Hazard Ground

Hazard Ground

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Servicemembers from across the military, sharing their accounts of combat and survival. Hosted by sports talk radio host and Army veteran, Mark Zinno, this podcast brings you firsthand accounts of war, with a perspective you only get from someone who has lived through it. From WWII to Vietnam, Somalia, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, hear inspirational stories of service and resiliency from those who have fought on and off the battlefield!

Tim Fedrick spent 31 years in the U.S. Navy with 28 of those years inside the U.S. Navy SEALs and inside Naval special warfare. Tim retired from service as a Lieutenant Commander and he is now an Executive Producer and Host for JUL-TV "Veterans in Transition". Tim is also the ambassador of the organization, Warriors & Whiskey Club. https://warriorsandwhiskey.com/ Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Tim Fedrick

Stephanie Gattas is a United States Navy Veteran who served two overseas tours on the USS Simon Lake. Stephanie is both a Gulf War and Post 911 Veteran. After service, Stephanie followed her passion of giving back to the military community and its veterans and founded The Pink Berets in 2015. The Pink Berets is an organization that assists women of the U.S. Armed Forces who struggle with the invisible wounds of war such as PTSD and Military Sexual Trauma. https://thepinkberets.org/ Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Stephanie Gattas

Jason Kander is a former U.S. Army Captain who spent a little over 8 years in the military and had one deployment in the Military intelligence field overseas. Following his military service, Jason turned to American politics and was on his way to becoming Mayor of his hometown of Kansas City. Jason pulled out of the race right before the election to seek help for his PTSD. Focusing on his PTSD and mental health, Jason Kander has written the book, Invisible Storm: A Soldier's Memoir of Politics and PTSD. Invisible Storm is now available on Amazon, Google, Apple, B&N, Books-A-Million, Bookshop, and more! For more information on how and where to purchase the book, please visit: jasonkander.com Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Mu...

MAJ Tony Mayne served 21 years in the U.S. Army and deployed eight times in support of the Global War of Terror. After graduating from The Ohio State University in 1998, Tony enlisted as an infantryman and as a member of the 3rd Ranger Battalion, he participated in the initial combat airborne operation into Afghanistan on October 19th, 2001. Of Tony's awards and decorations, none is more important to him than his 3rd Ranger Battalion combat unit patch and the Ranger tab. Tony is the CEO and Founder of Ranger for Life. https://rangerforlife.com/ Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Tony Mayne

Samir Patel is a West Point Graduate who served as an Army officer with combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He is currently a Major in the U.S. Army Reserve. Sami Patel is also the owner of various real estate assets including hotels, multifamily, and SFR. He bought his first hotel at the age of 19 years old. Samir is a Managing Partner of Trophy Point Investment Group LLC as he leads a team of five people, including two equity partners. www.TrophyPointInvestment.com Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Samir Patel

Mark Franklin is a retired U.S. Army Colonel with 30 years of service that included multiple stations and deployments overseas, including Pakistan. After service, Mark became a Veteran advocate for ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer as he was diagnosed with cancer shortly before he retired from the Army. He speaks about his experiences with prostate cancer and helps raise awareness among the Veteran population. Early detection of prostate cancer saves lives. ZeroCancer.org Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Mark Franklin

Jake Harriman graduated with distinction from the United States Naval Academy and served seven and a half years in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Platoon Commander in both the Infantry and Force Recon. During his military service, Jake led four operational deployments, including two combat tours in Iraq. Following his service, Jake enrolled at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, founded Nuru International, and founded More Perfect Union where he also serves as the CEO. www.mpu.us Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Jake Harriman

Dario DiBattista served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve from 2001 to 2007 with a couple of deployments overseas. Dario would later become a distinguished graduate of the John Hopkins University M.A. in Writing Program. He is the editor of the anthology 'Retire the Colors: Veterans & Civilians on Iraq & Afghanistan'. His work has appeared in the Washingtonian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and many other publications. Dario is currently working on a screenplay about a Marine's return home from war. http://www.dariodibattista.com Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Dario DiBattista

Lucy Del Gaudio served in the US Army from 1990 to 1998, including service in support of Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield. Lucy is currently the Chief Operations Officer for the Pink Berets, an organization that specializes in bringing counseling, treatment, and resources to female veterans suffering from PTSD and military sexual trauma. Lucy is one of the grassroots individuals that opened up the investigation into the death of Specialist Vanessa Guillen at Fort Hood. https://thepinkberets.org Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Lucy Del Gaudio

Noel Huerta served in the United States Marine Corps from 2007 to 2011. Noel was deployed twice during Operation Freedom and was awarded the Purple Heart and Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Award after being wounded in combat. After his military service, Noel attended a private education institution and earned both his Bachelors in Computer Science and Masters in Business Administration. Noel was instrumental in the formation of MVP and is currently the Chief Operating Officer of MVP. https://vetsandplayers.org Support the podcast by supporting our sponsors atwww.hazardground.com/sponsors Shop Amazon! As an Amazon Associate We Earn From Qualifying Purchases...You Know The Deal! (Paid Link) Help grow the show! Spread the word, tell a friend!! Subscribe, rate, and review onApple Podcasts! Episode Intro Music: “Prelude” by “Silence & Light” (www.silenceandlightmusic.com) Photo Credit: Noel Huerta

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