Find your model health!

Find your model health!

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Biohacker, Certified Iridologist, Personal trainer, Pialtes instructor and Nutritional Therapist, specializing in orthomolecular nutrition, long term weight loss, female hormones, brain health and more ---- learn how to constantly stack conditions in your favor xo

Following up on our last episode titled "Candida revisited", what do you do if you are experiencing that very unfun itch that can come with a Candida (and even bacterial vaginosis) overgrowth? Well here are some simple tips ... check them out! As always, please like, share and subscribe if you haven't already.

In this episode we are revisiting yeast overgrowth, or Candida. We go in depth on the signs, symptoms, causes, testing and the steps to take on addressing Candida. Please let me know if I can help you at all around this topic. As always, please like share and subscribe if you have not already. :)

Time for some REAL TALK... some people are not being realistic at all on what is required, and what they need to do, to attain the health and body they want. Most people put in a half @$$ effort... if this is you then this is an episode you NEED to listen to. Its for your own good! And please like, share and subscribe if you haven't already - that's also for your own good. ;)

You may not think it but your circadian rhythm and the timing of your meals have a big influence on your metabolism and fat burning potential. Literally the timing of your meals could make or break your results. Take a listen to this newest podcast episode to find out what I mean. And please like, share and subscribe of you haven't already. ;)

I get asked about hair loss soooooooo often! I have lots of posts and content on this topic, but here is a quick episode to help you understand the connection between stress and hair loss on a more in depth level. Enjoy! And please, like, share and subscribe ;)

Have you heard about "Hair Mineral Analysis Testing" or HMAT? This form of testing gives us a look at your mineral levels, rations, heavy metal toxicity, and more, over a 3 month time frame, in a non invasive way. The results can then be used to start optimizing many different areas of health, including metabolism and thyroid. Want to find out more? Check out this episode of "Find your model health". Please share with anyone you feel would benefit from this information, and if you haven't subscribed to my podcast already, please do. ;)

You probably haven't heard of "G-flux" before but for some people, this may be key to speeding up the metabolism or healing a broken metabolism. G-flux pertains on Albert Einstein's idea that “Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted”... so if we signal the body in the correct ways using g-flux, we can convert the energy we consume to have a more desirable effect, and therefor a more desirable outcome when it comes to our body and health. Check out the episode to find out more!

Health is not just about our internal health, but the external too - that means our skin. Did you know your skin is a reflection of your gut health? Well it is, and I get a lot of questions (understandably) around skin health, especially for lose skin, wrinkles and breakouts. So, I hope you find this podcast super helpful and informative. As always, sharing is caring - please share with anyone you fell might find this information helpful. And if you haven't subscribed to my podcasts already, please do.

Do you or someone you know have issues with Iron deficiency or Anemia? Do you know the signs and symptoms to look out for? And what to do to address Iron deficiency and Anemia, including testing? Well if you would like to learn more about this very common topic, then take a listen to this new podcast episode. And feel free to share with anyone you feel may benefit.

Hot flashes? Annoying right?! Most of us women are going to experience hot flashes and night sweats at least once in our lives, if your lucky you will experience them more! ;) So what are hot flashes and what can we do about them? They don't have to "be", did you know that? Check out this new podcast episode to find out more! Please share with anyone you think might benefit from this information and of course please subscribe to my podcast if you haven't already.

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