A conversation with Ronna Steinberg, who was an OOP developer for many years, and now is a Go Google Developer Expert. Ronna has been thinking about Go and OOP for awhile, asking herself whether or not Go is an object oriented programming language. Tune in to find out her answer and hear some of the options gophers have for object oriented design.
We’re talking about the tools we use every day help us to be productive! This show will be a great introduction for those new to Go tooling, with some discussion around what we think of them after using some of them for many years.
A deep discussion on that tension between development speed and software quality. What is velocity? How does it differ from speed? How do we measure it? How do we optimize it?
The year is 2053. The tabs-vs-spaces wars are long over. Ron Evans is the only Go programmer still alive on Earth. All he does is maintain old Go code. It’s terrible! He must find a way to warn his fellow gophers before it’s too late. Good thing he finally got that PDQ transmission system working…
This week we’re featuring an episode of Grafana’s Big Tent! LEGO Group principal engineer Nayana Shetty swaps observability survival stories (to drill or not to drill?) with hosts Mat Ryer and Matt Toback. The trio also reveals new and different observability strategies that have been successful and effective in their organizations. Plus: Nayana shares how she built her successful observability career brick by brick.
We’re trying something new this week: discussing the news! Natalie, Kris & Ian weigh in on GopherCon’s move to Chicago, Google DDoSing SourceHut, reflections on Go’s success, and a new/old proposal for anonymous function syntax.
During a conversation in the #gotime channel of Gopher Slack, Jerod mentioned that some people paint with a blank canvas while others paint by numbers. In this 8th episode of the maintenance series, we’re talking about maintaining our knowledge. With Jerod’s analogy and a little help from a Leslie Lamport interview, our panel discusses the myth of incremental progress.
The Berlin tech ecosystem was all about PHP/Python for a long time. In the recent years it became a tech hub and an early adopter of Go. In this conversation we’ll see how this reflects in the 10+ years old Go meetup, with the meetup organizing team.
Matt Holt & Mohammed S. Al Sahaf sit down with Natalie & Jon to discuss every gopher’s favorite open source web server with automatic HTTPS! In addition to laying out what Caddy is and why it’s interesting, we dive deep into how you can (and why you might want to) extend Caddy as a result of its modular architecture.
Another entry in the maintenance series! Throughout the series we’ve discussed building versus buying, building actually maintainable software, maintaining ourselves, open source maintenance, legacy code, and most recently Go project structure. In this 7th installment of the series, we continue narrowing our focus by talking about what to do when projects get big and messy.