Hippy Speedball Podcast

Hippy Speedball Podcast

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Hippy Speedball: coffee and cannabis.You know that feeling you get when you're smoking a bowl or having coffee with cool people and you learned something you didn't realize you wanted to know? That's the Hippy Speedball PodcastKick it with Joe every week and meet some of the dopest people this world has to offer. No subject is off limits. Welcome to the Hippy Speedball Podcast.Contact: hippyspeedballpodcast@gmail.com IG: @hippyspeedballpodcastYouTube: Hippy Speedball Podcast

Kemet Dank is back! Working musician and creator of the Big Blunt Buddy swings by Oregon to come on the Hippy Speedball Podcast at the Kaleafa Social Club! On this episode he brings with him local rapper Catxscan and we all discuss music, weed, Adam Sandler movies, and have a DOPE freestyle with the one and only Jacobi King. Find Kemet Dank on Instagram at https://instagram.com/kemet_dank?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=, find Catxscan at https://instagram.com/catxscan?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= and Jacobi King at https://instagram.com/jacobitheking?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Caleb Wildcard is a musician, entrepreneur, creative, and overall dope guy. On this podcast we go into his music, his influences, his tour with Afroman and the AMAZING things he has on the horizon. This will definitely NOT be the last time he's on the show! Find him on Instagram at https://instagram.com/calebwildcardofficial?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Soltribe is a Reggae/Alternative band from Texas and the singer, Anthony, is in the house! Tune in as we discuss reggae music, punk, playing live shows, and an awesome story how Soltribe was picked personally to open up for Bon Jovi! Find them on Instagram at https://instagram.com/soltribemusic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

He's back! One of the best mc's in Portland and one of my good friends, Scooter Rogers is back! In this episode we catch up on our creative processes, discuss his new album as well as dealing with fake people in the hip hop scene. Find him on Instagram at https://instagram.com/iamscooterrogers?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Zane Thomas is a comedian and hip hop artist living in Portland, OR. Tune in as we discuss depression, music, comedy and podcasting. Find him in Instagram at https://instagram.com/itszanethomas?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

You ever hear a podcast host get so high he butchers his own intro? Well thanks to the delicious products from Three Finger Farms, you will! This time on the Hippy Speedball Podcast, Rikki, one of the growers for 3FF comes by to give insight on her start in the industry, growing methods, and how she transitioned from being a Budtender to where she is now! Find 3 Finger Farms on Instagram at https://instagram.com/threefingerfarms?utm_medium=copy_link

The legend himself Joe Pietri, aka The King of Nepal, is in the house! Listen in as we go over his journey in Cannabis and how he got started from transporting weed over the Mexican border to smuggling Hash from Nepal inside crates carrying dogs and exotic animals. Joe is fighting to keep big pharma out of Cannabis and expose their influence on controlling the plants history all over the world. Find his books "King of Nepal: Life Before the Drug Wars" and "The 15 Ounce Pound: Big Pharmas Plan to Patent Pot" on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/King-Nepal-Life-Before-Drug-ebook/dp/B00CCTUUDY/ref=pd_aw_sim_1/144-1640713-0314046?pd_rd_w=qJVf3&pf_rd_p=95cafcb9-4ba5-4c90-bf9e-fc6b560c8cd6&pf_rd_r=YKZSZ4RY14EE1F91G9CS&pd_rd_r=b370bf18-ecba-4119-a019-c9e2477621d3&pd_rd_wg=TpZ4G&pd_rd_i=B00CCTUUDY&psc=1 and here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00L0LYD9C/ref=dbs_a_def_awm_bibl_vppi_i0 and check out his website here! https://www.growlikejoe.com/growing/growing/

Scott McDowell is a branding expert who runs Strategic Leverage Concepts and promotes brands at events like X Games, WWE Raw, Champs Expo, and more. Tune in as we go over his travels, the best way to promote your brand, wrestling, and his crazy Oregon story! Find him on IG at https://instagram.com/strategicscott?utm_medium=copy_link and Strategic Leverage Concepts at https://instagram.com/strategicleverage?utm_medium=copy_link

Echo the Savage is a producer, musician, and business owner from the Philippines currently residing in Portland, OR. Recording once again from the Kaleafa Social Club, Echo comes by to smoke out and discuss his first time smoking, his creative process, how he developed his skills as a musician , and how he was blessed with a Billboard Top 20 charting song! Follow him on IG at: https://www.instagram.com/echothesavage/?hl=en and follow him on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/5lbnbhzX9edZR6So4zWvNv OPENING TRACK : 4HORSEMEN by Echo the Savage feat. Scooter Rogers, Prod Avery, and Ma13ki

The other side of the Culture and Cannabis podcast table, Tony Lee, is in the house! Tony Lee is a podcast co-host, COO of Culture and Cannabis and owner of the Smoke and Fire restaurant in Las Vegas. Listen in as we discuss his vision for Culture and Cannabis, being objective in the cannabis market, and finding the balance of work and fun in the cannabis industry. Find him on Instagram at: https://instagram.com/fulltimetony?utm_medium=copy_link and his restaurant Smoke and Fire at:https://smokeandfirelv.com and https://instagram.com/smokeandfirelv?utm_medium=copy_link and don't forget to listen to the Culture and Cannabis podcast everywhere you get podcasts!

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