Global News Podcast

Global News Podcast

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The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends

The US President makes his financial commitment as countries around the world grapple with record temperatures, raging wildfires and deaths. Also: Italy’s government teeters on the brink of collapse and the race to become the next British PM is down to just two people.

Ranil Wickremesinghe calls for unity but protestors are already speaking out. Also: the devastating European heatwave moves north-east, a UN report lays bare the oppression of women in Afghanistan under the Taliban and how bullfighting is being used to canvass votes in Kenya.

The warning comes as UK breaks records for the hottest day and night. We hear from Athens where they are making changes to the city to help people cope with the heat. Also: Netflix loses nearly a million subscribers, and could polygamy return to the Ivory Coast decades after being outlawed.

Breaking sanctions is high on the agenda. Also Europeans suffer unprecedented temperatures and why vultures are actually nature's good guys.

Scientists predict more climate change chaos as Europe endures higher temperatures. Also: the scandal over allegedly plagiarised art gripping Cairo, and misunderstandings over the meaning of emojis.

Record temperatures and wildfires hit large parts of Europe. Also: The Ukrainian security chief and state prosecutor have been suspended over accusations of treason within their departments, and an historic one-two-three for Jamaica's women sprinters at the World Athletics Championships.

A report by Texas lawmakers says there was a 'void of leadership'. Also: a heatwave sweeps across western Europe and President Macron has warned that anti-Semitism remains rampant in France.

Thousands of firefighters are battling wildfires in Portugal, Spain and southwestern France, in the grip of a heatwave that shows no sign of easing. Also: North Macedonia takes step forward towards starting EU accession, and two athletes at the World Athletics Championships in Oregon have been sent home for doping violations.

President Biden is in Saudi Arabia to rebuild relations, having previously promised to make the country a "pariah" over its human rights record. Also: Sri Lanka seeks way forward after president quits, and France faces a shortage of mustard.

The US president made his comments during a visit to the West Bank. Also: A former German army officer is jailed for plotting terror attacks, and what is unusual about this year's hot summer in Spain.

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