Go Filipino: Let's Learn Tagalog

Go Filipino: Let's Learn Tagalog

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Tagalog, which is mainly spoken in the Philippines, is one of the most beautiful languages in Asia. Writer and self-confessed language nerd Kris Andres wants to share that beauty with you. Whether you are visiting the country for business or pleasure, married or dating someone from the Philippines, an English-speaking Filipino trying to find their ethnic identity, or just trying to learn something new, this podcast is for you. It features lessons and exercises that would help you understand the Tagalog language and (hopefully) speak like native Pinoys.

While the verbal aspects of -AN Object Focus Verbs and -AN Locative Focus Verbs are similar, the difference lies in their functions and sentence structures. This lesson centers on the -AN Locative Verbal Aspects.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:My heartfelt thanks to our current $5 patrons as of this recording: Ollie Crouch, Doug Burden, Threcia Oliver, Joel Syphers, Caroline Jane Walsh, Kristin Maranan, Brian, Kelvin, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, Luke V, Terje Langeland, Gladys Trinidad, J Springy, Christian Dimalanta, Henry Go, Elaine, Bryan, Melinda O’Connor, Austin Oscar, LJ Ordway, Kirstie, Alex, Daniel, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Steph, Natasha Esguerra, Theresa Salud, Jon Bailey, Bruno Leitz, Cassandra McGee, Roger Schachtel, Cherry Ann Reclusado, Laurel Haines, Craig Putz, Axe B, Pat Moore, Staccato Jones, and Cynthia Blair.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodLeave me a tip at PayPal: @andreskrisBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

The verbal aspects of -AN Object Focus Verbs and -AN Locative Focus Verbs share the same pattern. The difference lies in sentence structure. We will focus on the -AN Object Verbal Aspects first, while we will learn about the -AN Locative Verbal Aspects in the next lesson.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:My heartfelt thanks to our current $5 patrons as of this recording: Ollie Crouch, Doug Burden, Threcia Oliver, Joel Syphers, Caroline Jane Walsh, Kristin Maranan, Brian, Kelvin, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, Luke V, Terje Langeland, Gladys Trinidad, J Springy, Christian Dimalanta, Henry Go, Elaine, Bryan, Melinda O’Connor, Austin Oscar, LJ Ordway, Kirstie, Alex, Daniel, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Steph, Natasha Esguerra, Theresa Salud, Jon Bailey, Bruno Leitz, Cassandra McGee, Roger Schachtel, Cherry Ann Reclusado, Laurel Haines, Craig Putz, Axe B, Pat Moore, Staccato Jones, and Cynthia Blair.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodLeave me a tip at PayPal: @andreskrisBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

The verbal aspects of I- Object Focus Verbs are mostly similar to that of -IN Object Focus Verbs, but with an added twist.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:My heartfelt thanks to our current $5 patrons as of this recording: Ollie Crouch, Doug Burden, Threcia Oliver, Caroline Jane Walsh, Kristin Maranan, Brian, Craig Putz, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, Luke V, Christian Dimalanta, Kelvin, Gladys Trinidad, Elaine, Bryan, J Springy, Austin Oscar, Melinda O’Connor, LJ Ordway, Alex, Daniel, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Kirstie, Steph, Roger Schachtel, Natasha Esguerra, Theresa Salud, Cherry Ann Reclusado, Bruno Leitz, Jon Bailey, Laurel Haines, Henry Go, Cassandra McGee, Joel Syphers, Terje Langeland, Chris, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodLeave me a tip at PayPal: @andreskrisBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

We now shift to learning the verbal aspects of object focus verbs, starting with action words that use the -IN suffix.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:My heartfelt thanks to our current $5 patrons as of this recording: Ollie Crouch, Doug Burden, Threcia Oliver, Caroline Jane Walsh, Kristin Maranan, Brian, Craig Putz, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, Luke V, Christian Dimalanta, Kelvin, Gladys Trinidad, Elaine, Bryan, J Springy, Austin Oscar, Melinda O’Connor, LJ Ordway, Alex, Daniel, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Kirstie, Steph, Roger Schachtel, Natasha Esguerra, Theresa Salud, Cherry Ann Reclusado, Bruno Leitz, Jon Bailey, Laurel Haines, Henry Go, Cassandra McGee, Joel Syphers, Terje Langeland, Chris, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodLeave me a tip at PayPal: @andreskrisBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

