Intelligence Check

Intelligence Check

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135 聲音
Intelligence Check is an actual play series that's big on the laughs. It's a light-hearted show, using D&D 5e rules, set in the homebrew world of the Lichstone Empire. We've got dark and mysterious backgrounds, defensive elephants, weird gambling, oddly specific kobold slaughter, and tentacles. Way too many tentacles.

The party charges into battle with Raine. Remember her? She's the extremely powerful necromancer and the literal Apocalypserider of death. So she's not terribly impressed by the adventurers facing her. But she hasn't stayed around inone placelong enough to fight ourteam before so she has underestimated just how annoying they can be! Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

Being ferried through the land of the dead by their new pal Bonesy, the party has had their pleasant river of styx guided tour just ruined by the pursuit of the massive leviathan. And despite being a turtle, it refuses to have a polite conversation with Way! With the monster quickly gaining on their boat, it's time to get creative if they want to live to get to where they're trying to go to fight the person they actually came there to fight. It's all very vexing. And between Lauren's coarse language, the giant undead turtle unleashinghis nasty breath on the party and Way pitching a tent, this episode is also all around filthy. Let's hope a run in with Raine will be enough to clean things up a bit. Unless she cleans the floor with the adventurers! Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

After a bit of a creative recap on recent events, the party is off to the plane of the dead! Namee gets to use an obscure benefit from his background that kicks things off with breaking some of the DM's plans! Rady goes for an ill-advised drink. And the party makes a couple of new friends! And then things devolve just a bit while everyone discusses Way's non-existent mesh tank top. Way may be in denial, but the party is on a journey down the River Styx! Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

Having entered Hell our party found themselves at the entrance to what seemed to be some sort of a theme park. With a little creative line manipulation from Namee and Violexx's eagle eye vision, they quickly learned that this was no ordinary demon amusement. It was in fact part of the Dungeon Safari brand and that it was run by none other than Rathborn, one of the founding party members! After introductions were made, and some startling revelations were shared by Rady, Rath left them to follow after his wife who was sprinting for a portal to the Lichstone Kingdom. Thankfully Rath's patron, affectionately called B-Bubs, was there to show our adventurers the way to the nexus in Hell. It seems so weird to have affection for a warlock patron after meeting Rady's! Upon reaching the nexus they find their next foe, the rakshasa Traintorker! He's approaching the nexus after having apparently killed a large number of demons who were blocking his path. Jag thinks fast, throwing one of his axes, and the fight begins! What monstrous forms will the shape-shifting rakshasa use against our heroes? What sound make's Lauren's lips feel funny? What will Namee do to flip the battle in their favor? And with the existence of all life on the line will anyone think to make another rakshasa rock lobster joke?! Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

With Al'Qir run off and their cat nap completed, the party is ready to move to the next plane. Everything considered, this episode has some fine things about it. Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

The fight against Al'Qir on the elemental plane of air continues! And so far it has not been a breeze! Way and Violexx deal with the brutal effects Al'Qir's weather attacks have had on their ability to defend themselves. Namee does some out of the box thinking and is given grief for it by the DM. Which is how you know Namee is doing it right! Way plays with gravity in a totally tubular, err, way. And then there's some napping. Basically how you would expect a fight against an ancient being trying to destroy the world to go. Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

The party has entered the Plane of Air to fight the djinnAl'Qir and everyone's going to get high! No, not on drugs. What are you talking about? They're going to be up really high in the air. It's a flying fight. With control over their own gravity, and the ground far below them, our adventurers are joining the mile high club! Hold on, what are you saying? That means they're going to do what?! There's no time for that! They are literally about to fight one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Don't be gross. With Al'Qir already channeling his destructive energy, and some generally shitty weather hindering their progress,will the party be able to reach him in time? What sage wisdom will Lauren share about rolling dice? Who will surprisingly lead the charge into battle? And why is Way so considerate of everyone's time? Maybe the oxygen is a little thin flying around in this air plane! No, air plane, with a space between, not the big metal thing with wings you fly in. Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

With the heavenly meet and greet completed, the party regroups to catch up and plan their next move. They've secured new powers in their fight against the first and had some major developments in the process. One of those is a shocking revelation Violexx is happy to share. The other development also has a momentous impact, but Rady may not be up to mentioning it to the group! Seeing as how the apocalypse is about to kick off, the adventurers for once have a good reason to gloss over important story points! Will the party be impressed with Way's new tattoo? How is Rady dealing with the trauma of his unexpected patron visit? What are the charges on a long-distance inter-planar phone call? How will Jag do with a little run-in with gravity? And is anyone surprised that the gnome in a flightless bird suit can soar through the air gracefully? Is this a D&D podcast or an old saturday morning cartoon?! Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter Reddit Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

Our adventurers are in heaven seeking to become Chosen of various gods, and so far it's going surprisingly well! Name and Jag were up first. They both made some new friends and became honorary Chosen, gifted with powers to help fight againstthe evil First. Nowit's time for the rest of the party to meet up with their gods. Let's hope it goes as well as it did with the first two gods! Up first is Way! What situation will he find himself in, and will he pass the test placed before him? And will he accept some fashion suggestions from hiscompanions? Then Rady gives it a go, petitioning the god of booze. But did he read the entire description of what that being is the god of? And finally Violexx visits with her deity, someone she is already well acquainted with. What staggering gift will Violexx be offered during their meeting? It's time for some monumental choices to be made! Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter, Reddit, and Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

So the party went to Heaven. And they did it without any of them dying! That's neat! And after confronting Palino about his shitty behavior, including an ineffectivebut meaningful kick to the ass from Namee, it seems they're going to be allowed to hang out for a bit. If you've got a visitor's pass to Heaven you might as well put it to good use! With the help of Natasha, our adventurers start making some house calls to gods to petition them for their favor. Being selected as a Chosen of a god will go a long way towards being able to stop the First and their apocalyptic plans. First up, Namee! His god visit turns out just a bit different than any of the party would have expected! Then Jag gives it a go by picking from a whole menu of available gods. And he has some real breakthroughs! It's all very touching. This episode is sponsored by Crucible Magazine! Check out their Kickstarter running through 3/17 at Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at Join us on Discord ! We're on Twitter, Reddit, and Email us Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account. Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here!Merchandise is available at Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

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