I'll Be Damned - Nicholas Padiak

I'll Be Damned - Nicholas Padiak

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Host Nick Padiak sits down for conversations with real people--people whose stories arrest, entertain, and/or delight.

Jon Marshall knows journalism. As an educator and practitioner of the craft, he speaks eloquently about yesterday’s stories, today’s challenges, and tomorrow’s solutions. Plus we find out why he’s the perfect guy to write about Watergate.

Bob McNees, associate professor of physics at Loyola University, wanted to go into either illustrating or science. He settled on science, and is today devoting his professional life to quantum mechanics, black holes, and all sorts of other fascinating things about our universe.

Jen Wille wants to know: "What do you need today, love?" She talks with me about self-care, life coaching, growing up in foster care, and much more. Check out her work;her blog;and her podcast, First + Foremost, at jenwille.com.

Brayzill Stevenson III, a.k.a. Savannah Westbrooke, has lived enough for multiple lives. He talks with me about his upbringing, his sexuality, his tour of duty with the U.S. Air Force, his drag career, and much more.

Bill Savage seems inextricably linked with Chicago. From his Twitter handle, @rogersparkman, to his intimate knowledge of the city’s bars, hot dog stands, history, and even manhole covers, the Northwestern English professor is a fount of knowledge, insight, and Chicago pride.

When you’ve done as much stuff as Matt Cornelison has—winning the national air guitar championship, performing on America’s Got Talent, recording albums, making movies, meeting celebrities—you’re gonna have stories to tell. Matt talks about all these experiences, plus the impact he’s hoping to make on the world. Find his album at www.pledgemusic.com/projects/romeodancecheetah and connect with him at www.dancecheetah.com. Check out his YouTube videos at www.youtube.com/user/DanceCheetah, and his podcast at www.coolmusicdad.com. And you’ll probably want to check out The Flavor Savers, too: www.flavorsaversmusic.com.

When Jason Glombicki preaches from the pulpit of Wicker Park Lutheran Church in Chicago, he brings to his sermons his experience as a hospital chaplain, his upbringing in a more conservative sect of Lutheranism, and his history as a gay Christian.

In the final installment of our conversation, Walter Guzy talks about starting his family and what life was like in Chicago in the early 20th century.

In part two of three, Walter Guzy talks about the end of World War II, coming home from the war, and starting his career in earnest.

In part one of three, Walter Guzy, a 100-year-old veteran of World War II, talks about growing up in Chicago, struggling through the Depression, and fighting in the war.

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