Inside Influence

Inside Influence

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Having launched the careers of some of the worlds most respected thought leaders, Julie Masters delves into the minds of some of the brightest and most influential players in their space. From CEO’s to FBI hostage negotiators, Julie explores what it takes to build trust and authority in your space, so that you can effectively lead a conversation, an industry or a global movement.

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Hey everyone - the Inside Influence team and I are taking an eight week sabbatical this winter (or summer if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) to generally reset, recalibrate and refill our creative tanks.For many of us, myself included, that means traveling across the world to see family members where it’s been far too long between hugs.To keep you fueled while we’re gone, we’ve traveled back through the archives and pulled out four of our favorite Inside Influence episodes of all time. I can also hand on heart say that each of these has, in some way, radically changed how I show up, lead and influence.If you're new to the Inside Influence crew, enjoy the ride. If you’re a long time listener, these are definitely conversations worth listening to twice.Stay safe and we’ll see you back with a brand new season in August.Today’s GuestWhat if I told you that as well as caffeine, chocolate, and your iPhone, you also had a yes addiction? My next guest, Chris Voss was the FBI's lead kidnapping negotiator. And what that means is he had to understand influence at a level and with stakes that you and I can barely imagine. For his 24 year tenure in the FBI, he was trained in the art of negotiation at Scotland Yard, at Harvard Law School. He's also the recipient of the Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement and has taught business negotiation at a number of prestigious universities around the world.He's the founder and CEO of the Black Swan Group. And he's also the author of Never Split the Difference, which is a book that I genuinely cannot recommend highly enough if negotiating, persuading, or influencing is a part of your daily life, which I can promise you, it is. In our conversation, we jumped into a number of really fascinating conversations. The first of which was how yes is actually the last thing we want to hear, which blew my mind because I had assumed that negotiation was all about getting to a yes. And apparently, not one single hostage negotiation technique is designed to get a yes. What are they designed for? You'll have to listen.LinkedIn: @VossNegotiationYou’ll LearnHigh stakes conversations: How to prepare your mental state when going into these conversations where literally lives are on the line?Delivering bad news: how to do it quickly and efficiently and get straight into what's next.How to kick off a negotiation and how to close it.This conversation, I think, is by far one of my favorite ones in the podcast so far. Chris has so many years of experience in international crises and high-stakes conversations. And it really showed me again that all the theories and the ideas and the models in the world count for nothing until you have been down on the ground in a high stakes situation and you've really had to put them to the test. I invite you to sit back, listen, take a fascinating peek behind the curtain of what has to have been one of the most interesting careers I've ever heard of. And as a result, take some tools, and in the words of Chris, start negotiating like your life depends on it.Subscribe to and Review the Inside Influence PodcastThank you for tuning into this week’s episode. If the information in my interviews have helped you please head to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave an honest review. Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Hey everyone - the Inside Influence team and I are taking an eight week sabbatical this winter (or summer if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) to generally reset, recalibrate and refill our creative tanks.For many of us, myself included, that means traveling across the world to see family members where it’s been far too long between hugs.To keep you fueled while we’re gone, we’ve traveled back through the archives and pulled out four of our favorite Inside Influence episodes of all time. I can also hand on heart say that each of these has, in some way, radically changed how I show up, lead and influence.If you're new to the Inside Influence crew, enjoy the ride. If you’re a long-time listener, these are definitely conversations worth listening to twice.Stay safe and we’ll see you back with a brand new season in August.Today’s GuestHave you ever been in a situation where you had limited time to pitch an idea? I’ve found myself in this situation more times than I can count so when someone sent me a book recently called ‘The 3-Minute Rule: Say Less to Get More from Any Pitch or Presentation’. I was ALL IN.That book was written by my next guest – Brant Pinvidic – award-winning film director, veteran television producer, keynote speaker, top-rated podcast host (Rob Lowe being one of the most recent guests I tuned into) and columnist for Forbes.With