Ghoulish Tendencies

Ghoulish Tendencies

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A podcast that blends worldly creepy historic places, ghost stories, legends, lore and true crime together for the spookiest neopolitan content you've ever heard.

A series of mysterious attacks in 1760s France had the people in a panic. Was it a wolf? Or something more monstrous?

What happens when we die? Where do our energy, personalities, and memories go after death? There have been many cases over the years of young children who remember past lives in incredible detail, some of which are proven to be true (allegedly). Join us as we discuss the origins of reincarnation, past life memories, and truly Scully whether or not these experiences are legit.

In our second part of our two part episode, we look deeper at the man himself, Danny Rolling. Who was he? What other crimes did he commit and how was he finally caught?

Many know the movie Scream but few realize it was inspired by a real case. Danny Rolling, AKA The Gainesville Ripper.

For episode 69, we delve into the depths of legend and lore, and get intimate with the realm of the succubus, and incubus. Dating all the way back to 2400 BC, these sex demons have haunted the dreams of all different cultures, which leads us to the ultimate question: are they real?

In 1968, Mary Bell was arrested and charged with the murders of two young boys. She was 11-years old.

The happiest place on Earth or the spookiest place on Earth? Disneyland has its share of legend, lore, ghosts, accidents, and, unfortunately, deaths. Are there really 999 haunts at Disneyland?

On July 24th of 1974, a young girl walking on the beach in Provincetown stumbled across a horrifying sight: the decomposing body of a woman.

Superstition at sea is strong, and the bizarre mystery of what happened to the Mary Celeste and her crew was ripe with theories. In 1872, the Mary Celeste was found fully stocked with everything except her crew, in the middle of the ocean, with little evidence pointing to what happened.

Poltergeist is regarded by many as one of the greatest haunted house movies made, but after a slew of actors involved in the film died, it also became known as cursed.

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