History of the Marine Corps

History of the Marine Corps

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The first and only podcast covering the battles, strategies, political decisions, and origin of the United States Marine Corps, from the origin of Tun Tavern to today.Neither the United States Marine Corps nor any other component of the Department of Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product (or promotion, or service, or activity).

We cover a lot in this episode, including the fall of many neutral countries, Italy and Japan officially aligning with Germany, and preparations made by the Corps before the US officially entered the war. On December 8th, President Roosevelt delivered his famous "Day of Infamy speech." It's included at the end of the episode.

This episode discusses a few events leading up to World War II, including the rise of European dictatorship and military control in Japan. We briefly cover how the rest of Europe reacted to Hitler seizing territory and end the episode with Germany's invasion of Poland.

A few years before the United States entered World War I, the Navy started playing with the idea of planes. Marine 1st Lieutenant Alfred A. Cunningham was one of the first pilots to attend training in Maryland and helped design a Marine aviation program. Marines who followed in his footsteps developed or perfected many tactics still used today. We start the episode in 1911 and talk about how aviation contributed to World War I, the Banana Wars, and the start of WWII.

This episode closes the chapter on Marine Corps activity during the 20 years between wars. Concepts we’re familiar with today - such as training, officer assessments, organizational structure, and aviation - saw significant improvements, and we touch on some of those topics during this episode.

We talk about Marines in China after WWI, the six commandants who led the Corps in the 20 years leading up to WWII, and touch on improvements of the Corps, including creating the Fleet Marine Force, better training, and establishing the Marine Corps birthday as we know it today.

Shortly after the Allied Powers claimed victory in World War I, the happiness U.S. citizens felt soon turned into disillusionment, and many questioned the purpose of the war. Millions of people died, and it wasn’t clear what problems were solved. In the years leading up to WWII, pacifism became the fastest-growing movement in America. This antiwar sentiment had a considerable impact on the Marine Corps, and they had to take drastic steps to maintain a competent fighting force. This episode discusses the Marine Corps significant cut in manpower, their attempt to bring in recruits using sports, defining an officer promotion selection board, and dealing with crime sprees in the United States.

This battle is the last and most significant U.S. troops fought during WWI. We discuss the preparation leading up to the fight, some of the challenges both U.S. and German troops faced, and how both sides handled the armistice when they received the news. We end the episode by talking about some of the statistics on the war.

This battle was one of the bloodiest the Marines faced during WWI. We discuss the actions of the 5th and 6th Marines, including a disorderly retreat by the 5th Regiment. James Gregory wrote an excellent article about it in the latest issue of the MCU Press Marine Corps History. Check it out here: https://www.usmcu.edu/Portals/218/MarineCorpsHistory_vol7no2_Winter2021_web%20%282%29.pdf

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