over 20 years of experience in producing, creating, and directing household TV shows and movies – Brant is widely recognized as one of the great creative leaders in Hollywood. Having given over 100+ successful film and television pitches over his career, Brant learnt that if he didn’t get them in the first three minutes – chances are he wouldn’t get them at all. Taking those business and storytelling lessons he developed a proven blueprint for leaders wanting to position their message with impact.You’ll LearnWhy three minutes is the key to creating an ultra-concise, ultra-compelling pitch for any idea, product, service or company.The Fire Alarm Test – If someone pulled the fire alarm after three minutes of your presentation or sales pitch, have you done enough to make people want to come back and hear more?The four core questions every successful pitch needs to addressWhy being passionate about everything – often means you are credible about nothing.How to close with a hook that guarantees action.And the difference between situational doubt and self-doubt – in particular why one of those mindsets is self-defeating – and the other is self-preserving.If now is the time to get others on board with your ideas, product, company or vision – those potentially hold the power to making it happen – then this episode is for you.References and links mentionedmy new ebook The Influencer CodeSubscribe to and Review the Inside Influence PodcastThanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Inside Influence Podcast! If the information in my conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing people just like you!Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Hey everyone - the Inside Influence team and I are taking an eight week sabbatical this winter (or summer if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) to generally reset, recalibrate and refill our creative tanks.For many of us, myself included, that means traveling across the world to see family members where it’s been far too long between hugs.To keep you fueled while we’re gone, we’ve traveled back through the archives and pulled out four of our favorite Inside Influence episodes of all time. I can also hand on heart say that each of these has, in some way, radically changed how I show up, lead and influence.If you're new to the Inside Influence crew, enjoy the ride. If you’re a long time listener, these are definitely conversations worth listening to twice.Stay safe and we’ll see you back with a brand new season in August.Today’s GuestFrances Frei is an American academic and author. She is the UPS Foundation Professor of Service Management and Senior Associate Dean for Executive Education at Harvard Business School. She is also the author of the recently released book: ‘Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leaders Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You’.On top of that, she also leaped into Silicon Valley and became the very first Senior Vice-President for Leadership and Strategy at Uber, brought in at a time when Uber was under fire from pretty much every corner of the planet. Her job description? To try and restore trust at a time when it was at an all-time catastrophic low.Her first decision in that role says a lot about who she is – committing to wear an Uber T-shirt every day until the people working alongside her were as proud to wear it as she was… but more on that later.What brought her first into my world was actually her TED talk ‘How to Build and Rebuild Trust’. Where her insightful and – more than anything else – practical views on building trust in a world where it’s in short supply, became the first time I began to view trust as something tangible – that we can all build – quickly and predictably.You’ll LearnUnapologetic leadership – what it is, what it looks like and why it has nothing to do with refusing to take responsibility – in fact quite the opposite.Devotion – yep that word again. If it makes you feel uncomfortable then stick with it. What does it take to be deeply devoted to the ‘wild success’ of another human being? More success than they could possibly achieve on their own. Then – if we can do it once – which we can – how do we take that impact and harness it to create a cascade effect – where it goes on to transform a team, an entire organisation (reference again her time at Uber) or a whole Nation.The taking and giving of radical responsibilityThe Trust Triangle; what the three points of the triangle are, how to achieve them and how to maintain them.Leadership is hard at the best of times – in the middle of a pandemic, on the edge of a recession, when you’re miles away from those you’re trying to serve and support. I’m not sure it gets much harder. If I took anything from this conversation, it’s the calm and wholehearted way in which Frances approaches the tough stuff. If nothing else, I hope that carries with you into your day.Subscribe to and Review the Inside Influence PodcastThank you for tuning into this week’s episode. If the information in my interviews have helped you please head to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave an honest review. Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter. See for privacy and opt-out information.

