up a hobby or drop a bad habit, but like many of us, there’s something satisfying and motivating about a new year. What are your New Years resolutions? Here’s ours!

As we begin the countdown to the new year, it's time we have perfect vision with our future. We need to leave these people behind in 2019 and move onto better things.

Christmas is just around the corner! Grab a mug of hot chocolate and wind down with us as we laugh and reminisce over our holiday traditions growing up. And to guide you through this Christmas and for many new to come, we share a few tips on budgeting for gifts to make the holidays a little easier. How will you spend your holiday season?

Right now, you’re in a relationship and everything feels so right and so meant to be. Before you know it, talks of taking that first step of moving in with each other is on the table. Moving in with each other for the first time can feel both exciting and overwhelming. You’re taking that big step in your relationship and a billion questions start shooting left and right. In this episode, we put your woes to rest as we tackle some Q and A’s together; finances, pet peeves, making time for yourself, we get down to it.

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