This lesson covers the verbal aspects of MANG- Actor Focus Verbs. The MANG- prefix has a unique feature: it morphs depending on the first letter of the root word.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:Ollie Crouch, Doug Burden, Caroline Jane Walsh, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, Kelvin, Craig Putz, Christian Dimalanta, Elaine, J Springy, Gladys Trinidad, Melinda O’Connor, Bryan, Alexander Ong, Austin Oscar, LJ Ordway, Chris, Alex, Natasha Esguerra, Roger Schachtel, Kirstie, Steph, Niña Lerch, Theresa Salud, Jon Bailey, Laurel Haines, Bruno Leitz, Daniel, Luke V, Brian, Kristin Maranan, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodLeave me a tip at PayPal: @andreskrisBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

First of all, #StopAAPIHate.This lesson covers the verbal aspects of both MA actor focus verbs and MA object focus verbs. While they share the same prefix and follow the same verbal aspect pattern, they are completely different from one another. Listen up and find out how. This episode also features a Patreon-exclusive lesson about the MA occasional verb aspects.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:Ollie Crouch, Doug Burden, Caroline Jane Walsh, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, Kelvin, Craig Putz, Christian Dimalanta, Elaine, J Springy, Gladys Trinidad, Melinda O’Connor, Bryan, Alexander Ong, Austin Oscar, LJ Ordway, Chris, Alex, Natasha Esguerra, Roger Schachtel, Kirstie, Steph, Niña Lerch, Theresa Salud, Jon Bailey, Laurel Haines, Bruno Leitz, Daniel, Luke V, Brian, Kristin Maranan, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

Now that we have learned how verbal aspects work, let's discuss how they are applied to MAG actor focus verbs.Stick around at the end of this episode to listen to a preview of "Kakayanin: Filipino Success Stories," which is available wherever you listen to podcasts.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:Ollie Crouch, Caroline Jane Walsh, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, J Springy, Craig Putz, Gladys Trinidad, Elaine, Christian Dimalanta, Bryan, Melinda O’Connor, Alex, Chris, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Kirstie, Roger Schachtel, Steph, Natasha Esguerra, Theresa Salud, Jon Bailey, Austin Oscar, Bruno Leitz, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

We now move on to learning the Tagalog verbal aspects, which work like verb tenses in the English language but with slight differences. We will then learn about how to express the UM actor focus verbs if the action happened in the past, present, future, or recently.A segment about the UM occasional verb aspects, which refers to actions that happen from time to time (but not habitually), is available on the Patreon version of this episode.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:Ollie Crouch, Caroline Jane Walsh, Isak Buan, Paolo de Armas, J Springy, Craig Putz, Gladys Trinidad, Elaine, Christian Dimalanta, Bryan, Melinda O’Connor, Alex, Chris, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Kirstie, Roger Schachtel, Steph, Natasha Esguerra, Theresa Salud, Jon Bailey, Austin Oscar, Bruno Leitz, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

This lesson talks about the last batch of verbal focus, namely: Benefactive (which uses the I- or IPAG- prefixes), Instrumental (which uses the IPANG-, IPAM- or IPAN- prefixes), and Causative/ Rational (which uses the IKA- prefix).A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:Craig Putz, Isak Buan, Gladys Trinidad, Ken Yeager, Paolo de Armas, Christian Dimalanta, J Springy, Elaine, Bryan, Melinda O’Connor, Caroline Jane Walsh, Alex, Chris, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Kirstie, Steph, Ollie Crouch, Natasha Esguerra, Jon Bailey, Roger Schachtel, Theresa Salud, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

Apart from the -AN suffix, Locative Focus Verbs use the -IN suffix and the PAG-AN affix combination.A heartfelt appreciation to my $5 Patrons mentioned as of this recording:Craig Putz, Isak Buan, Gladys Trinidad, Ken Yeager, Paolo de Armas, Christian Dimalanta, J Springy, Elaine, Bryan, Melinda O’Connor, Caroline Jane Walsh, Alex, Chris, Alexander Ong, Niña Lerch, Kirstie, Steph, Ollie Crouch, Natasha Esguerra, Jon Bailey, Roger Schachtel, Theresa Salud, and Shane.Support my podcast for as little as $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/gofilipinopodBuy my merch: https://www.teepublic.com/user/gofilipinopodFollow this podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @gofilipinopod. For inquiries, send me an email: gofilipinopod@gmail.comSpecial thanks to "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod.

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