Hard Talk Radio

Hard Talk Radio

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Welcome to the podcast where i talk about politics, current events, religion, and more!!! Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

Stay tuned new eposides coming --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

An election-integrity watchdog group released areporton Wednesday detailing a massive multi-million-dollar scheme by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to influence the election process in various states in favor of Joe Biden LifeSiteNews.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

Four trial volunteers who got Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell's palsy - but FDA denies that the temporary facial paralysis was caused by the shot https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9030943/Four-volunteers-got-Pfizers-vaccine-developed-Bells-palsy.html?fbclid=IwAR3JLSZLt3ioW04P9GJ_OM7tROo5_GNRrT9FS1bQfe8Z5GugrRPsaQuvT8k NEW YORK (WABC) -- New York Gov. Cuomo explained the initial allocation of COVID-19 vaccines would be distributed throughout the state. He announced during his press conference on Wednesday that the state is expecting to receive 170,000 doses of the vaccine, as soon as this weekend. https://abc7ny.com/covid-19-vaccine-coronavirus-ny-new-york/8637992/ https://www.distributednews.com/481023.htmlJFK jr. talks about the covid-19 vaccine in the second link below https://www.distributednews.com/481516.html https://science.news/2020-05-25-mrna-vaccines-how-they-work-coronavirus.html --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support ...

Four trial volunteers who got Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell's palsy - but FDA denies that the temporary facial paralysis was caused by the shot https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9030943/Four-volunteers-got-Pfizers-vaccine-developed-Bells-palsy.html?fbclid=IwAR3JLSZLt3ioW04P9GJ_OM7tROo5_GNRrT9FS1bQfe8Z5GugrRPsaQuvT8k NEW YORK (WABC) -- New York Gov. Cuomo explained the initial allocation of COVID-19 vaccines would be distributed throughout the state. He announced during his press conference on Wednesday that the state is expecting to receive 170,000 doses of the vaccine, as soon as this weekend. https://abc7ny.com/covid-19-vaccine-coronavirus-ny-new-york/8637992/ https://www.distributednews.com/481023.htmlJFK jr. talks about the covid-19 vaccine in the second link below https://www.distributednews.com/481516.html https://science.news/2020-05-25-mrna-vaccines-how-they-work-coronavirus.html --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support ...

Ok so this black single mother asks Kevin Samuels for dating advice on how to get a man who makes 6 figures and gets some advice from him. I don't take Kevin Samuels seriously because there is some sketchy stuff about him and its very suspicious. However is what he is saying lies or is it true and are most black single mother who have listened to this particular segment just angry that he dropped a heavy truth bomb about the realities of dating as a single mother? https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhl0vkpbMLOzA3XL3p --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

here we go --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

With hospitalizations surging to record levels and California once again heading into lockdown, millions of Americans would probably gladly take the vaccine just to feel a sense that the pandemic is “over”, even though the duration of that immunity is still not very well understood, and some “conspiracy-minded” skeptics have raised question about the headline efficacy numbers. But as the US and UK prepare to start delivering the first jabs in a week, industries are jockeying to try and get their workers designated as “essential” so they can have faster access to the vaccine (for many, profits are ultimately on the line). Even though many Americans believe it’s morally reprehensible to fire someone for refusing to take a vaccine, some companies and industry groups are planning to require workers to be vaccinated as a precondition for returning to work. Maybe they think taking such a public stand might help them secure supplies for their vaccines more quickly. Whatever the reas...

Just a days after the Small Axe actress shared a link to a 70-minute YouTube video by a coronavirus vaccine skeptic, Wright deleted both her Twitter and Instagram accounts. The actress came under fire from fellow Twitter users as the video she linked expressed doubts in the in-progress Covid-19 vaccines, which will begin roll-out in Britain in the coming week. The video sees On The Table host Tomi Arayomi question the possible antidote, despite admitting he has no medicinal understanding of vaccines. https://atlantablackstar.com/tag/letitia-wright/ https://deadline.com/2020/12/small-axe-black-panther-letitia-wright-deletes-social-media-anti-vaccine-video-backlash-1234651061/ --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

We now have employers planning to make it mandatory to have people vaccinated in order to work and many will unfortunately take that rushed Covid-19 vaccine. We are heading towards some dark times ahead but don't let your heart be troubled. Come to Jesus the one and only true God of the universe because he is the one that will help us have peace of mind as well keep us from making rash decisions that can be fatal in these dark days. https://www.rethinkingthedollar.com/the-future-of-food-and-health-care/ https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bible-Verses-About-Hard-Times/ --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

Now the local chapters of Black Lives Matter are turning against the national arm of the movement for failing to provide financial transparency and for undercutting their efforts to democratize decision-making. The naïve, virtue signaling, peace-and-love volunteers for BLM’s local chapters are being walked on by the authoritarian Marxists who control the movement at the national level. https://www.distributednews.com/479893.html --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/red-pill-man/support

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