How good are you at changing your mind? It’s not a question we tend to ask ourselves often.I once interviewed a political strategist from Washington, who mentioned that practically no resources are spent trying to ‘convert’ voters from one political party to the next. That there was simply no point.In fact, according to research, when our viewpoints are challenged we usually dig deeper into our position than before.So that raises the next question - If most of us are terrible at changing our minds, wouldn’t a better focus be to learn how to disagree more productively?Today's GuestJulia Dhar is a Managing Director and Partner at the Boston Consulting Group and the founder of BeSmart, BCG's behavioral economics, and behavioral insights initiative.Julia's mission is to enable leaders in government and the private sector to apply the science of behavior change across a range of social services and topics.Twitter:’ll LearnWhy how we’ve been taught to talk about our differences is broken.The importance of separating ideas from identityAnd finally… the most beautiful question I have heard in a long time - “What can you share that will help me see what you see?”In Julia’s words: “We need people with the technical skills of debate and persuasion. Not because we get to be right, but because we get to change people’s minds AND change our own.”As part of this conversation, you’ll hear her ask me what I’ve changed my mind about recently. Honestly, I haven’t been able to get that question out of my mind since.It’s easy to believe that we need to take a stance on our viewpoints every chance we get. That we need to be ready to defend our beliefs at a moment's notice, or lest we let the other side win.I think I’m changing my mind about that.Which as someone who’s not backwards about coming forwards with my viewpoints, marks a substantial change in my approach.We know factually that confrontation rarely works. But more than that. What if it also robs us of the ability to discover the ‘shared realities’ where we can meet.And maybe in doing that, we might change our own minds.Myself and the team will be taking a break over summer - or in my case the balmy Australian winter. So for the next six weeks we’ve hand picked three of MY all time favorite golden oldie episodes to keep the momentum moving.We’re also still planning to launch my new virtual program The Influencer Code in the second half of this year, so if you’re not already head to my website and hop on the waitlist to find out more.References and links mentionedThe Influencer Code Masterclass WaitlistJulia Dhar: How to have constructive conversationsJulia Dhar: How to disagree productively and find common ground See for privacy and opt-out information.

Have you ever felt alone in seeing a problem?That feeling, a little bit like the story of the Emperor's new clothes, where everyone else is applauding – but there’s an important truth that no one seems willing to speak.That’s how my guest today felt, from a very young age, about one of the most influential ideas on the planet.That one idea is capitalism.According to the dictionary… Capitalism is defined as “an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit”Since the birth of the capitalism, approximately 200 years ago, the world’s population living in ‘extreme poverty’ has dropped from 94% to 9.6%.Yet, what also comes with that idea – the flip side to the capitalist coin – has been argued to be unchecked greed and the treatment of people and the planet as ‘assets’ to be bought and then discarded.To put it lightly – it’s a pretty powerful idea.Ray Sisodia was a young man growing up in India when he first came across the impact of capitalism - and to the conclusion that there had to be a better way of doing business than just surviving to chase money.THAT idea is Conscious Capitalism.Today’s GuestRaj Sisodia is a founding member of the worldwide Conscious Capitalism movement, FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Whole Foods Market Research Scholar in Conscious Capitalism at Babson College.He has written eleven award-winning books, including Firms of Endearment, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-seller Conscious Capitalism, Everybody Matters and his latest book ‘The Healing Organization: Awakening the Conscience of Business to Help Save the World’.LinkedIn: @RajSisodiaCC You’ll LearnThe role of the Healing Leader post-COVIDWhy part of moving forward consciously involves firstly going backwards.Why capitalism can still be the greatest idea we’ve ever had and what needs to change in order to move forward.Raj’s own journey of influence, what he’s learned about creating and sustaining a global movement.On a personal note, this conversation honestly went NOWHERE I expected.I arrived with two pages of questions about the future of capitalism and left with a deep appreciation for the humility, grace, and courage of Raj himself.You know, in any journey of influence you are going to face your words head-on. If you teach patience, you will hit the places where you have none. If you teach courage, you’ll find those moments when yours disappears. If you talk about healing organisations, eventually you’ll need to face a healing journey of your own.Raj is a human being that has had the courage to do both. The courage to drive the new ideas and stories that move the world forward and the courage to re-examine the old ideas and stories holding him back. That’s real influence.Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Inside Influence Podcast! If the information has helped you please subscribe to the show, and leave a review. Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter. See for privacy and opt-out information.

