Free Method Podcast

Free Method Podcast

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What would your life look like if you felt confident in your body and health habits? We believe that confidence is possible for all people! Join us each week on the FREE Method Podcast, as Registered Dietitian Dylan Murphy shares insightful tips and hosts meaningful conversations on topics such as intuitive eating, realistic motherhood, body image, wellness and so much more. Subscribe for a new episode each week and head to to learn more.

Did you know that Intuitive Eating is proven to improve your metabolism, self esteem and body image? Tune into today's episode to learn more about what Intuitive Eating is AND what it isn't. LINKS: Download our FREE Body Confidence Blueprint Follow Dylan on IG Follow FMN on IG

In today’s episode, I am joined by Tamar Samuels, a registered dietitian and co-founder of Culina Health. During our conversation, Tamar shares her journey to being a dietician, why more dieticians need to prioritize a care practice versus an education practice, removing guilt and shame from food, and maintaining flexibility in your mindset. In this episode, we cover: Tamar shares her journey into being a dietitian Care focus approach to dietetics Reframing food instead of demonizing it Aligning your habits and goals with your why Tips to overcome feeling discouraged Connect with Tamar: Tamar Instagram: @tamarsamuels.rd Culina Health Instagram: @culinahealth Facebook Business Page: LINKS: Download our FREE Body Confidence Blueprint Follow Dylan on IG Follow FMN on IG

Where does botox fall in the body image conversation? In today's episode, Dylan gives her opinion on the topic of botox and body image. Based on polls she put up on her Instagram page (@dylanmurphy.rd), she shares how your mom's body image impacts your own as well as the roll social media may play in your body image and desire for botox. Tune in to learn more! LINKS: Download our FREE Body Confidence Blueprint Follow Dylan on IG Follow FMN on IG

In today’s episode, I am joined by Blake Blankenbecler, a psychodynamic therapist, who specializes in anxiety, trauma, and eating disorders. She works with people to navigate adult friendships and how to show up as a better and more authentic friend. During our conversation, Blake shares why social structures and the education system impact the way we make friends as adults, why in a post-covid world we tend to be more hyper-aware and awkward, the idea of the “liking gap,” and how to create a safe space to eat what you want. In this episode, we cover: Blake shares her journey into private practice and a focus on friendships [3:48] What makes it hard to make friends as adults? [6:47] The “Liking Gap”: the connection between social anxiety, self-esteem, and COVID [10:03] How eating in social settings impacts our food choices and self-image [15:37] Practical ways to reframe your mindset and the way you view your body [20:42] Allowing people to see the deeper layers of yourself and...

In today's episode, Dylan answers a common question around food choices and grocery shopping - which one should I get? Organic vs. non-organic? All natural, does that matter? And the list goes on. There can be so much overwhelm with food decisions, and today's episode will give you a step towards clarity in your food decisions. LINKS: Download our FREE Body Confidence Blueprint Follow Dylan on IG Follow FMN on IG

In today’s episode, I am joined by Brittany Braswell, a wife, mama of two and a registered dietician and a recovery coach who is on a mission to help women struggling with disordered eating, and negative body image. She uses a faith centered approach to help her clients overcome the lies that they've been fed by diet culture, and replace them with spiritual truth to rediscover their God given identity. During our conversation, Brittany explains the difference between an eating disorder and disordered eating, how disordered eating sometimes meets a missing need in someone’s life, In this episode, we cover: Brittany shares how she became an RD within a faith based setting [3:03] The difference between an ED and disordered eating [4:58] Common struggles around distorted eating behavior [8:38] Why disordered eating patterns feel comforting [14:21] Navigating healing requires consistency and work [21:09] Small steps you can take towards your journey to recovery [30:29] Connect with Bri...

In today's episode, Dylan outlines the 4 types of hunger. You may be familiar with the first type, physical hunger, but maybe you didn't realized there were other types? Tune into today's episode to learn about the 4 types of hunger that we see when we are practicing Intuitive Eating. LINKS: Download our FREE Body Confidence Blueprint Follow Dylan on IG Follow FMN on IG

In today’s episode, I talk to Sammy Previte, a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Certified Personal Trainer, owner of Find Food Freedom, co-host of What The Actual Fork. During our conversation, Sammy shares her pregnancy journey, transitioning away from focusing on diet culture approaches and why health at every size does matter! In this episode, we cover: Sammy shares her journey to becoming an RD and her pregnancy journey [3:20] Transitioning away from a diet-centric approach [10:12] Taking the journey towards intuitive eating in RD [16:48] Celebrating wins away from size and weight [23:16] How to use social media without absorbing misinformation and getting triggered [26:42] Connect with Sammy: IG: LINKS: Download our FREE Body Confidence Blueprint Follow Dylan on IG Follow FMN on IG

Tune into today's episode to hear Dylan's honest on postpartum bounce back culture and how you can break free from it. LINKS: Download our FREE Body Confidence Blueprint Follow Dylan on IG Follow FMN on IG

In today’s episode, I talk to Alexis Joseph, a registered dietician who started a food blog back in 2011 called Hummusapien. In 2014 she cofounded a restaurant group right out of grad school that focuses on meal delivery services. When she’s not running her business she’s busy taking care of her beautiful baby boy! During our conversation, Alexis shares the struggles between being a mom and being an entrepreneur, the best lessons she has learned from motherhood, and why you should always be open to what the excitement the future holds! In this episode, we cover: Alexis shares more about herself and her career aspirations [3:02] The beautiful lessons of motherhood [7:11] Breastfeeding is a full-time job [16:25] Advice for future moms and the changes your body goes through [19:13] Be open to it being better than you imagined [24:28] You have other qualities about you in addition to being a mom [27:27] Connect with Alexis: IG: @hummusapien Website: LINKS...

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