Hard Topics, Easy English

Hard Topics, Easy English

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Hard Topics - Easy English is a weekly podcast for English learners where we talk about the important news, stories, and ideas that are changing our world. Creator Lynne Welton is an English teacher with a Master’s Degree in Political Economics. Lots of helpful tools are posted on the website, including the tapescript, a set of online vocab cards, and discussion questions to get you thinking and speaking in English: hardtopicseasyenglish.wordpress.com

In part one, I asked my friend Francisco what he knew about nuclear weapons: Who made them, who has them, and why. In part two, Francisco asks me some interesting questions about nuclear weapons, war and peace: Would we be safer if there were no nuclear weapons, or if every country has one? Should we be worried about North Korea and Kim Jung-Un using a nuclear weapon? What's the connection between nuclear energy and nuclear weapons? Should nuclear scientists be able to research whatever they want, or should there be limits? How is the war in the east of Ukraine connected to nuclear weapons?

Francisco and I discuss which countries have made nuclear weapons, which countries are holding nuclear weapons, and why. Join us on this fascinating trivia challenge as we go through the past 70 years of nuclear weapons history and see how we got to where we are now.

What do Russia and North Korea have in common? Sanctions. This week, Andrey and I talk about the Magnitsky Act and adoption, whether Donald Trump Jr. is telling the truth about his meeting with the Russian lawyer and lobbyist last year, and the North Korean missile test that landed in the Sea of Japan, near where we live!

Tricia and I talk about this week's news: Michael Phelps races a shark, a female Dr. Who, Air BnB in Barcelona, and we look at 6 months of President Trump - the good, the bad, and the Russian scandal - did he and Don Jr. plan in secret? Join us for the first episode of Hard Topics, Easy English!

Hard Topics, Easy English is a weekly podcast for English learners who find pop songs too easy, course books a bit boring, but news like BBC still too difficult. We'll discuss all the important news, stories, and ideas that are changing our world. The host, Lynne Welton, is an English teacher with 12 years of experience and an MA in Political Economics.

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