What in your life is trying to break open right now?One of the most sacred parts of my work as a consultant and coach is that I get to see ‘behind the scenes’ in what it actually takes to build influence.The success, the moments of inspiration - when nothing can hold you back - to the painful moments of failure, exhaustion and reinvention.Those moments where the life you wanted, what you thought you had built, the identity you had worked hard to create, suddenly begins to burn - and you’re left staring at the ashes wondering what on earth happens next.The truth is that anyone that decides to put their ideas out into the world - to make a difference - to drive a change – to step out of the sidelines and into the arena will in the eternal words of Brene Brown “eventually get their ass kicked.” That is part of the deal.One of my favorite quotes is one from Paolo Coehlo says “A fall from the 3rd floor hurts as much as a fall from the 100th. If I fall – may it be from a high place.”And yet… we very rarely talk about those moments.Those moments of a 100th floor ass kicking.Or as my guest on today’s episode would call it – those moments of breaking open.Today’s GuestElizabeth Lesser is the author of several bestselling books, including her New York Times bestselling book, Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow, has sold almost 500,000 copies. She is the cofounder of Omega Institute, recognized internationally for its workshops and conferences in wellness, spirituality, creativity, and social change. She is also the creator of two amazing TED talks on civility, understanding and the power of truth telling. As well as being one of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul 100.Elizabeth is also the person who’s work I turn to during times in my life where I’m not sure where to turn. When I don’t want to be inspired, or motivated, or told to dig in and dial up the hustle - but just to know that it’s enough. Enough to show up, enough to take the next breath, enough to trust that the most transformational moments in our lives always happen when we step into the gap – the gap between what’s burning away and what’s trying to emerge.LinkedIn: @elizlesserYou’ll LearnThe difference between breaking down and breaking open – and why staying awake as we fall holds the key.The Phoenix process – how to stand in the fire of what’s burning away, while trusting that you will rise again.References and links mentionedmy new ebook The Influencer Code you for tuning into this week’s episode. If the information in my interviews have helped you please head to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave an honest review. Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Here is today's question - what’s your signature story?The story that you know works every time. That when you tell it in a pitch you can feel the room you’re speaking to start to SHIFT. A shift from logically thinking about the transformation or change or you’re trying to describe to actually feeling them. When the whole room starts to embody the exact moment in time and space that you’re describing. The smells, the sounds, the situation or struggle, and the possibility of what might happen next. That shift as an influencer is where all the magic happens. In that space, they stop hearing your story, and they start hearing their story. The struggles they are currently facing. The transformation they could experience. The results that are available for them. Having worked in the speaking industry, I’ve heard literally thousands of signature stories. Stories designed to shift hearts and minds on a particular idea. Stories that the tellers themselves have refined over years to make sure they are as impactful as humanly possible.I’ve seen those that work, those that fail and those rare few that have the ability to shift an entire room on its axis in a matter of minutes. So when I happened to be in a room listening to today’s guest decode signature stories in a way I had never heard before, I knew I had to have him on the podcast.Today’s guest Colin Boyd is obsessed with helping experts and entrepreneurs present in a way that creates action or sell from stage in a non pushy way. He keynotes at