Joshua Live and the Law of Attraction

Joshua Live and the Law of Attraction

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The Law of Attraction and other universal laws are discussed in greater detail as Joshua, a group of nonphysical teachers is channeled by Gary Temple Bodley.

Can you see that everything is working out perfectly for you? If you can, you have chosen a perception of reality that's aligned with your inner self. If not, you have an inaccurate perception of your reality. In this episode, Joshua explains how to shift your perception to see that everything is always working out perfectly for you. Once you see it, you are set free! New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! Visit our website for more Joshua info, click here.

How you perceive yourself within your reality is your vibration. That signal is sent out to the universe and the universe responds with a reality that reflects your vibration. Adjust your perception of yourself and you alter your vibration. In this episode, Joshua explains exactly how to adjust your perception of reality to attract the reality you prefer New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! Visit our website for more Joshua info, click here.

When we think about the term abundance, we are usually thinking about receiving more money. But abundance is far more than money. In this amazing episode, Joshua reveals the true definition of the term Abundance. If you can redefine abundance in this new way, you will understand exactly how the universe provides you with everything you need to life the life you are choosing to live New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! Visit our website for more Joshua info, click here.

Your mental construct is how you view your world. If it's rigid, you will live a limited and fearful experience of life. You will hold onto limiting beliefs and few possibilities will be available to you. If you do the work to expand your mental construct, you will open up your limitless potential. In this episode, Joshua explains just how to expand your mental construct and experience more joy and satisfaction in your life. New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! Visit our website for more Joshua info, click here.

The system of physical reality is simply a platform of growth, learning and expansion. You have come to explore reality to discover who you truly are. Most humans do not understand this and therefore they do not work with the system of physical reality. This causes them to live in fear and to try to control or change their conditions. It's a life of dissatisfaction, discontentment and suffering. They effort and struggle their way through life in resistance to the system itself. In this episode, Joshua explains how to live a life of ease and joy while working with the system to discover who you truly are. New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! Visit our website for more Joshua info, click here.

Some areas of your life are wonderful, while other areas aren't so good. Of course, this is a matter of perception, but we still want to see improvements. How does one go about improving certain aspects of life that just aren't satisfying? We assume that in order to change or improve things, we must do something. However, if we try to improve, what we're doing is attempting to control or change conditions on our own and this is based in fear. It can't work, because the laws of the universe don't operate that way. In order for things to change, you must align yourself with the forces of the universe. In this episode, Joshua explains exactly how to do that. This is one of my personal favorites. You might want to listen to this one a few times New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast ...

We're all on a journey of self-discovery. We've come to physical reality forgetting who we are. We choose the time and place of our birth and set forth on a grand journey to remember who we are. We adopt limiting beliefs along the way. We face manifestation events designed to expose those limiting beliefs. We feel like individuals needing to protect ourselves from negative emotions and bad things. We exist in a state of duality and we try to control our conditions. We finally confront our limiting beliefs and we challenge them. We process the limiting beliefs and prove them to be false. This raises our vibration and we awaken to the fact that somehow we are so much more than we thought. Then we discover who we truly are. In this amazing episode, Joshua explains that we are love New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes:

We are all here on a journey of self-discovery. The journey is from fear to love. We have all adopted a persona, which is a false representation of who we are. We do this to get others to like, love and respect us. But since the persona is not really who we are, people are never really accepting us. Our fear is that if we were to become truly authentic, we would be rejected by those who are close to us. The fact is that when we become more authentic, we no longer worry about that. Instead, we are able to like, love and respect them unconditionally. This radical transformation of perception generates a new reality where we are able to express love, rather than need love. In this episode, Joshua explains how to step into the authentic self and how this transforms your entire reality New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes:

Everyone thinks that once you understand the Law of Attraction you'll be able to easily manifest anything you want. But obviously, there's far more to it than that. There are rules to this game and you must know them before you can start creating deliberately. In this episode, Joshua explains exactly how to become a deliberate creator New Audio Book - "A Perception of Reality" For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! Visit our website for more Joshua info, click here.

We're all on a journey of self-discovery. We all set a pre-birth intention to know who we truly are in this life. But how exactly do we find out? In this episode, Joshua explains how to know who you really are. It's fascinating New Audio Book - A Perception of Reality link For more info Please Follow this podcast and leave a review. Here's how you can leave a review on iTunes: Please share this podcast with your friends! Visit our website for more Joshua info, click here.

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