Future of the American City

Future of the American City

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50 聲音
An initiative of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design

Marshall Brown is an architect and urbanist and the principal of Marshall Brown Projects. He joins Charles Waldheim to discuss his new book Recurrent Visions.

Signe Nielsen is a landscape architect and principal of MNLA. She joins Charles Waldheim to discuss Little Island, her role on the New York City Public Design Commission, and her career on the New York waterfront.

Eric Rodenbeck is the founder and Creative Director of Stamen, a data visualization and cartography studio based in the Bay Area. Eric joins Charles Waldheim to discuss his work with the Getty Research Institute and their acquisition of Ed Ruscha’s Streets of Los Angeles archive.

Sara Zewde is a landscape architect and founding principal of Studio Zewde, a landscape, urban design, and public art practice based in New York City. She joins Charles Waldheim to discuss her recent work as well as her research following Frederick Law Olmsted’s reporting in the antebellum South.

Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi are principals and founders of Weiss/Manfredi Architecture/Landscape/Urbanism. They join Charles Waldheim to discuss their practice and their work on the La Brea Tar Pits and Museum in Los Angeles.

David Gissen is a designer, author, and educator. He joins Charles Waldheim to discuss his interest in architecture and the bodies it imagines.

Charlotte Malterre-Barthes is an urban designer and educator. She joins Charles Waldheim to discuss her proposal for a global moratorium on new construction.

Jorge Otero-Pailos is an artist, architect, and educator whose work is concerned with the future meaning of the past. He joins Charles Waldheim to discuss his recent practice.

Grahame Shane is an architect, urbanist, and educator. He joins Charles Waldheim to discuss his career in urban design.

Lisa Servon is Penn Presidential Professor and Chair of City and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania. She joins Charles Waldheim to discuss the unbanked and underbanked and the financial divide in America’s retail banking system.

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