conferences around the world on topics such as persuasive communication and selling ideas. His clients include Coca Cola, Suncorp, Fuji Xero, and Hewlett Packard. He runs high-level mastermind programs for speakers and content creators and delivers his signature program Sell From Stage Academy which helps people turn every presentation into a conversion machine.LinkedIn & Facebook @colinboydThis isn’t just a conversation about selling, although you could transform your sales results by applying even one lesson. This is a conversation about traction, about bridging the gap between the action you want people to take and them actually taking it.To use Colin’s language, your ONLY role as an influencer, as a leader, as a speaker, is to create and hold a ‘sacred space of transformation’.Then your next job? Finding the most compelling way to invite people in.Your story, especially the parts of it that you find the most uncomfortable to tell, is always the most compelling way.References and links mentionedMy new ebook The Influencer Code and survey’s signature story formula http://sellwithstoryguide.comSubscribe to and Review the Inside Influence PodcastThanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Inside Influence Podcast! If the information in my conversations have helped you please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and as a special request if you could visit and answer 5 questions about YOUR journey as an influencer. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Here is today’s question - what is pink noise?We’ve all heard about white noise.That being the words, phrases, stories and marketing messages in your space that sound EXACTLY the same as everyone else.The tidal wave of noise that’s easy to get lost within.Let’s call it the elevator music of influence.So what is pink noise?Well, it’s kinda the opposite.Think of the last Netflix series you dedicated 24 hours of your life to bingeing, or the influencer you faithfully follow, combine that with cutting edge data, throw in some vibes (more on that later) and you’ve got a whole new post COVID world of UnSkippable storytelling.Lost yet? Don’t worry it will all become clear.To help translate this new world of storytelling - including pink noise – I enlisted third time guest and long time favorite of the podcast, the incredible Ben Jones.Today’s GuestBen Jones is Creative Director at Google and Head of Unskippable Labs. A team within Google designated with the huge task of studying the 5 billion hours of videos that are uploaded onto YouTube EVERY SINGLE DAY.Their mission? To work out exactly what makes us press, or not press, the SKIP button. Essentially decoding in real-time the stories that are attract and keep the attention of their 30 million visitors a day.Twitter @harperjonesLinkedIn’ll LearnStorytelling in a post COVID world. How our screen behavior has changed and how many of those changes are sticking around.The vortex of time – how to make sense of a world where we’re happy to binge season after season of our favorite show (crazy fact, Amazon now spends more money on content than Paramount) – and yet micro content apps like Tik Tok are still exploding.What I loved about this conversation is how open Ben is (and has always been in the years since we first connected) to changing his perspective.He holds lightly onto any of his opinions or predictions - about what works, what might work and what definitely won’t work - and instead holds tightly onto an experimental mindset.Test after test. Experiment after experiment.Breadcrumb after breadcrumb.Viewing the future as unchartered territory, means that he approaches every change and pivot – not with a sense of exhaustion and defeat – but with a consistent sense of wonder and curiosity.That was my biggest lesson from this conversation.Less energy on predicting what might work. More energy on finding out.Subscribe to and Review the Inside Influence PodcastThanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Inside Influence Podcast! If the information in my conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing people just like you!Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter. See for privacy and opt-out information.

