Jap Ji Sahib English Translation, Meaning and Explanation - Nanak Naam - Satpal Singh

Jap Ji Sahib English Translation, Meaning and Explanation - Nanak Naam - Satpal Singh

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English Katha (Sikh Lecture) by Satpal Singh - Jap Ji Sahib English Translation, Meaning and Explanation. We rely on your donations to be able to produce and share Sikh Spirituality content. Please DONATE today at http://www.nanaknaam.org/donate

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language, and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In the first podcast, the translation and definition of the word "IK" is given as well as an explanation of the title of this composition.

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this second podcast the translation and definition of the word "Oankaar" is given.

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this third podcast the translation and definition of the word "Satnam" is given. It covers concepts and gives examples from the following areas: - Moses enlightenment with the burning bush - Hidden meaning of Jaap Sahib - Spiritual definition of Gurmat and Manmat - Naam Simran and Mantar Jaap - Secret of the "Kirtan Kriya" practice in 3HO Kundalini Yoga

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this podcast the translation and definition of the phrase "Karta Purakh" is given. It covers the following concepts: - Occurrence of Karta Purukh in ancient historical scriptures - Suffering caused by duality - Blame & victimisation - Forgiving yourself - Overcoming regret & Self blame

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this podcast the translation and definition of the phrase "Nir Bhau" is given. It covers the following concepts: - What is fear - The function of fear in our lives - Fearlessness: Dealing with fear and being fearless - God vs Satan - Present moment awareness - Fear of death - Preparation for death - What is fear of God?

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this podcast the translation and definition of the phrase "Nir Vair" is given. It covers the following concepts: - Hatred is suffering - Dealing with conflict - Letting go of the 'victim' mindset - Forgiveness and emotional pain - What is true Jihad - Definition of Khalsa - Anger and revenge

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this podcast the translation and definition of the phrase "Akaal Moorat" is given. It covers the following concepts: - Immortality - Connecting with your undying true self - The nature of time - Jeevan Mukthi - How to transcend your temporary identity - Meditating on the edge of death - The trap of the Religious Ego - Jeevat Marrai - Being dead while alive

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this podcast the translation and definition of the phrase "Ajooni" and "Saibhang" is given. It covers the following concepts: - The illusion of your own birth - Your true origin - The universal message of Dharam - Why Dharam is important, why not just be a good person? - The significance of practice (Rehat Maryada)

Bhai Satpal Singh explains Guru Nank Dev Ji's Mool Mantar in detail, looking at the origin, language and spiritual meaning of each word of this Mantar. In this podcast the translation and definition of the phrase "Gur Prasad" is given. It covers the following concepts: - What is Guru - Does Guru have many forms - Why is Guru so important in Sikh spirituality

The first podcast in a series of lectures covering the entire explanation of Jap ji Sahib by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Taught at weekly classes at Slough, UK. This talk covers: Jap Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosee Bhi Sach

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