Imprint with Natalie Walton

Imprint with Natalie Walton

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Imprint with Natalie Walton focuses on how to create a home and life you love. Featuring interviews and insights with inspiring creatives, entrepreneurs and experts from around the world. Imprint explores life lessons that can have a big impact on both your well-being and the world. And simplifies the decision-making process to help you design a life doing what you love. Learn more at

If you're interested or curious about starting a podcast, and learning what's involved come listen to this week's episode. A throwback to an episode I recorded a little over a year ago but the lessons still ring true. Get a free extract from my new book Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: Connect on Facebook:

Do you know the difference between plaster versus render for your walls? Maybe you’re curious about opting for natural wall finishes in your home, such as Tadelakt or Venetian plaster, but not sure what’s involved? Or how the choices you make can have a direct impact on your health and wellbeing? This episode is for you. Come listen to Karmin Kenny of Mineral Fox explain everything you need to know about these traditional natural finishes, as well as the beauty and benefits they bring to your home. Order my new book! Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: Connect on Facebook:

If you’ve ever wondered what goes into creating a book, today I’m sharing a behind-the-scenes look at the process with a focus on my new book Style: The Art of Creating a Beautiful Home. In this episode, I share how every book must start with a strong idea (and how I came about the core concept for Style). I also take you a journey to some of my favourite homes in the book, and how they are great examples of someone who expresses their style in their home. And I share how the book can help you to connecting with your style, and making meaningful moments in your home. Order my new book! Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: Connect on Facebook:

Have you ever considered how the energy of your home can effect how you live, and the results that you get in your life? Feng Shui works on the principle that everything is energy. And that everything carries information: from the things in your home to the people you interact with, and the things you choose to do. Today’s guest, Julie De Ronde, says that what we choose to have in our home can not only give you energy, but cost you energy too. I'm excited to share my interview with Julie, who practises a modern version of Feng Shui, and in doing so helps people to create a home that makes them happy. Every person and every home is unique, and she knows exactly what each and every one of them needs to create balance and harmony. STYLE book now available in Australia & NZ and for pre-order in the rest of the world. Pre-order now to claim your bonuses: Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: @nataliewalton Connect on Facebook:

How can we make our homes a place to reflect, restore and re-engage with what’s most important in our lives? Kennesha Poe Buycks has explores these ideas through her home and lifestyle brand Restoration House, as well as her book of the same name. In this episode, Kennesha shares how her home helped her reconnect with her story, and pave the way to her freedom. STYLE book now available in Australia & NZ and for pre-order in the rest of the world. Pre-order now to claim your bonuses: Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: @nataliewalton Connect on Facebook:

Can effortless style be learnt? Is it innate? And if you don’t always feel confident about your own style, and how to translate that into your home, what should you do? In this episode, I share how effortless style can be learnt. You’ll learn 3 ways you can become more confident with your style, and how when you do creating beautiful interiors will become more instinctive and easier, too. STYLE book now available in Australia & NZ and for pre-order in the rest of the world. Pre-order now to claim your bonuses: Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: @nataliewalton Connect on Facebook:

What is it like to work as a lifestyle photographer? And how can you grow a client base that loves and appreciates your work? In this episode, I chat with editorial, lifestyle and travel photographer Abbie Mellé, who is known for her beautiful way of capturing light. She shares her story to taking the plunge to become a photographer, and the lessons she’s learnt along the way. STYLE book now available in Australia & NZ and for pre-order in the rest of the world. Pre-order now to claim your bonuses: Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: @nataliewalton Connect on Facebook:

Wabi sabi living is a way to see our homes (and lives) in a gentler and kinder way. It is an antidote to the highly edited images we constantly encounter every time we pick up our phones. If you can veer towards perfectionism — or just want a simpler way of living — this episode is for you. STYLE book available for pre-order + claim your bonuses: Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: @nataliewalton Connect on Facebook:

You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing, says Sam Pothier. You may know her as a @astylistguide but Sam is also an interior designer and stylist who has built a thriving business on the back of word of mouth recommendations. In this episode, she shares her journey from working in the world of fashion to design, and how she has built a strong following on Instagram thanks to pursuing her passion. STYLE book available for pre-order + claim your bonuses: Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: @nataliewalton Connect on Facebook:

One of the most important steps in the creative journey is to move from dreaming to doing. In today’s episode, I’m going to share how engaging with creativity as a form of practice is a powerful idea. STYLE book available for pre-order + claim your bonuses: Podcast shownotes: Connect on Instagram: @nataliewalton Connect on Facebook:

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