How do you create a global movement, when your taskforce can’t read, write or speak a common language?When I first emailed today’s guest to invite him on the show, this was his reply:"Totally mystified as to why on earth you want to talk to an old Gandhian living in the middle of the Rajasthan desert?"This was my email back:"I can’t think of a better reason to want to talk to you."This exchange is the perfect introduction to the humility and humor of Bunker Roy.Today’s GuestBunker is global changemaker, Founder of the Barefoot College in India and listed as one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people. His TED talk ‘Learning from a Barefoot Movement’ has been watched by over 4.5 million people.The Barefoot College has taught over 3 million mainly illiterate and semi literate rural people (mainly women), from some of the world’s poorest villages, to become teachers, midwives, weavers, architects, and doctors.This includes training over 1700 grandmothers (or ‘solar mamas’ as they are known within their communities) from rural villages across 95 countries including India, Sierra Leone, Africa, and Afghanistan – to become solar engineers.These women then go home to their communities and solar electrify their villages, to date powering a total of 60,000 homes and saving more than 1 million litres of kerosene from polluting the environment.And if that isn’t incredible enough, each one of these solar mammas has been fully trained in under 6 months, using mainly sign language.This conversation goes in so many different and beautiful directions on the topic of what it takes to influence from a place of both fierce determination and patience.LinkedIn: barefootcollegetiloniaFacebook: @barefootcollegeTILONIATwitter: @barefootTILONIAYou’ll LearnHow going from an elite education to digging wells in the villages of rural India, completely rearranged the course of his life.Why there are more powerful languages than the spoken word for creating engagement, inclusion and (most surprisingly) highly technical skill.The power of dignity and autonomy – why a 12 year old girl from a rural village was able to meet a Queen and introduce herself as a Prime MinisterWhat it takes to build a movement from scratch and sustain momentum for almost fifty years.And finally, why we need to stop searching for solutions outside ourselves, our communities and our teams and start looking within.Subscribe to and Review the Inside Influence PodcastThanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Inside Influence Podcast! If the information in my conversations and interviews have helped you in your business journey, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave an honest review. Your reviews and feedback will not only help us continue to deliver great, helpful content, but it will also help us reach even more amazing people just like you!Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Here’s a quote to kick off today’s episode:“The traditional approaches are now obsolete. One hundred years of marketing thoughts are gone. Alternative approaches aren’t a novelty. They’re all we’ve got left.” Seth GodinSo how do you win at a game where there are no rules? Or even worse, a game where you can throw every cent, every hour, that you have at trying to figure out the rules – only to have them change with an algorithm overnight?There are now more than 60 billion messages shared daily on mobile platforms alone.That’s the tidal wave of noise that you, your content, your ideas, your business are up against – EVERY SINGLE DAY.And yet. Every day there are organisations, individuals and ideas that consistently stand out. So there has to be an answer right?When I first came across my guest today, it was through his book ‘One Million Followers: How I built a massive social following in 30 days’.In it he talks about how his career creating online traction and followership for A list organisation’s including Disney, Xbox, Linked In and celebrities such as Taylor Swift – led him to ask a very simple question.What if I took everything I’ve learned about cutting through the noise, everything that I know works – and applied it to starting from scratch, with the goal of reaching a million legitimate followers in 30 days. And what if I tried that experiment using myself as a case study. Can it be done?The answer to that question was a resounding yes. To his own amazement in less than a month he’d generated more than one million followers in more than a hundred countries.I’ll be totally honest here. I’ve always been a firm believer that you don’t need social media to build influence, my own social media accounts definitely attest to that.That said, the focus of this conversation is that there are fundamental plays and rules that you need to understand in order to stand out on ANY platform – whether it’s social, the stage, publishing or even getting the attention of your colleagues.This isn’t just about social media, this is about human attention. How it works, what activates it and most importantly how it can be harnessed to create action.Today’s Guest Brendan Kane is a digital strategist for Fortune 500 corporations, brands and celebrities. He is a master at transforming complexity into simplicity, when it comes to what gets cut through in the digital world.He is the former vice president of digital for Paramount Pictures, and his current client list includes Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Charles Barkley, Adriana Lima, and brands such as Disney, Fox, NBC, Netflix, Xbox and LinkedIn.He is also the bestselling author of ‘One Million Followers’ as I’ve mentioned, and ‘Hook Point – how to stand out in a 3-second world’.Facebook: @brendanjameskaneInstagram: @brendankaneLinkedIn: for tuning into this week’s episode of the Inside Influence Podcast! If the information in my conversations have helped you please head over to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review. Also, don’t forget to hop on my website and download my new ebook The Influencer Code or become an insider by signing up to my newsletter See for privacy and opt-out information.

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